Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 871: The Three Forces In The Ancient Realm

According to Su Bai's thinking, in the ancient world, the original vicious beasts are a force that maintains neutrality, and is even more inclined to the Taopian side.

And there must be some people under Taohua who surrendered to him, you know, Taojing's father will definitely leave some contacts for him, otherwise how would this lord be a lord, Su Bai will temporarily call this part the Royalist faction.

The other part is a third-party force for it, trying to control Taoyan and subvert the entire ancient world.

Su Bai told Hu Gan all these things, if it were Lin Feng instead, Su Bai would directly decide the area.

The root cause is that Su Bai doesn't trust Lin Feng at all. He has heard of Lin Feng's duplicitous character before.

Although his cultivation level is very high, Su Bai pays more attention to this person's character and behavior style.

"Don't worry, I will help you with this matter."

Su Bai gave Hu Gan a reassuring look, and waited until Hu Gan left.

He made a direct call.

It was Zhang Shao from the logistics department who gave me a card last time, but now Zhang Shao has been promoted to the head of the logistics department.

"Do you remember me, Brother Zhang~々?"

"Is it Su Bai? Why did you remember me?"

Zhang Shao said with a smile, Su Bai couldn't hear any mood swings.

"Is there any inside news, you know I am in the ancient world now.

Zhang Shao was silent for a moment. Although he is now the head of the logistics department, he actually doesn't have any rights. All he can do is command his subordinates and inquire about some news.

What's more, the Zhang family behind me, the old man seems to have done his job, and he has been mixed with the title of an honorary general in the war department. On the surface, everyone treats you respectfully.

When Su Bai made this call, Zhang Shao naturally understood what he meant, but did he want to offend the Lin family?

The current old man of the Lin family has just broken through his cultivation, and he can still live on for a long time. It is the general trend to rely on the Lin family.

"Brother Zhang?"

"The old man of the Lin family wants to arrange for Lin Feng to be the commander of the war department in the ancient world, and there are also voices of opposition from below, but the old man is now..."

Zhang Shao said slowly, he doesn't have to be afraid of the Lin family at all, Zhang Shao suddenly remembered the card in Su Bai's hand.

Even if the head of the war department comes, he must bow to Su Bai!

"Is there any way to stop the Lin family?"

Su Bai pondered for a moment and asked.

I have two methods here. The first one is to call the head of the war department. In your current position, that is to say. "

"The second one is that you call the old man of the Lin family. He should give you this face. Even Lin Feng's current position of chief of staff will not be possible."

After continuing to exchange pleasantries, Su Bai decisively dialed the number of the old man of the Lin family.

When the phone is connected soon.

"I'm Su Bai."

"Young man, I know you, but I (Wang Dezhao) old man and you have never known each other, so why would you think of coming to me?"

Su Bai cursed inwardly, this old bastard is just pretending to be ignorant while pretending to understand!

"You know what I'm trying to say, and if you don't agree, I'll give the war chief a call."

Silence, deathly silence.

The old man of the Lin family didn't expect Su Bai to be so young, so he immediately felt some information.

"Okay! I will let Lin Feng take the position of commander in chief of the ancient world!".

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