Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 576: Inform Command! Hu Gan Is Helpless!

At this time, there was not much time for Shen Hongling to think: "Okay, I will listen to you.

"You must come back, otherwise I will never go back alone."

"I don't even have the face to see Chi Lansu."


Although it didn't say it clearly, the meaning is very clear, if you don't come back, I will die with you.

Su Bai nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely come back."

"You can make arrangements. Now I want the "840" to contact the headquarters and ask them to prepare for a remote call."

The two act separately.

Su Bai immediately contacted the headquarters.

Hu Gan was thinking about it when a man rushed in: "Commander, Su Bai is calling."

"Give it to me right away.

Soon, Bai talked to Hu Gan: "Teacher Commander!"

Hu Gan looked serious and scolded: "Su Bai, what do you take the battlefield for? Do you think this is your Silver Moon University?"

"Come when you want, leave when you want, and do whatever you want."

"This is a battlefield, even if the people in your academy have certain freedom rights, it is not for you to do whatever you want.

Su Bai knew it very well, and Hu Gan just talked about it, but he had already acquiesced in his heart.

In addition, now is not the time to admit mistakes.

"Commander Hu, we have found it." With Su Bai's words, Rang Gan immediately put away the expression on his face just now.

Hu Gan asked seriously: "Has it been confirmed?"

"It's confirmed!" Su Bai didn't talk nonsense: "Shen Hongling and I are going to sell this store.

"But there are one billion Zerg guards here, and two billion just left to go to the battlefield."

"If we do, those who just left will definitely come back."

"So I need Command to hit these Zerg with all ranged means.

"In three minutes, we will attack, and the 200 billion Zerg will return.

"You want to block them with long-range strikes and cut off their way back, but you won't be able to block them for long."

"Those Zerg will definitely come back around the strike circle."

"When I send you a message, you are going to hit the heartland.

Hu Gan asked: "How soon will the core area be bombed?"

Su Bai thought for a while and said: "After three minutes, if you strike, you will bomb continuously for one minute, and you will strike their core area in almost one minute.

Hu Gan was taken aback: "One minute?"

"Can you get their front headquarters in under a minute?"

Su Bai knew very well that they couldn't!

"We'll find a way..." Su Bai said.

Hu Gan understands that the so-called finding a way is very likely to be difficult to come out in such a short period of time.

"You are like this, it is difficult for me to explain to you Principal Li!" Hu Gan said with a sigh.

Su Bai said: "Commander, I think you know better than me, if we don't do this now, when the Zerg army passes by, can you hold it?"

This sentence immediately made Hu Gan speechless.

Su Bai continued: "In addition to the two billion I just mentioned, there is another two billion Zerg army, and it is estimated that there are still a few minutes to reach the front line of the 3.9 battlefield.

"Now there are 2 billion on the battlefield. When the next 2 billion arrives, it will be 4 billion. The 2 billion I just left here will be 6 billion."

Hu Gan was hesitating, he didn't know the credibility of Su Bai's intelligence.

People from the intelligence department rushed in at this moment: "Master, the space radar detection department has detected that a large number of Zerg are approaching five hundred miles away, at least more than 1.5 billion."

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