Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 493 Tianyuanjie Scores, All Structures Are Unreasonable

After more than ten minutes, the architectural plan was given out. The whole plan has hundreds of thousands of words and many pictures.

Su Bai also didn't have time to read: "You can sum it up for me."

Intelligent AI said: "According to the test, 100 is the full score, and your world score is 67 points, which is 12 points higher than the average."

Su Bai was stunned by the first sentence.

67 points just passed, not much more than ah.

Is this above average?

"Are you sure?" Su Bai couldn't help asking.

Intelligent AI said: "We have data on billions of world masters, and we have conducted sampling investigations, and there will be no mistakes."

"Okay! You continue!" Su Bai was very curious about what the world would be like if he could reach 100 points.

Intelligent AI said: "Your world continent structure is unreasonable, all your races are not very cold-resistant races, but you have 11% of the extremely cold land.

"This part of the land has not been utilized."

"The layout of the water area is unreasonable, and there is a lack of water areas for low-level evolution."

"The distribution of the five continents is unreasonable, and the middle continent is too large and in the center.

"Agricultural resources are irrational...."

"Mineral resources are unreasonable...."

Su Bai was speechless. In his eyes, there was no reasonable place in his own world.

After listening to his report, Su Bai asked: "According to your plan, how many points can Minecraft reach?"

The intelligent AI replied: "81 points, because your world lacks some needed resources."

"Single-race resource evaluation, the resources of the machine race can reach 100 points, and the resources of the Saiyans reach 88 points, they occupy the best place.

"Other race resources rated between 50-63."

Su Bai thought for a moment and asked, "Would it be better if I gave up farming and animal husbandry completely?"

Intelligent AI said: "If you can guarantee that you are always in Blue Star, you will naturally be able to free up more places and resources to improve your strength.

"If one day you have no way to supplement food from the outside world, all races in the Tian Yuan Realm that need food will be extinct."

This seems to make sense.

Except for some races that don't eat, such as the mechanical race, other races can't afford to be so hungry!

Su Bai took a look at the data of his own world, and first simulated it with a simulator.

Because the simulation is so simple, it's easy to see the end result.

And the result really lived up to expectations. The world that was originally just for maintaining daily expenses, after the completion of the transformation, actually began to produce the remaining resources of the Emperor.

These resources are money!

Take it out and sell it without worrying about selling it.

With the result, Su Bai did not hesitate to choose to adjust the coma according to the plan given in "Yuanchu".

Su Bai couldn't help but sigh, this thing is really against the sky, it is simply a world layout plan adjuster.

If you want to help anyone adjust in the future, that's fine, as long as you have data.

It takes a long time (no money) for Tianyuan Realm to adjust.

In reality, you have to wait at least ten days, after all, there are too many things involved.

Suddenly, Su Bai thought of a question.

Why does the country give itself this instrument.

It stands to reason that even if the country wants to help itself, it can just take its own data and give itself a suitable structure and plan.

It doesn't make sense to give yourself the instruments that produce architecture and solutions!

This instrument is almost equivalent to a plug-in. .

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