Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 888: Contact Xu Shaoyang

"I called you just to ask you, see if there is any way to contact Minister Xu Shaoyang, I have something urgent to find him!"

Zhang Shao was taken aback.

"Su Bai, Minister Xu Shaoyang has already set off for the ancient world, and should be able to arrive in the ancient world this morning."

Su Bai was stunned, Zhang Shao's words suddenly made him understand that the person Xiuyang was waiting for was Xu Shaoyang!

"Contact Minister Xu Shaoyang, hurry up! Find a way!"

Su Bai said sharply, his whole body became a little excited.

Zhang Shao was a little confused.

"Okay, I'll figure it out right away!"

Through the tone of his voice, Zhang Shao instantly understood that Su Bai must have something serious and urgent. Even the matter of the Lin family last time, Su Bai was very ordinary.

Zhang Shao thought for a moment, Xu Shaoyang had already rushed towards Shanggu-li with the support personnel of the war department.

Xu Shaoyang doesn't have the habit of carrying a mobile phone with him. Isn't it normal for a person who has been in seclusion for ten years to be uninterested in things like mobile phones?

Zhang Shao asked himself a question, and then became a little worried.

"Try it and see if you can dial the mobile phones of the support personnel.

Zhang Shao made a call with the mentality of giving it a try, and the news he got later made him frown.

Zhang Shao hurriedly told Su Bai the number.

"What's up."

Xu Shaoyang's tone was very flat, which made Su Bai calm down immediately.

"Minister, how far are you from the ancient world?"

"There is still about an hour's journey, and if you count the area No. 6, it may take another two and a half hours.

"You guys better hurry up. There is a big trouble in the ancient world. The beasts launched an attack a few hours ago. Although some beasts are willing to help us, there is one beast among them that is very strong. Realm, it's a headache."

"Also, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. Xiuyang is in the ancient world, area 12. If you come late, I'm afraid you won't be able to kill him anymore."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, only the sound of the wind could be faintly heard.

"go on!"

Xu Shaoyang's voice was extremely cold, and he could even feel bursts of murderous aura.

"Xiuyang can directly devour the small world. If they capture me and obtain Xiao Zhenhui, Xiuyang can easily control the ancient world, and swallow and integrate the ancient world. In that case, his strength can reach a certain level. Terrible realm."

……… Ask for flowers….

"I believe that you should also know, Minister, that Xiuyang has now reached the legendary realm. If you control the ancient world, you may not be his opponent, although I know you have a lot of cards."

Su Bai said word by word.

"I need you to carry it for an hour and a half."

After finishing speaking, Xu Shaoyang hung up the phone, and after receiving Xu Shaoyang's accurate answer, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief, and before he knew it, he was already sweating profusely "sit on the ground with some prostration.

But at this time, Su Bai dare not relax at all, there are still many things waiting for Su Bai to deal with and arrange.

Su Bai took a deep breath, then opened the Tianyuan Realm, and immediately found Number Zero.

"What do I want?"

"King, it's already made.

Saying that, Zero brought Su Bai to a place, and a huge cannon appeared in front of Su Bai. .

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