Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 814 Xiri And Jiuli Make Excuses! One Touch!

As soon as Silvermoon Academy and Su Bai fans spoke, there were a lot of rebuttals immediately below.

"Your Silver Moon Academy is at the bottom of the crane, and you are lucky if you can enter the top ten academies!"

"I think Silver Moon Academy should be kicked out, and Xinghan Academy, ranked eleventh, should be brought up. Isn't Xinghan Academy better than them?"

"We Xiri just look down on you Yinyue, what do you think?"

"As far as the garbage of Silver Moon Academy is concerned, you still want to pick on the "780" us?"

"Su Bai is so disgusting! To let a woman stand in front of him, he has no responsibility at all.

Discussions followed one after another.

The management of Silver Moon College, Xiri University, and Jiuli University also began to communicate with each other at this time.

Both Xiri and Jiuli felt that they had the upper hand, and they were indeed a bit of a bully.

But this kind of thing must not be said directly.

Three high-level video conferences.

Li Mu was furious: "Your students are too lawless, we want to buy and sell the place we occupied first?"

The leaders of Xiri University were all smiles.

"Principal Li, don't be angry, this is just a joke for the kids below."

The leaders of Jiuli University also echoed.

"Now that they are in the ancient world, we have no way to contact them directly.

This is a typical example of getting cheap and selling well.

Li Mu sneered and said, "You don't have to speak so grandly!"

"If Su Bai and the four of them have any problems, I will never let it go.

"Even if you break the sky, I will ask you to pay the price."

"Don't forget, Su Bai is the one who got the Cross.

"And in the Proxima Star Wars a year ago, he made great contributions to the country.

"Even if others don't know the inside story of that matter, you should know."

After finishing speaking, Li Mu hung up the video call!

Ancient Realm!

A person hurriedly ran to Dong Zhilan's side: "Senior sister, there is news from the school, as long as the four students of Silver Moon College don't get into trouble, other things can be dealt with."

With this news, Chen immediately had a bottom line.

Soon, Yu Ziwen also received similar news.

Yu Ziwen looked at Liu Qian with a sneer: "Hmph! Today I will let you know what kind of garbage Silver Moon Academy is!"

"Everyone obey orders, attack!"

Liu Qian didn't expect that these people would really dare to attack them...

However, since we have reached this point, let's fight!

Liu Qian immediately gave an order: "Senior Su, block them.

"Senior Gao, attack from a distance, try to cut off their connection."

"Brother Gu, assist the two seniors."

Su Bai immediately ordered: "Machine race, dinosaur people, minister!

"Zombies, evil eyes, and beholders attack from left and right."

"Spider Queen, Michael, your people raided!"

After arranging everything, Su Bai still didn't forget to say to Liu Qian: "On the battlefield, just call him by his first name.

"You are the supreme commander, even if Principal Li Mu is here, don't be afraid, you are the boss!"

Liu 1.2qian nodded: "Yes! Senior!"

Su Bai glanced at Liu Qian.

Liu Qian immediately reacted: "Yes, Su Bo!"

Only then was Su Bai satisfied. On the battlefield, as a commander, you must be unquestionably firm.

You must not use a discussing tone or honorifics just because your subordinates are higher in status than you and your strength is stronger than yours!

It should be ordered directly!

This is the most basic quality of a commander. .

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