Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 352: The Unexpected Factor! Very Close Odds! Who Is The Ultimate Winner?

The duel between Su Bai and Meiri Jiujiro is at its peak!

Neither side has any reservations, no reservations!

Su Bai's Tianyuanjie army, the whole army was dispatched.

The monster army under Meiri Jiujiro also exploded with the most powerful power zone.

At least until this moment, no one can be completely sure.

Who will win this battle!

The advantage of Su Bai lies in the accumulation of accumulation!

Tianyuanjie has developed so far, with the help of the simulator time and time again.

He already has an incredible and unrepeatable accumulation.

After all, only he has the simulator, and no one else has it.

If there are no other factors, even a proud man like Mei Ri Jiujiro.

When facing Su Bai, there is still no chance of winning!

But accidents are ubiquitous, on the battlefield of international leagues.

There is even a huge unexpected factor of "660"!

This unexpected factor is the control center that is almost impossible to find!

Find the control center, and you can control the monster house on the Tower of Babylon battlefield.

This point was discovered by many contestants during the competition.

But at the moment of the finals, the only person to do this is Umehi Kujiro.

The point is, this kind of small probability event, really let him do it!

After taking control of the control center, Meiri Jiujiro's comprehensive strength can already be 50-50 with Su Bai!

"Teachers, classmates."

"This is the campus channel of Silver Moon University, welcome back."

"As you can see, this international league has come to an end."

"After the duel between Su Bai and Umehi Kujiro."

"The champion of this international league will be born.

"This international league is very intense, exciting and incredible.

"Then, Concubine Ling."

"What do you think of the final duel between Su Bai and Meiri Kujiro?"

"Who will win?"

As soon as Chen Zheyan started, he tortured Concubine Ling's soul.

After all, up to now, Mei Li has always occupied a special advantage.

He gained control of the control center!

This means that there are endless battlefield monsters fighting for him!

"It goes without saying."

"Of course it's classmate Su Bai."

"It must be classmate Su Bai!"

"There is no reason and no cause.

"The winner of this international league is definitely Su Bai."

Facing Chen Zheyan's soul torture, Concubine Ling used the unreasonable skills of women.

Anyway, she firmly believes that on the stage of this international joint exhibition.

The final winner must be Su Bai.

"Okay okay."

"Emotionally, I absolutely support Bai.

"But analyze it from the data."

"Su Bai has a 50.01% chance of winning, and Umehi Kujiro has a 49.99% chance of winning.

"The data we have collected is relatively limited."

"From the data analysis we collected."

"Now the winning percentage of the two is very close."

"That is to say, whoever has not used the more hole cards.

"Then his chances of winning next may be even greater."

Chen Zheyan announced a very important data.

This data comes from the School of Tactical Analysis at Silvermoon University.

It can be said that this data is very authoritative and relatively reliable.

Before Su Bai dealt with other world masters, he basically swept and crushed them and killed them randomly.

There are very few world masters who can compete with Su Bai.

Before controlling the control center of the Tower of Babylon battlefield, Meiri Jiujiro did not dare to fight Su Bai.

But now, the battle between Su Bai and Meiri Jiujiro has become anxious.

The commentary from Sakura Country is obviously not as objective as Silver Moon University.

"My lords!"

"Everyone has seen that Mr. Nine Times has completely reversed the disadvantage."

"What does this mean?"

"It shows that Mr. Jiuci is very clear that preserving strength is the greatest victory."

"So in the previous battles, Mr. Lang did not show his true strength nine times."

"The Ninth Lord is now starting to really exert his strength, and he has gained the control center Gad.

"This time in the international league, the nine-time master has already pre-ordered the championship trophy!"

"Let us cheer for Mr. Nine Times!"

After the voice of the commentator of the country of cherry blossoms fell, countless floating screens appeared on the commentary channel of the country of cherry blossoms.

"Young Lord Nine Times, you must win!"

"Must win! Must win! Must win!"

"Nine time prince, the crown of the international league belongs only to you!"

"Nine Times Lord, Baga!"

"Jiujiro, forever God..."

"Mr. Jiuci, it's snowing!"

When the floating screen became more and more outrageous, the commentator also spoke immediately.

"My lords!"

"Quality, quality, quality!"

"Please don't swear at people on the floating screen, and don't say Ulla."

The Sakura Country commentator spoke with a very headache.

However, no matter what the commentaries of the two sides said, the final result of the match was decided jointly by Su Ri and Umehi Kujiro.

Mei Ri Jiujiro now felt unprecedented pressure.

"This guy, why is he so strong?"

"Is he also the world lord who focuses on strengthening the world lord himself?"

"There's no reason!"

Mei Rijiujiro kept wielding his double swords, and strings of sparks kept blooming in his double swords.

From the beginning of the Great War to the present, he has been suppressed by Su Bai.

This is also because he is the world lord who focuses on strengthening the world lord himself.

If it were any other world lord, Su Bai would have already split him as a watermelon.


Su Bai kept waving the long sword in his hand, and he fell with one sword after another, causing Mei Rijiujiro to retreat steadily.


Mei Rijiujiro, Ba Bu kept retreating.

After seizing the opportunity, he immediately attacked wildly.

The blades of his hands rotate like flying in this process.

He is also extremely fast, playing a set of Su Bai.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!"

Meiri Jiujiro has almost mastered the sword skills of all the sword masters in Sakura Country.

They were all used in this battle.

But it didn't work. 3.4, Su Bai, who was facing him, was incredibly powerful.

If it weren't for his own strength, it would be very terrifying.

There may even be a situation where 25 sets of military punches were received and 18 cuts were made.

On the other side, the battle of Godzilla is also very exciting.

The opposite of Godzilla is also a very classic monster.

This kind of monster seems to be some kind of alien, and their appearance is like a giant crayfish standing upright.

Under Meiri Jiujiro's command, there are a lot of such monsters.

Not only such monsters, but also many silvery metallic titans.

On Su Bai's side, Godzilla and Mothra are fighting these monsters.

In addition to Godzilla and Mothra, Alice also participated in the battle.

The current mechanical god seat is also a giant mecha mode.

It's just that the manipulator is not Su Bai, but Alice.

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