Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 971: Preparing To Establish A Camp

If you set up a camp, you don't need to worry too much about the fact that the sword world will stop many people from coming to encircle it, and there will be few people on your own side.

"Set up the camp immediately! Let the people behind you go faster. In addition, Li Mu, go back and find Zhang Shao immediately, and tell him to find a way to expand the connection port for me no matter what method he thinks of! Otherwise, the people in the sword world The camp can't last long at all!"

Li Mu nodded, and then returned to Blue Star through the connection port again. He, the dean of Silver Moon Academy, is really busy!

But there is no other way, after all, this is the home court of Silver Moon Academy, and Hu Gan is too busy at all right now, so he can only trouble him to do this kind of thing.

On the other hand, after Su Bai left the battle circle, he did not choose to leave the forest immediately, but tried to hide his tracks, and then found a place to hide in the forest, because his leaving the battle circle would definitely cause serious problems. If he was discovered by the people in the sword world, the people in the sword world would definitely chase after him.

Originally, Su Bai had already reached the edge of the forest, but after leaving the forest, there was a large plain, and there was no way to hide his figure at all! Running to the plain would be a living target! How will we find out the information then? Woolen cloth!

And just as Su Bai found a place to hide, the voices of people from the sword world came from behind him, which made Su Bai nervous all of a sudden.

At this time, Su Bai had already climbed to the top of a towering tree, which was more than 20 meters high! Su Bai didn't dare to take a big breath at this time.

"How should we explain to the commander when we go back this time? And there is someone who has already entered the depths of the sword world."

One person said to the leader with a worried face, but the person in the west didn't say anything for a while.

"What else can we do? It depends on whether they can intercept that person. What happened this time has exceeded our expectations. I didn't expect them to send so many people into the sword world at once. After all, according to Lu Huaiyuan, it will take at least five days for Blue Star!"

Zu Tian was also a little depressed. After Lu Huaiyuan entered the sword world, he was immediately brought into the Shangtian Palace. The commander personally received Lu Huaiyuan. Now Lu Huaiyuan has no worries about food and clothing in the sword world, and his life is not in danger. , and it is unlikely to deceive yourself!

"The commander-in-chief shouldn't embarrass us too much. After all, we are not the main responsibility for this matter."

Although Zu Tian said so, his heart was full of worries. In the sword world, there are rewards and punishments. The commander never said that he would stop punishing and rewarding for any reason.

At this moment, they didn't even notice that above their heads, a person was quietly listening to them.

". "Is it the commander... So now Lu Huaiyuan has arrived at the Shangtian Palace? This is a bit troublesome (Nuoma Zhao)! Proof

Su Bai murmured to himself, and after Zu Tian left, he breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to stay on the tree for more than ten minutes, and after confirming that Zu Tian had all left, he slowly fell down .

But when Su Bai fell halfway, two of the group of people just turned back! Su Bai was quite frightened by this! He quickly stopped his movements and quietly checked the situation below, for fear of being caught by this The two found out. .

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