Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 501 The Student Video Is On Fire, And The School Gate Is Full Of Reporters

The entire No. 3 Middle School did not have classes today, and everyone gathered in the auditorium.

Camera, photography, three-dimensional projection video, all arranged in place.

Many students took out their own devices and began to take pictures and leave messages, and many students posted on the Internet about Su Bai's speech at school.

No matter what it is now, as long as you put the word "Su Bai", within ten minutes, there will be a lot of impressions and readings immediately.

In "113", a classmate proudly showed off to his classmates: "Look, it took only ten minutes to post, 5,000 likes, and more than 1,000 comments."

"I posted it too, why are there only a few hundred likes and only a few dozen comments."

"It's almost the same, we all post the same, it's impossible for them all to become popular.

On the Internet, many people are commenting.

"Bai Shen is really easy to talk to, now that there are so many people wanting to invite him, he is actually willing to spend a day in school giving a speech.

"There is a senior in our high school who has made some achievements. He is far inferior to Baishen. He only went to school and gave a lecture for ten minutes, and he even charged money."

"Which school is this? I want to go to this school too."

"You don't even know this? Guangcheng No. 3 Middle School, Baishen's alma mater."

Su Bai was able to get the title of "White God" because when he got "Yuan Chu", many people said that he was going to become a god.

Later, some people called him "Su Dashen", and some people thought that "Su Dashen" was a bit like "Dancing God", so they changed their names to "Su Shen" and "Bai Shen".

After a day of fermentation, "White God" gradually gained the upper hand, and it became everyone's name for Su Bai.

Students are still discussing enthusiastically, and they are always paying attention online.

Journalists with a keen sense of smell also got the news.

Knowing through the student video that Su Bai will stay in the No. 3 Middle School for a day, without saying a word, he took the equipment and went straight to the No. 3 Middle School.

Just as the speech was about to start, the school security captain hurried to find the principal: "Principal, there are many reporters outside the door, and some spectators.

"Stop them!" The principal hurriedly said, "Su Bai doesn't like to show off very much, so I deliberately didn't notify the reporter."

"I can't stop it!" said the security captain, "There are hundreds of people.

The principal was taken aback: "Why are there so many people?"

The security captain said: "Many students posted messages online, which were seen by reporters."

"During this time, there was a different world, and the governor came to Guangcheng, and the structure of "Yuanchu" was given to Su Bai..."

"All these things came together, and many reporters came to Guangzhou."

"As soon as the student's video was posted, they all knew about it, and the reporter was worried that they couldn't find any news. y

So it all came together. "

The principal was furious: "Who posted the video, let them delete it immediately, and find those students for me.

The security captain can't control the students now: "Principal, what should we do at the gate? There are only a dozen of us, so we can't stop them!"

"You stop for a while, and I'll find a solution right away." The principal turned around and called the dean over, asking him to find out all the students who posted the video.

In less than five minutes, the students with the most popular videos were called by 1.8 to the backstage for training.

These students all lowered their heads and did not dare to make a sound.

They didn't think much at first, even if they were trained, they didn't understand.

Reporters come as soon as they come.

Besides, wouldn't it be better to come?

That happens to make the third middle school famous, that's a good thing.

They couldn't understand why the principal was so nervous. .

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