Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 503 Zhuang Xiaolan's Perseverance, Su Bai's Righteous Words

The originally planned speech time had no choice but to back off.

Chi Lansu used to be very popular in school, and because he was a student leader, he often had to deal with student leaders of other ages, so there were still many classmates he knew in school.

After a while, I saw a classmate who was a grade lower than her, and went to chat with the classmate.

At that time, Su Bai had only a few good friends in school, and those in the lower grades did not know each other.

Su Bai randomly sat down in a corner where there were few people and was not easy to be noticed, and then took out the materials of "Yuanchu" to look through.

"Su Bai!" came a crisp and naughty voice.

Su Bai sounded familiar, but when he turned around, it was Zhuang Xiaolan.

Objectively speaking, Zhuang Xiaolan is actually not bad looking, she is considered a little beauty and has a nice voice.

But the contrived look on her body really disgusted Su Bai.

"Go away!" Su Bai ordered unceremoniously.

Zhuang Xiaolan deliberately searched the Internet after returning home last night.

Originally, she didn't have the guts to approach Su Bai again, fearing that Su Bai would be really angry.

But many people on the Internet say that when a man rejects you, it's not because he doesn't want to, but because he can't save face or consider gains and losses.

After a night of research, Zhuang Xiaolan felt that Su Bai had both.

Even if he couldn't save his face, he was also afraid that his reputation would be affected if something got out.

In order to make Su Bai not burdened, she has already thought of countermeasures.

"Su Bai, don't be angry, I won't eat you again." Zhuang Xiaolan walked up to Su Bai as she said.

It's winter now, although the school uniforms of the No. 3 Middle School are made of high-tech materials, which are very good at keeping warm, you still need to wear two.

Zhuang Xiaolan is wearing an autumn long-sleeved school uniform, which is a long-sleeved T-shirt with two buttons on the neckline.

The outside is a zipped winter school uniform.

She deliberately undid the two buttons of the autumn school uniform inside, then bent down, deliberately letting Su Bai see the inside of her clothes at a glance.

She just went to the bathroom to take off her underwear.

Su Bai didn't have the heart to look at her, but she was so obvious that even if she didn't want to look, she could still see her at a glance.

Su Bai got up, frowned and said, "Zhuang Xiaolan, did I give you face?"

Zhuang Xiaolan felt that she was not "hard enough" and rubbed against Su Bai: "Su Bai, I really like you.

"I know you have a good relationship with your cousin, and I don't want to destroy your relationship."

"I can be with you secretly, and I will never become a stumbling block in your relationship."

"As long as you want, no matter day or night, if you say a word, I will immediately put down everything and appear by your side.

~At home, when it’s just the two of us, I can do whatever my cousin doesn’t want to do.

"Also, I would absolutely never tell anyone about our relationship."

Such a straightforward "confession" may not be able to resist the temptation for ordinary people.

Especially Zhuang Xiaolan is also considered a beauty.

She kept her posture so low again.

Her figure is indeed very good, especially at the first glance, (De Nuo Zhao) Su Bai has to admit that she has a lot of capital.

Su Bai pushed Zhuang Xiaolan away: "Get lost!"

Zhuang Xiaolan fell to the ground and was a little dazed for a while, she didn't know what was wrong with her.

I have taken the initiative so much, why is Su Bai unwilling.

"Su Bai, why are you unwilling to accept me?" Zhuang Xiaolan looked at Su Bai with teary eyes: "Although I am not as beautiful as my cousin, I have a better figure than her, and I am willing to do anything for you."

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