Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 464 County Magistrate Ma's Self-Blame, Netizens Respond Fiercely

Su Bai is still coaxing Chi Lansu, and Mr. Zheng has finished the interview.

A reporter wanted Su Bai to be interviewed as well.

Magistrate Ma felt sorry for Mr. Zheng and Su Bai, and asked them to take risks.

Now the county magistrate is very active, and someone immediately called Su Bai over.

Su Bai didn't want to say too much at first, so he answered two questions casually, briefly expressing his willingness to go in and check the situation, and then wanted to leave.

The magistrate grabbed Su Bai and told the reporter: "Su Bai and Mr. Zheng are the glory of our city, and they are also the role models for all the world masters in our city.

"The interior of this different world is very dangerous. They don't care about personal comfort and take risks."

"All the people in Guangcheng will remember the dedication and contribution of the two of you."

These words are purely good words, and there is no nutrition in 790.

But there is one thing, this is also an official recognition of Su Bai's contribution.

In fact, it was more of a little guilt in the county magistrate's heart after he agreed with them to go in, and he wanted to try his best to make up for it.

After County Magistrate Ma finished speaking, he personally sent the two of them to the exit and said, "Don't take too many risks."

Su Bai turned his head and smiled, and said, "County Ma, actually, you don't have to blame yourself, we were the ones who went in voluntarily, and it has nothing to do with you."

The truth is this truth.

But this matter is now that they have to give an explanation, and they should investigate.

They have no ability and can only apply with the above.

The application time is too long.

Magistrate Ma is also worried about accidents.

That's why Mr. Zheng and Su Bai were allowed to go in.

Logically speaking, they should block the entrance to the alien world now, and then hand over the authority to their superiors.

In this way, County Magistrate Ma dropped the responsibility for oversight.

Magistrate Ma agreed, because he wanted to avoid the responsibility of the medical examiner.

If Mr. Zheng and Su Bai fail to come out, someone will definitely investigate, and eventually they will find out why he didn't block the other world.

Magistrate Ma is now a little bit self-blaming and ashamed.

Elder Zheng also said: "County Ma, I'm already old, I know what to do, you don't need to feel guilty.

"Su Bai is a rare genius in Guangcheng, as long as I am still alive, I will protect him all the time (bfac)."

Mayor Ma nodded: "Su Bai, Mr. Zheng, thank you."

Su Bai smiled lightly, and Mr. Zheng gave a "huh".

When the two turned around and entered a different world, this scene was broadcast live by countless reporters.

At this time, the Internet has turned upside down.

"Su Bai is a hero, how can you let him take risks?"

"That is, the hero has not paid much for us?"

"This county magistrate is a waste, and he can't do anything well.

"The question now is why there is such an uncontrollable situation in Guangcheng."

"I've read all the reports, and several people went in before, and it's obviously dangerous inside. Why hasn't Guangcheng blocked the entrance, waiting for experts to investigate.

"If the old man and Su Bai don't come out, I'll go to Guangcheng and dump shit at the gate of this magistrate every day."

Magistrate Ma knows about online comments.

If something happens, even if the higher authorities don't investigate, these people on the Internet probably won't make him feel better.

Although he is the head of a county, he naturally has greater rights than most people.

But what he can control is only this county, and he can't control people in other places.

For County Magistrate Ma, his pressure is also very great.

If one is bad, there will be big trouble. .

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