Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 893: The Firm Xu Shaoyang

So it is conceivable that when a person holding a elixir stands in front of these people and tells them that this elixir can improve the level by a large amount, but the side effect is that it cannot improve the level, you can see how many people will be willing !

Hu Gan just wanted to step forward to take the elixir in Su Bai's hand, but Xu Shaoyang suddenly stopped Hu Gan.

"You can't eat~ this elixir."

His tone was so firm and decisive that there was no room for negotiation.


Hu Gan looked at Xu Shaoyang with a puzzled face, but Xu Shaoyang didn't intend to explain, but just stood there quietly, not allowing Hu Gan to get the elixir.

Hu Gan got a little angry, and pushed away Xu Shaoyang's hand blocking him.

"This is my business, it has nothing to do with you, don't stop me!"

Hu Gan's face gradually became a little cold, as if he was a little angry at Xu Shaoyang's behavior.

"Can you really accept the side effects of this pill?"

Just when Hu Gan was about to run away, Xu Shaoyang spoke slowly.

"Do you know what state Xiuyang is in now?"

Xu Shaoyang raised his head and looked directly at Hu Gan, but Hu Gan only looked at it for a while, then lowered his head.

Xu Shaoyang's sudden question made Hu Gan fall silent for a long time.

"This thing is not of much use to you. You are still young, and you still have a long way to go. If it is really because of this pill that you can't take revenge, "Are you really willing?"

When Hu Gan heard this, he didn't say anything, but just stood aside quietly.

On the contrary, Su Bai felt strange, why what the two said sounded strange, as if the relationship between the two was very good, otherwise why would Xu Shaoyang stop Hu Gan?

Su Bai didn't think much about it, the relationship between the two was not important to him.

"Su Bai, you told me on the phone just now that you know where Xiuyang is.

Xu Shaoyang asked, he didn't care about the casualties in several camps in the ancient world.

Since ancient times, as long as there is war, there must be casualties, which is a very normal thing.

But Xiu Yang, this damned bastard, there hasn't been a single day in the past ten years that he didn't wish to kill him, now that this opportunity has finally come, how can he not be excited, not excited.


Seeing that Xu Shaoyang was in such a hurry, Su Bai didn't dare to hide anything, so he directly revealed Xiuyang's hiding place.

"Area No. 12, there is a creek there, not far from the creek. Xiuyang built a residence there, and it seems that he has lived there for a long time."

Su Bai told the location of Xiuyang according to his memory, but it was not accurate at all. Chen Shaoyang pondered for a moment.

"How about this, put aside the matter of Xiuyang for now, and don't leave the camp for a few days."

After finishing speaking, Xu Shaoyang took Hu Gan and left. When the two left, the reinforcements from the rear arrived just panting.

Then help the wounded to bandage the wound, and those who died helped to collect the corpses and prepare to send them to their families.

The war is ruthless, and everyone present feels a little heavy.

The reinforcements who arrived then took over the defense of the camp. They knew that these people were too tired. After a night of hard work, it was time for them to take a good rest.

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