Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 922: Heading To Area Three

So without any hesitation, I went straight on the road.

Su Bai took out the treasure map in his pocket. At this time, on the treasure map, the caves in area 9, the cave in area 3, and the cave in area 6 all appeared on the blueprint.

It's a shame that Su Bai spent a lot of time searching in the third area, after all, the area of ​​the third area is quite large.

However, Su Bai had a question in his heart. Why does this treasure map appear on the treasure map every time he finds a cave? Baotu is like this, and many people in the war department have discovered this, but it was delayed by the incident of the beast attacking the camp. "Many people have forgotten this incident.

Su Bai felt it was a pity that he didn't ask Xiuyang about the 623 treasure maps in front of him. He didn't know what to do in that weird situation at all, okay?

If it were someone else, if you said that those three people had hatred, others would definitely not believe it. They would rather believe that Su Bai is the next head of the war department.

"That's all, let's wait and see later, after all, the ancient world can be absorbed by then, so there is no rush."

Su Bai comforted himself and said that since Xiuyang died and the royal family surrendered to Su Bai, the territory of the beasts in the entire ancient world has been peaceful. The beast cleaned up.

The ferocious beasts encountered along the way were very respectful when they saw that it was Su Bai, and some even took out treasures they had treasured for many years to give to Su Bai, but Su Bai had no interest in these things at all, but felt that I shouldn't refute their face, so I put them all away, even if it doesn't have much effect on me, but at least it is useful to the beast clan in the Tianyuan world!

The news that Su Bai was going to the No. 3 area spread throughout the ancient world in no time. After Bi Fang heard the news, he was slightly taken aback, and then he understood what Su Zhong wanted to do.

In fact, some in his heart were not willing to accept it. After hesitating for a while, he still called a few higher-level clansmen in the clan to follow him towards the third (ageh) area.

This scene not only happened in Bi Fang's clan, but also other fierce beasts reacted in the same way. Even on the side of the monster clan that is very far away, the leader of the monster clan called some clansmen and rushed towards the third area. go.

The strength levels of the people from the Yaozu are uneven. Some goblins are at the tenth level and some are at the ninth level. The last time they helped Xiuyang, after being attacked by Su Bai, "the whole Yaozu became Such a look.

As for Su Bai, he didn't know what was going on in the outside world at all, and Su Bai felt a little too boring along the way, so he opened Tianyuan Realm directly and called Xiao Taowei out.

Xiao Taoli was very small in childhood, like a piglet, Su Bai put him on his back without much effort.

The little glutton was babbling and babbling, so that Su Bai couldn't understand at all, and the little mother-in-law would pat Su Bai on the shoulder excitedly from time to time, "It seems that I am very curious and fond of everything in the outside world. .

"Little Taoli, you will be the master of this world from now on, are you happy?"

Little Taoxu patted Su Bai's shoulder, obviously very happy. .

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