Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 927: Li Fangling's Room

"These three things are indispensable. If any one is missing, the formation will immediately fail, and the ancient world will directly manifest in Blue Star!"

Monkey quietly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he didn't expect that there would be so much exciting news, and Su Bai who was beside him also breathed a sigh of relief from being nervous at the beginning.

Su Bai was a little thankful that he didn't use that formation right away, otherwise, even he wouldn't be able to accept the consequences! If the ancient world couldn't absorb it, then it is estimated that the ancient world would have nothing to do with the current Blue Star Among them, maybe even merge with Blue Star, then it will be really difficult for the war department to deal with.

And the more frightening news is that there are other human-like worlds? Su Bai never thought of this news, "Even 887 in the War Department has no clues about it.

"This, can't it be fake?"

Su Bai was a little hesitant, but the news sounded like Li Fangling was someone from Blue Star. Thinking of this, Su Bai immediately felt that the credibility of this news had increased a lot.

"It seems that there are many other secrets in the universe that have not been discovered!"

Su Bai couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and the biggest surprise when entering this room is this puddle. As long as Rhubarb is allowed to drink water for 30 days in a row, he can gain half of his adult strength, which (agdj) is equivalent to Indirectly shortened the growth time by half!

An idea suddenly popped up in Su Bai's mind, could this water source be arranged by Li Fangling before? Could it be because of this day?

It's just that this idea is fleeting in Su Bai's mind, it is really impossible.

If this is the case, then Li Fangling will definitely know when he will die, and he will definitely arrange everything. Then how could the ancient world become the chaos it is now? As for Xiuyang, it is also unlikely. Will enter this ancient world.

"Forget it, forget it, don't think about it, let's keep this puddle here, and calculate the time, Hu Gan's retreat will be completed soon, just to be on the safe side, let's wait another two days !"

Su Bai thought in this way, and then left the side room, searched around just now, even tested the walls, but found nothing.

Then Su Bai came to the main room. Different from the side room, the space of the main room is 200 square meters, very open, and there is a separate small room inside.

Su Bai took a look.

"The body of Li Fangling should be preserved in that small room!

Su Bai didn't choose to enter the small room. The door of the small room had already been tampered with. It must be that Xiu Yang had already searched it when he first started. He had already promised Bi Fang that he would not bother Li Fangling again.

Instead, he turned his head and started to look at the rest of the place. What surprised Su Bai was that in one corner, there was even an alchemy furnace with traces of use all over it.

"This Li Fangling, does he know how to make alchemy, so Xiuyang also got the method of alchemy from here.

Su Bai felt it was a pity that until the time of his death, Xiu Yang did not reveal the method of alchemy.

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