Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 847 : Red Maple Tree, Breaking Through The God-Level Bloodline!

"Just now, the pot king's strength is a forced breakthrough, and the foundation is not solid. It seems that it is because of the fruit on this sapling.

Su Bai was a little hesitant. Although he knew the usefulness, Su Bai was a little unsure whether he could take it.

Thinking of this, Su Bai summoned the mysterious turtle from the Tianyuan world.

Originally, he intended to cultivate Xuangui. Since taking the pot king can improve his state, he should also let Xuangui try.

When the mysterious turtle was first subdued, it was only at the beginning of the seventh level, but in these days in the Tianyuan world, with the blessing of the demigod acupoints and one-third of the divine power, it has already broken through to become the middle level of the eighth level. level of strength.

"Xuan Gui, what is this thing and what is its use for?"

When Xuan Gui saw the sapling in front of him, he also became energetic.

"This 717 object is called Red Maple Tree, and the fruit it produces is called Red Fruit. After taking it, it can immediately raise a small realm, but this object can only be used three times at most. If you take three at a time, 50% Chance to awaken god-level acupoints! Very popular in the ancient world."

"But I didn't expect that King Guan used this cave as his residence for it."

Su Bai pondered for a moment, and then told his daughter-in-law.

Xuangui was silent for a while.

"The reason why Hongguo is so popular in the ancient world is not only because it can improve its own realm, but also because it has no side effects." (bgbco

"So, I think there should be no problem."

Xuangui gave an answer based on his own knowledge.

Su Bai's heart moved slightly, but he still gave up the idea of ​​taking Hongguo.

"You were successful in killing the pot king just now, and there happen to be three red fruits here, why don't you take them together and try to awaken the god-level blood.

Although the 40% chance is not low, but there is only one chance, if you can make the black turtle awaken the god-level blood, it will greatly improve your combat power.

Coupled with the blessing of Tianyuanjie, Xuan Gui's cultivation speed will be extremely fast.

Xuangui swallowed, without the slightest hesitation, there is no beast that does not want to become stronger, let alone the legendary god-level blood.

As long as the god-level blood is awakened, it is not an exaggeration to walk sideways in the ancient world.

Almost at the moment of entrance, Xuan Gui felt a very comfortable warm current in his body, which flowed to all parts of his body with the blood vessels, which was very comfortable.

And Xuan Gui's body gradually changed with the passage of time.

The body presents a strange black, and a white light can be seen passing by from time to time.

Su Bai waited for Xuangui to wake up with a little anticipation.

With a roar, Xuan Gui slowly opened his closed eyes.

Seeing the changes in his body, Xuan Gui let out a simple and honest laugh.

"My lord, I have awakened a god-level bloodline."


Su Bai was delighted, and urgently asked about the change of Xuan Gui.

"In terms of body changes, I don't feel too obvious, but the defense and the size of the changes have increased significantly."

"But these are actually nothing. Awakening the mysterious bloodline, I seem to have an extra skill in my memory!"

"It turned into a meteorite and hit the ground directly. No one in the ancient world can resist this blow. However, my strength is a bit low now. For enemies whose realm is higher than mine, the damage will be directly reduced by half."

Xuan Gui said word by word, when he said that the landslides and the ground cracked, Su Bai didn't know whether it was Su Bai's illusion or his eyes were dazzled, the surroundings of the cave seemed to really shake. .

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