Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 873: Confrontation, Mr. Lin's Decision

"What wind blows you here?"

The old man of the Lin family didn't raise his head, but focused on the chessboard in front of him.

Outside the door, everyone in the Lin family observed the movement in the room without daring to breathe.

They must know Xu Shaoyang's name, except for some young Lin family members, the others dare not move as if they were facing a big enemy.

Back then, Xu Shaoyang fought alone in another world, and in the end he was able to come out alive.

It was because of this matter that he, an ordinary person without any background, became the current Minister of War.

Moreover, he has been sitting in this position for ten years, and no one wants to let him step down.

There was once a family who wanted to take action against Xu Shaoyang, trying to get him to step down from the position of war minister.

But a few days later, the entire family was exiled for the crime of colluding with another world, and the patriarch was directly executed.

So far, Xu Shaoyang's vicious reputation has spread throughout the war department, and no one dares to have any thoughts about him.

Moreover, there have been rumors recently that Xu Shaoyang has already broken through to the tenth-order high-level realm.

Looking at the entire war department, and even the entire human race, there is a one-on-one existence.

"It's nothing serious, I just want to see you. I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard some rumors recently, so I want to come and see you."

Xu Shaoyang spoke very calmly, then pulled out the chair, and sat opposite to the old man of the Lin family.

"It's so boring to play chess alone, add me."

Without waiting for the old man of the Lin family to speak, Xu Shaoyang grabbed a white piece and landed it on the chessboard.

The old man of the Lin family was silent, grabbed a sunspot and continued to play it on the chessboard.

"You're not here because of Su Bai, are you?

Xu Shaoyang shook his head.

"Yes, but not quite."

"I just heard that some people have been acting a little unreasonably recently. I am about to die, and people are panicking in the war department."

"Actually, it's okay to do these things, but I still have to try to bully a brat. I can't stand it anymore."

The face of the old man of the Lin family suddenly turned livid, and the expressions of everyone in the Lin family outside the door suddenly became ugly.

Xu Shaoyang didn't mention his name, but everyone knew who he was talking about.

"I really didn't expect that kid to have a way to invite you out? What is it about him that makes you value him so much?"

...asking for flowers...

Xu Shaoyang smiled slightly.

"Why do I value him? As I said, it's not entirely for him.

"But this incident happened because of him. I have not managed the families in the War Department these years, and I have been completely a hands-off shopkeeper."

"But the problem is, you guys can't make further progress. When will a genius be so oppressed by the so-called family power?"

"If I were Su Bai, I'm afraid the Lin family would have perished."

Xu Shaoyang shook his head with some disdain.

"Don't think that since you are the Minister of War, I dare not touch you!"

"You try it, anyway, today I want to see the destruction of the Lin family!"

Xu Shaoyang said indifferently, but it made the old man of the Lin family hard to get off.

The old man of the Lin family felt overwhelmed, thinking that it had been too long since he had been transferred in the war department, "It can be said that even Lin Feng won a great victory in the listing.

However, at most, Lin Feng could only sit in his current position.

Thinking of this, the old man of the Lin family immediately distanced himself from Xu Shaoyang, ready to strike three.

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