Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 541: Lack Of Experience! Shocking Shen Hongling's Little Trick!

The onlookers couldn't help feeling sorry: "Chi Lansu has no experience, otherwise he might have won.

"If those lasers hit Yang Ze just now, even if they couldn't win directly, they could still seriously damage Yang Ze."

"It's a pity!"

Lei Ting was a little unhappy when he heard that, and said coldly: "Battle experience is also strength.

"You have no experience, no matter how powerful you are, if you lose to others in the end, you deserve it.

"On the battlefield "647", the enemy will not give you a chance."

Su Bai watched the situation nervously.

Always be ready to call a stop.

It doesn't matter if you lose this competition, Chi Lansu must not have any accidents.

This is the minimum requirement for Su Bai.

The situation of the competition is changing rapidly, Chi Lansu and Yang Ze should both be at the fifth level in the world.

It is even possible that Yang Ze's is higher.

But Chi Lan has always been protected by armor, which is equivalent to having an indestructible shell.

As long as you find an opportunity, give Yang Ze a hard time.

Chi Lansu also had a few chances, and these few chances were only for one second, or even half a second.

The time was too short, and Chi Lansu, who was inexperienced in combat, couldn't grasp it.

Shen Hongling said: "Chi Lansu has many opportunities, but she lacks experience, so she will definitely lose if this continues."

Su Bai asked: "Are you absolutely sure of answering Gu Yiyun?"

Shen Hongling said: "Gu Yiyun can definitely win, but Lei Ting, I'm only 60% sure.

"I'll deal with Thunder!" Su Bai said: "As long as you win Gu Yiyun, it doesn't matter if we lose the first game."

"Can you beat Thunder?" Shen Hongling was taken aback.

Su Bai handed Shen Hongling a piece of iron: "What is this?"

"Suppressing iron, one of the strongest metals." Shen Hongling said.

It's not really that difficult to cast iron.

It is an alloy obtained by adding common iron ore to a special component in the universe.

Dull iron is very difficult to split, so it is used for armor in many places.

Su Bai lightly raised his hand, and the steel rail split into two.

Shen Hongling was taken aback: "How did you do it?"

"I'll let you know when this competition is over," Su Bai said.

"This couldn't have been broken in the first place, right?" Shen Hongling was still a little puzzled.

"You can find something else to try," Su Bai said.

Shen Hongling took out a second piece of iron from her own small world, which she had repeatedly confirmed that there was no problem: "Don't bang the iron, I will give you ten seconds to 0.."

Just as Shen Hongling spoke, the iron bars broke again.

"It's not a high-end approach," Su Bai said.

Shen Hongling took a deep look at Su Bai: "I underestimated you before, I'm sorry!"

Su Bai was a little taken aback, he didn't expect Shen Hongling to apologize to himself: "Ah...it's okay!"

"I hope you are not lying to me." Shen Hongling said: "We must win this match.

When the two were talking, Chi Lansu's side also became heated.

Chi Lansu's battle armor has already had defects.

Su Bai knew at a glance that Chi Lansu's spare nanomaterials had been used up.

If you continue to fight, Chi Lansu will lose his protection, and the danger will be 4.9.

Obviously, Chi Lansu also realized this.

A smile also appeared on Yang Ze's face, he is just waiting for this result now.

As long as Chi Lansu is consumed again, he will win.

Chi Lansu didn't want to wait until that time, and immediately blocked Yang Ze's retreat with missiles.

She rushed towards Yang Ze herself, and at the same time Zhan Shen opened fire. .

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