Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 954: Large Scene Of Family Recognition

A little Karami, what did you call me out for?

At least Su Bai thinks so, while Feng Zhan scratches the back of his head in embarrassment.

"No, why Su Bai didn't move at all! Isn't he panicking? It's still too late to admit defeat! After all, the dragon hasn't made a move yet, and Teacher Feng Zhan's loss is not too great!"

"Oh, the young people of today! They just don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth! I think back on September 13th, I robbed a girlfriend with a senior, but in the end I couldn't beat it and gave up. "Isn't it because I got the beauty in the end?"

"Hehe, don't you know that real men can't love you?"

Su Bai was a little annoyed by the chattering of the teacher below, and gave Li Mu a look.

"Silence! Watch their competition seriously, do you really think Su Bai will lose?"

Some of the teachers below said boldly.

"Su Bai will definitely lose! Dean Li, you can't favor Su Bai! It's not like you don't know the strength of Feng Zhan!"

"Hehe, let's wait for time!"

After Li Mu finished speaking, the teachers below all looked at each other in blank dismay, apparently not believing what Li Mu said.

But in the arena, when the giant dragon looked at Su Bai again, Su Bai unhurriedly opened the Tianyuan Realm, and summoned Xiao Taoxu from it.

When Xiao Tao came out for the first time, the giant dragon was silent, with a shocked expression on his face, and just stared blankly at Xiao Cuiyan.

"Rhubarb, see if it looks familiar! Do you still remember your grandpa?"

Da Huang nodded ignorantly, and then walked towards the dragon with some uncertainty, but the dragon didn't make any movements.

This time Feng Zhan started to worry! He summoned the dragon to win the battle, not to let the two of them recognize their relatives!

But after a few seconds, he reacted.

"This... is Taoli!"

The teachers off the field were also a little surprised, why did the painting style suddenly change! A large-scale recognition scene?

"No...I remember reading a book once, which said that my uncle is a descendant of a real dragon! That's why it became what it is now!"

"But why did he say it was grandpa!"

"Aren't you so stupid! The first Taowei must be the son of the real dragon! Open your eyes and take a good look, this one on the field is obviously a little Taobao! What is it called grandpa?

"Why not the ancestors?"

Rhubarb slowly approached the dragon, the familiar feeling in his blood made him feel very kind to the dragon, and then looked at the dragon with some curiosity...

"Are you my grandfather? That's my father, then we are a family!"

Julong looked at Rhubarb kindly, but he was a bit confused about what Rhubarb said about Su Bai being his father.

"You...are my offspring, yes!"

The giant dragon said a little excitedly, and then slowly lowered down, allowing the rhubarb to climb up on him, really playing like a grandfather and grandson.

But Su Bai looked at this scene a little funny. When the giant dragon just appeared in the world, he called Monkey over and questioned him. After confirming that Dahuang really had the blood of the dragon, he called Dahuang out.

"Su Bai! You! You don't speak martial arts!"

"Hehe, Teacher Feng, don't blame me! If you can control the giant dragon, then go ahead and try!"

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