Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 810 Everything Is Settlement! With Me Here, Don't Be Afraid!

When Su Bai came over, Liu Qian was still reading the battle report.

People who didn't know thought she was researching something.

Su Bai glanced at the battle report she read: "It's useless no matter how much you read these things."

"How many people die is a foregone conclusion. 11

"You can't change anything."

Liu Qing was a little frightened, and quickly calmed down: "Senior, you already knew that so many people would die?"

"They are creatures of a small world, do you also regard them as human beings?" Su Bai asked back.

Liu Qian said: "They are also born of their parents, they also have their own pursuits and wishes in the small world, why can't they be human?"

"Could it be that only people in our world can still be called people?"

Su Bai lightly smiled 06 and said: "I didn't mean that, it's just your thinking, which may make you very sad in the future!"

"Also, everyone who died now actually died for you to improve."

"In other words, if it wasn't for improving your command ability, these people might not have to die.

Liu Qian's whole body trembled when she heard this, but she didn't speak.

Su Bai moved his neck bone: "Okay, you can arrange it yourself, and all the next actions will be up to you unless necessary."

Liu Qian quickly stopped Su Bai: "Senior, if we go to the next point, we may meet other people."

"There may be a conflict at that time!"

"Casualties may increase!"

"Or you'll be in charge.

Su Bai just gave a soft "hehe" twice: "Now that I'm backing you up, what are you afraid of?"

"What will you do if no one supports you in the future?"

Liu Qian said very seriously: "I have no experience, and it is very likely that many people will die."

"If I don't grasp the degree well, it may even cause conflicts between the two schools."

Su Bai stopped in his tracks and looked at Liu Qian seriously: "You're the one with the best temper among the people I've met."

"If you all think that it is necessary to use conflict, or even war, to solve things."

"Then this matter has been fixed to the point where it must be so."

"I definitely support you!"

Liu Qian would not believe Su Bai's words.

It's really going to cause big trouble, who will admit to a casual sentence?

What Liu Qian is more worried about is that she has made a wrong decision.

Seeing Liu Qian's expression, Su Bai smiled slightly: "A lot of things, after doing it, you will find out that it's actually not as difficult as you think."

"I'm graduating soon, and you will definitely have to do various tasks after school."

"I don't know what will happen to Gao Fei in the future. Gu Yuanzhi can't take on the big responsibility yet."

"This is your pressure, but also your opportunity."

"Take a ten thousand step back, even if Gao Fei can slow down the 7 pillars."

"At most one and a half years away, he will also graduate. At that time, Silvermoon Academy will still be managed by you for some things that actually have power."

"If you want to get in touch with these, get used to them as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

After speaking, Su Bai walked away.

Whether she can accept this or not depends on Liu Qian herself.

Whether you are on the battlefield or commanding troops, you must be "compassionate"

Don't have any emotions when you see one of your own dead.

Treat the dead as a number without any temperature.

This is just the most basic requirement. .

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