Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 508 The Principal's Worries, Three Netizen Questions

The principal knows the relationship between Su Bai and Chi Lansu, but not their specific situation.

But he is very clear that if Su Bai discloses the relationship, it is hard to say what impact it will have.

There are many things that Su Bai has no way to start with, so they may turn around and start with Chi Lansu.

This can be regarded as the principal's consideration for Su Bai.

The reporters are actually very satisfied now, hearing that Su Bai himself admitted that he has a girlfriend.

This is already breaking news.

And for the next itinerary, they will definitely follow.

Just as everyone was transferring, the principal hurried to find the dean: "Notify the head teachers of each class and ask them to bring the students back to the class and tell them not to talk nonsense about Su Bai's relationship with the reporter."

"Don't tell what you know, and don't spread rumors if you don't know."

"Once found out, he will be fired immediately."

The teaching director hurried to arrange the implementation.

Su Bai's trip back to school was basically broadcast live, attracting the attention of millions of people.

The students were dragged back by the teacher and instructed to lecture, and Bai had to accept boring interviews.

A reporter was clever and organized a poll on the Internet to see what netizens wanted to ask the most.

Hundreds of thousands of people immediately participated.

There were ten questions, the first one was about cultivation, which was supported by almost half of the people.

The reporter immediately showed Su Bai the voting results of hundreds of thousands of people: "Mr. Su, can you answer the questions about netizens voting?"?"

"Just go back to the first three."

Su Bai took a look.

The first question is: how does Baishen cultivate.

The second question is: Baishen has a girlfriend, when is he going to get married.

The third question is: Will you participate in the Global University Small World Competition?

Su Bai felt that these three questions were nothing, so it was fine to answer them.


Reporters All reporters stopped asking questions and waited for Bai to answer.

Su Bai said: "My small world can develop so fast, and I have to answer it in many ways."

"First of all, I dare not say how good my talent is. When I awakened, the overall condition was average."

"The small world even threatened to collapse at one point."

"But I was lucky, the small world quickly gave birth to life.

"My small world can be bred not only by luck, but also by observation."

"Make the right choices at different times."

"Many people choose to gamble when they are developing, and as long as the interests are big enough, they dare to give it a go. In the end, the development of the small world is slow.

"This kind of thinking is actually wrong. At this time, we can make good use of mathematical knowledge and calculate the probability."

~ There is hard work, which is indispensable. "

"There is a lot to talk about working hard. I will briefly talk about some of my own views..."

This thing can talk a lot.

But in the final analysis, the development of the small world is really not something that can be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

It's not something anyone can teach.

Except that Su Bai didn't talk about the simulator, in other respects, he did and thought so.

The National People's Congress (Nuo Zhao's) on the Internet feels that they have gained valuable experience.

"Thank you Baishen for your guidance!"

"Bai Shen is generous, tell us the truth."

The reporter passed the netizen's message to Su Bai for a look: "Mr. Su, the netizen is thanking you for sharing your experience.

Su Bai read the comments and felt a little surprised.

These people have no sense of discrimination at all. No matter what department his small world is developed in, and no matter whether what Su Bai says is useful to him, he feels good and wants to learn from Su Bai. .

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