Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 866: Su Bai's Conjecture, The Clues To Connect

But the strange thing is that there is no trace of any damage to that formation.

And the vicinity of the formation is also intact, not even the footprints of the pot king.

Su Bai's face suddenly turned pale, combined with Qiongqi's escape and Qiongqi's attitude towards him in the simulator.

He had an amazing idea.

"Brother Hu, can I trust you?"

Su Bai asked solemnly, staring straight at Hu Gan's eyes.

"Huh, of course you can trust me, after all, the two of us are close friends.

Because of the last time in the Proxima Centauri Base, Hu Gan can indeed say so.

"The egg is in the cave, blocked by a formation, and there is a pot king, but there is no damage to the formation, which is a doubtful point.

"After I got this egg, you immediately found that the cave was marked on the treasure map. This is the second doubt."

"The other thing is that Dong Zhilan and her group were all hunted down by Qiongqi, and they were chasing after them, but after seeing me coming, they chose to run away! This is the third doubtful point, Minecraft There was this egg among them, and Qiongqi probably discovered this, so he chose to leave."

"So, all the problems appeared on this egg."

Hu Gan fell into deep contemplation, unable to accept so much information at once.

You let him believe that all the changes in the ancient world are because of this egg, which is really too difficult to accept.

This egg looks like nothing special!

"But the problem is that King Guan is dead now, Qiongqi has also run away, and there is no one who knows the clue."

Hu Gan shook his head, even if he knew these doubts, what's the use, he ran as fast as he could, since it's better to focus on the present moment.

"No, there are two more beasts, maybe they know something."

Su Bai thought of the two pots he left behind, and now they can only be used as a living horse doctor.

Maybe we can get some clues from them.


The two tanks had already been entered into the contract by Su Bai, and he looked at the surrounding environment in a daze, and was a little confused about Su Bai calling them out.

"That's it. According to common sense, King Guan should live with you, right? Why did he move to a cave outside the forest?"

After thinking for a moment, one of the cans immediately said.

"Actually, we don't know much about it. It's just that one day, Tank King suddenly told us that he was going to move to that cave, so we don't have to worry about him."

"It seems that he also said that after he succeeds, our Guan clan will move to a better place to live, and we will no longer have to live in fear."

Another can added a sentence.

"Then are there any other ferocious beasts that have come to your territory to look for King Du?"

Su Bai asked tentatively, Su (Zhao Hao) Bai was already very satisfied with getting the information just now.

The two cans fell into deep thought, and Su Bai was certainly not afraid that they would deceive him.

After entering into the contract, the can will only surrender to himself, and will obey his own words.

"It seems that once there was a ferocious beast, it seems to be called poor"

"Qing Qi!"

Another can added.

Su Bai's eyes burst out with a gleam.

So far, all the clues have been connected. .

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