Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 968: Entering The Sword World For The First Time

Hu Gan nodded when he heard the words, and then the three of them exited the basement. After making some arrangements, all of them were under martial law within a five-kilometer radius, and then Hu Gan made phone calls one after another.

"Now we can just wait quietly. According to the people from the Liu family, those people are wearing black robes and using swords, and their strength is at least above the ninth-level intermediate level.

On the side of the Liu family, there used to be an enshrined with the strength of a ninth-level high-level one that day, but facing the attack of the black-robed man, he could only barely protect himself, and then he reacted and quickly took Liu Zhilin away from the scene.

Su Bai felt his scalp tingling, those men in black robes might be of ordinary strength in their world.

"The people in the whole city are almost estranged now. Should Silvermoon Academy be evacuated too?"

Hu Gan asked Li Mu, but Li Mu directly refused after thinking about it.

"Although our students are not strong enough, they can still do some logistical work. After all, this kind of thing is very rare for them.

As the dean of Yinyue College, Li Mu naturally has his own plans. Seeing this kind of scene is of great benefit to some students. Maybe this is the only time in their life.

Once saw the invasion of another world.

"Okay, then Dean Li, you can arrange it yourself! People from the war department and other colleges are coming. After they arrive, I think it's time to conduct the first investigation~"

Su Bai agreed very much, and Lu Huaiyuan entered the different world together, and it has been a day since "The people in the different world may have mastered all the information on their side.

The wait was very long, and somewhat boring, but for the soldiers of the war department, it did make them more and more nervous. Many of them were veterans. They understood how critical the situation was now, and said no Zhun Xiaoming is about to be lost here, so they are very eager to know the strength of the other world.

Finally, in the evening, all the people finally arrived. Hu Gan called all the people together for a small meeting, but Su Bai did not attend. This is what Hu Gan meant. Bai just entered behind Hu Gan.

…… Ask for flowers………

A few more hours passed, and when the meeting was over, everyone was ready to fight, and then entered the basement.

"Everyone, I'm in the lead, follow me closely! Try not to make too much noise!"

Afterwards, Hu Gan's figure disappeared at the connecting port, and Su Bai followed without the slightest hesitation.


Su Bai who entered the connection port felt a little confused, but it only lasted for a few minutes, and then his eyes felt a little stinging. After he got used to the light of the other world, he was surprised to find that the environment in the other world was actually the same as that of the blue At this time, Su Bai and his party appeared in a forest, the trees were unusually lush, even the shortest tree in this forest was more than ten meters high!

The people behind entered the forest one after another, and their first reaction was the same as that of Su Bai, looking at the forest in shock.

"This world is not much different from Blue Star, but the tree is too tall!"

Hu Gan murmured to himself. .

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