Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 989: Two Bags Are Empty

"Why are there so many people here all of a sudden?"

Su Bai looked at this mighty group of people and felt a little surprised. There was no movement in Jushi Town these days, so why so many soldiers came suddenly? Could there be some big move? Su Bai secretly guessed in his heart.

Just when Su Bai was in a daze, he suddenly saw a person, turned his head away quickly, pretended to be an ordinary citizen who was about to enter the city, and walked slowly towards the city. Mi Yufeng and Zhang Sanfeng were a little dazed, how they suddenly started to leave, and now they became a little conspicuous.

Zu Long saw the three of Su Bai at a glance, and felt a little familiar, but at this time he still had a lot of things to deal with, so he didn't continue to take care of them and followed the troops into the city.

"Hurry up, you two are still watching there, don't you see who that person was just now!"

Su Bai whispered, the two were at a loss, Zhang Sanfeng was summoned later, so he didn't know Zulong.

"Wang, who was that person just now?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked curiously, but Su Bai sighed, and did not rush to explain to the two of them. Instead, he followed the people in front of him and walked towards the city. After entering Phoenix City, the feeling was really different. The streets were very tidy, and the buildings on both sides were very orderly without any signs of dilapidation.

Moreover, there were a lot of vendors on both sides of the street, and the sound of hawking was endless. Looking at the crowded street with people coming and going, Su Bai felt a little helpless, and he couldn't help but hurry up.

"Let's find an inn first. There are too many people in Phoenix City. Compared with Jushi Town, it's better than a star!"

Su Bai sighed, and Mi Yufeng also agreed.

"That's for sure! Even in terms of the entire sword world, Phoenix City can be regarded as a big city! This is also due to the location of Phoenix City. There is a middle-level spiritual vein in the inner city, which can provide a steady stream of spiritual energy for us practitioners to practice. Therefore, many casual practitioners have gathered in Phoenix City."

"If it is on weekdays, the inns in the inner city will cost at least five taels of silver. Speaking of this, do you still have any taels of silver with you!?"

Mi Yufeng asked, when she was looking for someone to lead the way before, she basically used up all the silver on her body, now that the two bags are empty, there is no extra money to open the inn 3...

Su Bai was taken aback, wondering why Mi Yufeng would ask such a question, and it was not because he didn't know his identity, a person who came from Blue Star would have money!? Su Bai shook his head, and Mi Yufeng stood where he was like petrified.

"You have no money, and my money is almost spent, so what shall we do?"

"Think of a way! What else can I do! If it doesn't work, just ask someone to borrow some!"

Su Bai spoke uprightly at 5.2, there are so many people in this Phoenix City, there must be some people with ill-gotten wealth, and then they will try their best to borrow some to spend some money, then it will be fine, Su Bai really can't understand why Mi Yufeng is still worrying about this kind of thing.

"Eldest sister, you are a cultivator, why are you still worrying about this matter of money!? Can you stop embarrassing the face of a cultivator!"

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