Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 864: Meet Hu Gan, Hu Gan's Thanks

But Su Bai doesn't care about this, as long as he enters the Tianyuan Realm to practice, as long as a month passes by the outside world, the strength of the group of mysterious turtles will be greatly improved

Following the gourd painting, Su Bai entered the Tianyuan Realm, along with Ba Snake, Tiger Jiao, Zaiyu, Huoji, etc., let them contact their own clansmen and bring them into the Tianyuan Realm.

As for the pot, Su Bai kept one hand at that time, originally thinking of killing all the Guan people in the forest in the No. 6 "150" area and leaving only one.

Finally, before leaving, he found that there was another one that was seriously injured and did not die. After a short thought, Su Bai left a mark in the body of the read-only body and brought it into the Tianyuan world.

"Fortunately, I chose to subdue him at that time, otherwise, Guanqun would probably become extinct."

What Su Bai said was a bit too absolute. Strictly speaking, it can only be that if you want to find Guan next, it will be extremely difficult.

Under the arrangement of Su Bai, the ferocious beast clan gradually became lively.

Especially when the ferocious beast that chose to enter the Tianyuan Realm saw the red maple tree in its territory, it was even more excited.

They all know the benefits of the red maple tree, but in the ancient world, resources like the red maple tree are controlled by powerful beasts, and they have never seen it.

After Su Bai arranged all this, he withdrew from Tianyuanwei.

This back and forth, just passed two days.

"Su Bai, I still have to thank you this time."

Seeing Su Bai appearing, Dong Zhilan thanked her again.

"You should have almost repaired it."

Su Bai slightly estimated the time in his mind. According to the normal speed, Hu Gan and others should have reached the sixth area.

"I'd better find Hu Gan and the others with you first. At that time, Hu should arrange someone to escort you out of the ancient world."

Dong Zhilan's injuries were not completely healed, what's more, Dong Zhilan didn't have any self-protection strength in the ancient world.

Especially after going through the simulator, Su Bai became more determined to let Dong Zhilan leave.

Dong Zhilan kept silent, but there was something in her heart that she didn't want to leave.

After all, all of my juniors and younger sisters were killed by Qiongqi in order to cover his departure.

The two continued to head towards the cave in the No. 6 area, and after a while, they faintly saw some soldiers of the war department on guard..0

After the soldiers saw them coming again, they let them pass smoothly, and reported their arrival information to Hu Gan.

"Brother Su!"

A rich voice resounded, and after a few days, a smile finally appeared on Su Bai's face.

I haven't seen Hu Gan for a while, and Hu Gan at this time is more calm than before.

"I didn't expect that this time the war department would send you to the ancient world."

Hu Gan approached Su Bai quickly, and hugged Su Bai very generously.

"Stop standing here talking, let's go in."

Lin Feng was very discerning and ordered his subordinates to prepare some food.

As for Dong Zhilan, she arranged to rest elsewhere.

Everyone in front of the screen was relieved to see Dong Zhilan safely rejoin the war department led by Hu Gan.

"Brother Su, thanks to you this time."

Su Bai understood what Hu Gan said, if something happened to Dong Zhilan this time, Dong's family would definitely feel embarrassed in the war department. .

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