Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 527 Reach Proxima Centauri! Human Teleportation Platform!

After the soldiers of the small world die, there are only two ways to replenish them.

The first is to let the small world enter a stable development period and reproduce naturally.

The soldiers of the small world are also creatures, and it takes time for them to reproduce.

It usually takes more than ten or twenty years of small world time.

For a small number of special races, one or two years is enough.

The lower the level, the slower the time in the small world. One day in the real world is only one, two or three days in the small world.

If the small world takes twenty years to recover, the real world also takes seven to ten years.

And for some powerful world masters, the time in the small world is very fast. Usually one day outside, the time in the small world is already several months, or even a year.

For the real world, 20 years is 30, that is, dozens of days, and the recovery is very fast.

A world lord who graduated from a top academy like Silvermoon Academy, even if his ability is second, can stand up to many Common soldiers.

After arriving at Proxima Centauri through the quantum teleportation array, as soon as I walked out, I saw a group of soldiers standing outside.

The leader was a lieutenant general: "Mr. Su, Ms. Shen, and Ms. Chi, welcome three."

"My name is Chen Qinghe, you can find me if you need anything in the future."

Several people shook hands and greeted each other.

Su Bai glanced around.

This is a newly constructed platform, probably covering an area of ​​20 square kilometers.

The entire platform is suspended in the dark universe.

There are many heavy weapon defenses around, if something attacks, you can react immediately.

The platform is also guarded by troops.

Other than that, it's probably supplies.

Chen Qinghe said: "Should the three go to the dormitory first or go around first?"

Su Bai glanced at Shen Hongling, and said: "Let's go around first, to understand the situation.

"Okay!" Chen Qinghe led the three of them around the platform: "This platform is the earliest transmission platform we built, and there will be a freight platform under construction one hundred kilometers away."

"Our war department headquarters is established two hundred kilometers ahead, and there is a special quantum teleportation array, which has not been announced to the public.

"These three platforms form a triangle."

"Besides, there is a quantum teleportation array fifty thousand kilometers away."

"There is also one 600,000 kilometers away."

"There are a total of more than a dozen teleportation arrays currently under construction, and the construction exclusive to the silver and college is the fastest."

Chen Qinghe took the three of them aboard the space battleship, and went to several other teleportation bases to check the situation.

The cargo teleportation base is different from the teleporter's.

The volume of cargo is larger, but there is no need to consider biological transmission, so the construction technology is not developing towards refinement, but towards a large direction.

Today, a large number of resources have been discovered near Proxima Centauri.

For humans, that is a reserve.

The battlefield is 137 miles west of the base, five million kilometers away.

It is said that it is the west, but in fact, it is not easy to calculate the direction in the universe, because there is no magnetic field on the blue star, and the observation of the stars in the sky is not accurate, and it is more distinguished by coordinates.

After visiting all the surrounding bases, the group went directly to the base.

They live in the base for a day and have to go to the battlefield five million kilometers away.

Two million kilometers sounds like a lot, but in space, this distance is really too close. As long as the front line is lost, within three days, all human bases near the neighboring galaxy will be destroyed.

Even if human beings are teleported, it must be a dead end.

The Zerg may even directly counterattack Blue Star through the quantum teleportation array. .

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