Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 824 Launch A General Attack! The Two Are Already In A Dilemma!

Seeing that they launched a general attack, Su Bai immediately ordered: "Gao Fei, Liu Qian, and Gu Yuanzhi, turn all firepower to the right.

"Squeeze them all down."

"Kill as much as you can."

Liu Qian was shocked: "Senior, there are Lei Ziwen and Dong Lan in front of you.

"You have divided half of your troops here again, you can't stop it.

Su Bai really couldn't stop it.

But he has a plan.

"Remember what I told you about "310"?"

Liu Qian stopped talking immediately, and started to arrange according to Su Bai's instructions.

Originally, Liu Qian, Gao Fei, and Gu Yuanzhi had to take care of both sides.

With Su Bai resisting in front, they can barely hold on.

Now the three of them are defending the right wing with all their strength, and the situation on the right wing changes instantly.

There were signs of being suppressed.

Seeing the arrangement of Su Bai and others, Yu Ziwen frowned: "Su Bai chooses to attack the right wing in an all-round way at this time, what does he mean?"

Dong Zhilan analyzed: "There are probably two possibilities.

"First, he set a trap waiting for us to step into it."

"Second, he knew he couldn't stop him, and wanted to kill more."

Yu Ziwen frowned: "What cards does he have?"

"According to our information, all his combat power is here."

"Even if he hides, he can't hide much."

"At most one or two hundred thousand troops can be hidden."

"Even if there are 200,000 troops, they can't be our opponents."

"There are many leaders in his small world. I have checked them all, and they are all here."

"He participated in two major battles, both of which are officially recorded.

"There are still a lot of video materials."

"It's impossible for him to hide any chassis."

Dong Zhilan reminded: "He hasn't been on the battlefield for a year, and it's hard to say what cards he will play in the past year or so.

Yu Ziwen was silent for a moment: "Then shall we attack or retreat?"

If it was before the war, Yu Ziwen would definitely not be willing to retreat.

But the battle frightened him.

Su Bai's strength was beyond his expectation.

He was really afraid that Su Bai might have some hole cards.

Dong Zhilan said: "You decide!"

"Even if I lose, then I admit it!"

Now there is nothing to do, attack or retreat!

But they have just launched a general attack, if they retreat, I am afraid it will be difficult to explain.

Especially the two schools are waiting for them to win.

The six juniors who came with them have also suffered heavy losses.

If you leave like this, I'm afraid they won't be happy either!

After much deliberation, Yu Ziwen finally said a word: "Gong!"

Su Bai has been waiting for Yu Ziwen to talk about Dong Zhilan's attack.

When they all pressed up, Su Bai smiled, he knew that these two people couldn't bear it anymore.

Immediately ordered: "Everyone in the front is defending, and if they can't hold on, they will retreat!"

"Injury is okay, but death is minimized."

"Liu Qian, can you suppress them over there?"

"Keep them stuck?"

Liu Qian said: "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult.

"Their 2.5 numbers are simply too much."

"Even if half of them stay, the remaining half is enough to hold us back for a long time.

Su Bai immediately said: "Then try to hold on."

"If you can't hold on, then let them go halfway, and you will beat the rest to death."

"Kill as much as you can."

Liu Qian knew that Yin Bai must have a plan. .

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