Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 895: The Traitor Did Not End Well

As Hu Gan's voice fell, Su Bai poked his head out and looked at the man on the ground.

Xu Shaoyang stared at the people on the ground with a ferocious face, there was nothing and no one could stop him from killing Xiuyang, if there was, then Xu Shaoyang would definitely kill the person who blocked him first.

Su Bai looked at the helpless Lin Feng on the ground, a little confused.

I really didn't expect that the inner ghost turned out to be Lin Feng. At this time, Lin Feng had been tortured by Xu Shaoyang, his face turned pale, and his breathing gradually became weaker, but of course Xu Shaoyang would not let 28 Lin Feng go like this.

If it weren't for Lin Feng, there wouldn't be so many warriors who would have died in the ancient world, and there wouldn't be many families that lost their husbands or sons.

So, how could Xu Shaoyang tolerate Lin Feng living in this world.

"Since there is nothing to say, go down and talk to those brothers who died because of you!"

Xu Shaoyang said indifferently, and then with a strong hand, he directly broke Lin Feng's neck.

Su Bai looked at the scene in front of him and didn't speak, just watched quietly.

Then Xu Shaoyang stood up and turned to look at Su Bai.

"I suspect that there is more than one insider in our team, and I never thought that Xiu Yang would secretly leave so many chess pieces in the war department."

"Actually, on the day the old man of the Lin family broke through, I felt strange. I knew about the injuries on the old man of the Lin family. It is very unlikely that he would be able to break through to the tenth step in this life, but I never thought he would actually break through?"

"I followed the clues and slowly investigated secretly, and finally found out that the old man of the Lin family had secretly colluded with Xiuyang.

Xu Shaoyang seemed to be talking about a very small matter, and his face was full of indifference, which made Su Bai feel a little ashamed.

"Of course, I think there are not only the insiders of the Lin family in the war department, but there should be other people. Otherwise, it would be impossible for our reinforcements to arrive properly. Anyone among them can guess all of them clearly."

Xu Shaoyang's analysis is very reasonable, and the logic is very clear.

"That's why I asked Hu Gan to bring you here."

"Are you worried that walls have ears?"

Su Bai asked slowly, but it was very obvious that what Su Bai asked was nonsense.

"You said you knew the location of Xiuyang, but we have limited information about the 12th area, so we can't be sure.

"So I want you to come with us."

Xu Shaoyang also made this decision after careful consideration.

If he really went to the No. 12 area, but because he couldn't find the place and made Xiu Yang run away, then Xu Shaoyang would be annoyed.

So no matter whether Su Bai agrees to 953 or not, he will take Su Bai to Area 12 together.

And Su Bai seemed to understand Xu Shaoyang's meaning, looked at Hu Gan with some hesitation, and then directly agreed.

He knew the significance of Xiuyang to Xu Shaoyang, so he would not refuse at all, or dare not refuse at all!

"Since you agree, let's set off now. I have already made arrangements for the camp with my confidants."

As Hu Gan said, he threw a package to Su Bai, which contained some emergency medicine and food, as well as several sets of books and a change of clothes.

Obviously it has already been prepared for Su Bai. .

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