Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 822 Close The Door And Beat The Dog! Let Them Lose Hundreds Of Thousands Of People!

Seeing that the number of people coming in was about the same, Su Bai immediately ordered the Tianyuan army: "Block the gap for me.

"Press me back immediately."

The individual strength of Tianyuan's army is actually similar to that of Yu Ziwen and Dong Zhilan.

Su Bai is the middle class of the seventh order, and they also have the cultivation experience of the early seventh order.

The difference is not too big, and the strength of the fighters in the small world will not be much different.

At most, it's about a 20% difference in combat power.

But the talent of Roar of War and Remnant Blood God of War is just like cheating.

Doubling and doubling the combat effectiveness.

If these two talents are brought to the extreme.

With the same combat power, the people of Tianyuan's army can do 327 to one against ten, or even more.

What is this concept?

Both the enemy and the enemy are at the same level. Under normal circumstances, it is already the limit to be able to achieve one against two.

But as long as these two talents are used to the extreme, they can be more than ten against one.




The Tianyuan army let out roars.

Bye-bye pressed forward.

People from Xiri University and Jiuli University originally wanted to resist.

But under the fierce attack of the Tianyuan army, their defense was like paper, and they couldn't stand the charge of the Tianyuan army at all.

Fortunately, Tian Yuan's army charged and killed a lot of them.

But the Tianyuan army pushed the battle line back to its original position.

The hundreds of thousands of alliance troops from the two schools rushed in before, and they were completely dumped.

At this time, Liu Qian took over the command of the internal siege, and Su Bai had no time to take care of it.

"Goofy, surround them!"

"Gu Yuanzhi, once a fish slips through the net, you should deal with it immediately."

Gao Fei and Gu Yuanzhi have gotten used to it a lot by now.

When ordered, act immediately.

Those who were still outside watched helplessly as the people inside were beheaded by Liu Qian and the others.

Seeing this situation, Yu Ziwen was also furious: "This Su Bai is at the end of his rope, and he still has to struggle."

Dong Zhilan said lightly: "It's the same for you, if you can't escape, then kill a few more."

(baac) Yu Ziwen quite agrees with this statement: "You are right!"

"It's just a fight between trapped beasts! I want to see how long he can fight.

Xiri and Jiuli colleges, with hundreds of thousands of troops, were all eliminated within a minute.

But Gao Fei also lost a lot, he lost 50,000 people alone.

Fortunately, Gu Yuanzhi and Liu Qian did not lose much.

Su Bai had some losses, but he lost one and had to kill at least ten.

Counting this wave as a whole, Su Bai and the others still made money.

However, there are many people in the alliance between the two schools. If this continues, even if they win, Yin Bai and the others must suffer heavy losses.

Liu Qian, Gao Fei and Gu Yuanzhi were very satisfied.

This record is already very good for them.

After all, no one on the other side is worse than himself, and there are more people on the other side.

Playing one for one is normal.

Now that he has actually achieved a one-for-many result, he is already very satisfied.

If they can wipe out all the creatures in the small world and consume all the creatures on the opposite side, they are also willing.

This wave produced excellent results, and the confidence of the three of them increased greatly.

Su Bai is already planning how to get rid of Dong Zhilan and Yu Ziwen.

As long as these two people are resolved, everything Sakako said.

Others pose less of a threat to Su Bai.

Su Bai had gradually figured out a plan in his mind.

Whether it can be done or not depends on how they choose. .

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