Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 547 The Answer That Surprised Shen Hongling, Gu Yiyun Visited

Su Bai smiled and said nothing.

After the three of Su Bai left, the onlookers started discussing immediately.

"What method did Su Bai use?"

"Did not see it!"

"I shot stereo projection, who wants it?"

"Brother, pass me a copy!"

"Hey.... If you want it, you can give me the money!"

"You are so treacherous, it all costs money."

"Hey...you are the eunuch.'

What method is used by Su Bai who is discussing here.

On the other side, Shen Hongling was also very curious about how Su Bai hurt Lei Ting.

"Su Bai, what is your method of hurting Lei Ting?"

Then, Shen Hongling added another sentence: "If it's not convenient to say it, then forget it.

Su Bai said lightly: "There is no inconvenience, it has the same technology as the set of armor given to you."

"Nanotechnology?" Shen Hongling immediately responded.

Immediately, Shen Hongling shook his head: "Impossible, even if you use nanotechnology to make very sharp lines, he won't be able to detect it, and it's impossible to hurt him even if he hurts him.

Su Bai said: "Remember the way I cut off the iron? It's the same way I hurt Thunder."

"Actually Thunder is very powerful. If I didn't use Nanoworms, I wouldn't be able to beat him so easily."

"Instead of nanowires, I'm using nanoworms.

"It's sort of like an offensive robot."

Shen Hongling was taken aback: "Nano robot? Can it be controlled?"

"Almost!" Su Bai said, "As long as it's small enough, the World Lord won't care."

"It's like water molecules and hydrogen in the air, do you care?"

Shen Hongling was even more shocked, without much common sense, even bacteria in nature, when they are so young, their structure is not very complicated.

Such a small robot is still artificially manufactured.

The difficulty can be imagined.

Shen Hongling took a deep look at Su Bai: "I underestimated you before."

"It's okay!" Su Bai didn't care about this, and changed the topic, and said: "But your previous attitude really made me a little upset.

Shen Hongling froze for a moment and apologized again: "I'm sorry!"

Su Bai smiled slightly: "There is no need to apologize, we are on the same front now."

Shen Hongling also smiled: "En!"

Just as Su Bai arrived at his residence, Gu Yiyun came.

"Su Bai!" Gu Yiyun stood at the door without entering.

Su Bai knew why Gu Yiyun came here: "Take out the body of your hell three-headed dog!"

Gu Yiyun immediately took out the corpse of the hell three-headed dog: "Su Bai, if you really help me revive the hell three-headed dog, I owe you a favor, no matter what conditions you ask in the future, I will agree."

Su Bai took out a drop of life energy: "Okay, I will remember what you said, but now I don't have anything to ask you to do for me.

"Take it out!"

193 Gu Yiyun immediately took out the body of the three-headed dog from the small world.

Su Bai dripped life energy on the three-headed dog.

Energy seeped into its body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"That's all right?" Gu Yiyun kept observing that drop of life energy.

But he didn't feel any energy fluctuations.

This is also the special feature of the energy left by Mechanical Heaven. The energy is extremely restrained and will not radiate at all.

If you don't touch it, you can hardly feel any energy from it.

Su Bai said with certainty: "That's enough, but these can only ensure that he comes back to life. After waking up, he will have to cultivate for a long time. I believe you have a way.

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