On the other side, the connection port exits the campsite.

"Commander, the construction of the second camp has been completed, and everything has been completed according to your orders.

Hu Gan nodded in satisfaction, and then slowly walked towards the second camp. The second camp is located on the large plain outside the forest. It can be said that if a battle occurs, this will become the front line, and the camp from the connecting exit is the logistics supply base.

Therefore, the walls of the second camp are made of the hardest materials. Hu Gan has not figured out the things that can be used in the sword world, but just in case

, To prevent weapons of mass destruction such as the Shaking Cannon in the sword world, the hardest materials are still used.

While Hu Gan was inspecting the camp, the sentries on the wall suddenly issued an early warning.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

All of a sudden, everyone in the camp became tense, and many lords directly opened their small worlds, making all preparations to meet the enemies in the sword world, but after a while, the sentries were stunned.

"No! I don't seem to be from the sword world! It's Su Bai! Su Bai is back" 々!"

"His grandma, can you see clearly before talking next time!"

A veteran next to him went up and gave the sentry a kick, and the sentry rubbed the kicked place a little embarrassedly, his face full of shame.

The sentry opened the gate, and Su Bai ran in panting.

"Brother Hu!"

"Long time no see! I knew your kid would come back safe and sound!"

Hu Gan went up and gave Su Bai a solid bear hug.

"Let's not talk so much, let's go back to the headquarters first. I went to Phoenix City this time and got a good item, which will be very helpful for our subsequent attacks.

Hu Gan's eyes lit up, and he immediately dragged Su Ri into the command room.

"Don't worry, just drink your saliva slowly, by the way, who is she?"

Hu Gan changed the subject and asked about Mi Yufeng's identity, but Mi Yufeng was naturally very embarrassed and a little uncomfortable with Hu Gan's enthusiasm.

"Oh, she is from the sword world, so send her to the Silver Academy for a period of time!"

When Hu Gan heard what Su Bai said, he stopped asking. Su Bai wiped his mouth, and then took out the city defense layout plan from his pocket.

"This is the layout of the city defense in Phoenix City. There are at least 200,000 troops in Phoenix City! And their strength is not weak. At least 30% of them have the same strength as our lord, or even much stronger than our lord."

Hu Gan was slightly startled, and then Su Bai told Hu Gan the conversation he overheard in the Santo's Mansion that night.

""According to this, I'm afraid our current troops are not enough to fight! It's really a headache, and Xu Shaoyang doesn't know where he went!"

Speaking of this Hu Gan, I feel (Zhao Mahao) a little angry. These days, from the discovery of the sword world to the present, Hu Gan has been dealing with everything by himself. He is exhausted physically and mentally, and he dare not rest at all.

And these days, I have been communicating with people from all walks of life, hoping to get more support. After so many days of hard work, I have gathered two thousand lords, of which there are 500 people in the seventh-level realm, 1,000 people in the sixth-level realm, 400 people in the eighth-level realm, and 100 people in the fifth-level realm!

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