Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 506 The Headmaster's Instructions, The Speech Begins, And The Site Is A Sensation

The principal deliberately took two steps behind, and said to Xiao Yunyi: "Xiao Yunyi, you have a good relationship with Su Bai and Chi Lansu, and you are also close to each other. After the speech is over, I will accompany them around the school .”

Xiao Yunyi didn't take it seriously because she was sick in her heart. She felt that the principal cared too much.

Xiao Yunyi probably guessed why the principal did this, and reminded: "Principal, I think Senior Su and Senior Chi are quite nice people, so we don't need to be so polite."

The principal's consideration of "Three Zero Three" is naturally not as simple as Xiao Yunyi: "You are still young, so you don't understand these things."

"We don't seek meritorious service, but seek no faults."

"If it's too casual, it's too negligent."

"Will Su Bai be unhappy in his heart? Or will he be unhappy in the future?"

"Those things have to be considered."

"If our school has another talent in the future, and we want to invite him back, what standard should we use to entertain him?"

"If the specification is too high, Yin Bai will not be happy."

"The standard is low, will the people invited later be unhappy?"

"And what do people outside say about our hospitality specifications?"

These things have to be considered a lot, and we dare not leave any loopholes for ourselves that may go wrong.

Xiao Yunyi felt that these were not problems, but she did not dare to confront the principal directly, and nodded obediently: "Understood, after the speech is over, I will go to accompany Senior Su and Senior Sister Chi.

The presentation will begin shortly.

Su Bai was also taken aback when he saw the people on the playground.

The crowd of onlookers was much larger than the students, probably more than 2,000 people.

The reporters set up "long guns and short cannons" and were already filming, and some even started live broadcasting.

The principal stepped onto the podium and began to make an opening remark.

Next came Su Bai.

Su Bai had already prepared his speech.

Manuscripts are actually words of kindness and encouragement to students.

"Hello, teachers, classmates, friends from the press, as well as guests and friends."

A simple greeting.

Immediately caused a sensation in the audience.



"White God..."

"I love you... White God..."

Su Bai was taken aback for a moment, he would pay attention to his own news online at first.

After all, when he first became famous, Su Bai was a little excited and novel.

After that freshness, I feel boring.......

So he didn't know that the Internet gave himself a new title, called "White God".

The school teacher hurriedly maintained order: "Quiet!"

"All be quiet!"

"Stop taking pictures with your phone and sit down.

However, the students completely let themselves go.

After finally calming down the students on this side, the students on the other side started booing again.

Turn around and call to stop over there, this side is crazy again.

In addition, there are outside audiences shouting, and the teacher can't control it.

For a time, the whole venue was almost in chaos.

A lot of people were still broadcasting live, and there was an uproar on the Internet.

"I really envy them that they can watch Baishen's speech live."

"I want to go too.

"Haha...I'm already on my way, and I can see Baishen on Ma 0.1."

"Bai Shen is so handsome!"

"I want to be Baishen's girlfriend."

"You're a fart, there are too many people who want to be Baishen's girlfriend."

"That's right, look at my profile picture, it's me, I'm much prettier than you."

"Is beauty edible? It depends on strength. Baishen is still studying at the fifth level of Dzogchen, and his future is immeasurable. What level are you?"

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