Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 471 Missile Bombing, Xuan Xiao Zhan Kongjian Guards One Side

Su Bai is also not interested in other people's affairs.

His goal is very clear, that is the crystal energy.

As long as he can get crystal energy, he doesn't care about other things.

The two set off on the road.

Their army is advancing very fast.

There is a big difference between the small world army and the previous ones.

In previous wars, it was all about logistics and the supply of food and grass.

The army of the small world has no "980" concerns in this regard.

Therefore, the marching speed is extremely fast, and the distance of more than two hundred kilometers has been reached in less than half an hour.

When they were more than 30 kilometers away from the small bunker, missiles flew towards them overwhelmingly.

Boss Zheng shouted, and a team of magicians began to cast magic.

Mr. Zheng's army cooperated very well.

There are those who specialize in using large-scale protective shields together. The shield's defense range is extremely large, and it can directly protect all the troops.

At the same time, some magicians soared into the sky, using magic attacks to detonate those missiles in the air.

The Tianyuan army's countermeasures are similar.

The difference is probably that the methods of the Tianyuan army are more diversified.




The sound of explosions was endless, but it did not cause any actual damage to Su Bai and the others.

Su Bai has already begun to order: "Godzilla, Mothra, you two are the vanguard, and Wukong leads the Saiyan team to rush in.

Mr. Zheng was not slow to react, and immediately sent a team of magicians to play forward.

The goal of the striker is not to destroy the small bunker thirty miles ahead.

It's about keeping them from attacking.

As long as their missiles are not released, the United Civil Law army and Tianyuan army can advance quickly.

Su Bai watched the scene uploaded in real time on the video.

Godzilla has a violent temper, and when he goes up, he just smashes it.

The robots are all very tall, and their buildings will naturally not return.

There are buildings hundreds of meters high at every turn, reaching directly into the sky.

However, in the eyes of Godzilla, these things are just a bunch of sandbags for boxing.

Punch down.

A building more than two hundred meters high was broken by it.

Mothra is not far behind.

His attacks aren't as violent as Godzilla's, though.

After all, Mothra is more inclined to support.

Goku led the Saiyan army, covered by some Godzilla and Mothra, and almost went straight to Huanglong

Zheng Lao's magician striker has also achieved good results.

Going up is a large-scale magic attack.

The fire rain of the fire system, the yellow ice storm of the ice system

Almost covered half of the fortress.

The fort was destroyed to pieces.

All missile launch bases were also destroyed.

When Su Bai and Zheng Lao's army arrived, the small fortress had been completely destroyed.

Su Bai didn't say much, took out Xuan Xiao's Zhan Kong Sword, calculated the position, and rose into the air.

With a light shout, the long sword in Su's hand turned into a stream.


The streamer passed through the ground and made a loud noise.

The long sword went straight into the ground.

"Is that all right?" Mr. Zheng was a little surprised.

Su Bai nodded 0.0: It's ok!"

He has simulated this dozens of times, and he will never make a mistake.

Mr. Zheng obviously had no hope for this thing, and he didn't ask any more questions.

Su Bai was also afraid that this thing would be taken out by robots, so he specially asked Alice to lead the zombie army to guard here.

In fact, the zombie army certainly cannot defend the large-scale attack of robots.

But Su Bai is going to attack their big steel fortress soon, and they don't have time to take care of this side. .

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