Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 805: The Bottleneck In The Development Of The Tianyuan Realm! Land Conflict!

Su Bai understood at a glance that Number Zero also had a reason, and said, "Tell me!"

Zero immediately explained: "Master Lord God, the land we live in has indeed expanded a lot."

"We can also understand the difficulties of the Saiyans."

"But these lands also come at a price.

"For example, in the land near the sea, the Kou Tao murlocs asked us for some resources."

"To avoid war, we agreed."

"Also, the land has expanded, but what about the expansion?"

"For example, it's like a stretchy rubber that splits in two."

"The expanded land did not suddenly appear in one place, but when it was averaged to every 06 place, there was also a certain expansion."

"What we mean is, follow the previous dividing line, because that line still exists.

"The Kasaiyans don't agree, they insist that we give up part of the growth."

Wukong said: "We never told you to give up, just want to buy yours, hope you can sell it to us.

"For you, that's the weight of the pie in the sky."

"We also have such a wide footprint, there is no shortage of that."

"But you have opened your mouth like a lion."

Zero then explained: "You can't blame us!"

"We are not a lion, but we have put many important facilities in these places. If you want to buy them, we can sell them, but the price must be right!"


Su Bai probably also understood.

Now the public says that the public is right and the woman says that the woman is right.

From Su Bai's point of view, the Saiyans used to occupy a good place, but now that the small world has expanded, the corresponding disadvantages have emerged.

Su Bai asked: "Are there many other races that have such problems?"

Wukong said sourly: "Anyway, it's just this one time, we don't know about the rest."

Zero had no choice but to say: "Actually, there are many, almost every race has this kind of problem.

"Wukong and the others are due to geographical problems, this is indeed the first time."

Su Bai sighed softly: "Do you have any solution?"

"I don't mind some small frictions in the Tian Yuan world, but I don't want this kind of thing to have too far-reaching effects.

"Think of a relatively perfect solution."

Wukong said: "Just re-divide the land."

Zero immediately objected: "No, many races in the Tianyuan Realm have reproduced for many generations.

"Those lands are their homeland, and they would certainly not be willing to let them leave.

"Our mechanical family has a longer lifespan, but this problem is the lightest."

"However, races such as Kou Tao Yuren and Xieyan don't have a long lifespan, and some people's grandfathers have already lived there at 390.

Su Bai is about to graduate from university, and now these races have been following for almost four years.

According to sixty times the speed of time, two hundred and forty years have passed in the Tianyuan world.

It is indeed possible to allow some races with a short lifespan to reproduce for several generations.

This is indeed a problem.

Su Bai immediately summoned the leaders of all races to discuss a solution.

Land issues have been around for a long time.

These people are also very eager to solve.

However, after a round of discussions, no one could come up with a reliable and feasible solution.

The matter can only be postponed temporarily, and when there is time later, it can be properly resolved. .

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