Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 929: The Obsessed Zhang San Crazy

Unable to think of any answers, Su Bai put the doubts behind him, and then picked up the third notebook. This notebook was full of traces, and it seemed that Li Fangling often took it out to read it. Su Bai opened it. First page.

"This notebook records some of my experience in alchemy for so long. To become an alchemist, the conditions are very harsh. First, you must have the ability to make fire. Of course, this "zero four zero" The method can be regarded as a perfect solution. After Taoli awakens the god-level bloodline gene, he will be able to light a fire for you. The second is the technique, and the third is to be proficient in the alchemy.

"About this alchemy issue, I have collected a lot of alchemy formulas over the years, which are just enough for use. Only for this, I hope that the latecomers can skillfully use the ability of alchemy, and even carry forward the art of alchemy."

"All the small bottles in the box are filled with Ascending Realm Pills. The side effect of the user's ability to directly increase the strength of a large realm is that the realm will no longer be able to continue to improve."

Su Bai looked at this sentence with some surprise, no wonder Qiongqi was not very willing to use the Ascension Pill at that time, so the problem came from here.

Su Bai was also a little fortunate. Fortunately, Hu Gan didn't use this elixir at that time, otherwise Hu Gan would have no future in the future. I am afraid that he can only stay as the commander of this war department for the rest of his life, or even be the leader of other soldiers. After a person has cultivated to the second stage, he can only slowly become an unknown person.

Su Bai shook the bottle, and the sound coming out of it quickly made Su Bai figure out that there were about six school Ascension Pills in the bottle.

With this lesson learned, Su Bai searched the entire main house again, but this time nothing was found.

"It should be gone. After all, I have already found this compartment. It is impossible for Li Fangling to set up other compartments in this room."

Su Bai thought about it.

"Forget it, the three notebooks in this compartment are already counted as excellent things, so the third time will be exempt."

Su Bai really didn't want to spend the energy to search for a third time, there was no need for that.

Su Bai walked slowly towards the formation. At this time, Zhang Sanfeng was staring at the formation's eyes, and he was a little lost in his research. He didn't notice that Su Bai had already walked up to him. Beside him, Su Bai patted Zhang Sanmang on the shoulder D......

"Okay, okay, I will have time to study in the future, I brought you a good thing, you can see for yourself!"

Only then did Zhang Sanfeng come back to his senses, and stared blankly at Su Bai. Apparently, within the short two hours since Su Bai left, Zhang Sanfeng had been studying this formation all the time, watching him languishing. Su Bai can't help but feel a little funny, his behavior is not indebted to his name at all! This crazy character is very reasonable!

"What's this?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the dilapidated notes handed over by Su Bai, and was a little puzzled, but when 0.0 turned the first page, his eyes burst into a bright light, and his whole body suddenly became energetic.

"Is this...for me!"

Zhang San looked at Su Bai in disbelief.

"That's right, I'll give you this thing, take it back and study it carefully, I hope your ability to arrange arrays can be improved through this notebook!"

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