Su Bai slowly left the headquarters, and at this time Mi Yufeng also rushed out from the side.

"Where's the chocolate!"

Seeing Mi Yufeng's appearance, Su Bai found it very funny. After asking some soldiers and lords beside him, he handed three packs of chocolates to Mi Yufeng.

"You go back to Blue Star first, I've already made arrangements, when you go back to Blue Star, you can eat whatever you want, these three packs of chocolates, you can eat them every day!

There was a trace of disappointment on Mi Yufeng's face, and he was not happy because he got the chocolate, as if he had something on his mind.

"What's wrong?"

Su Bai asked, and he could see something in Lai Yufeng's heart at a glance.

"No, I just want to leave the sword world suddenly and go to the blue star you mentioned, and I feel a little empty in my heart."

Mi Yufeng forced a smile, and said to Su Bai.

"Don't worry, Blue Star is actually similar to Sword World, and you are going to my school this time, and the people there are very enthusiastic!"

Mi Yufeng nodded heavily, followed behind a lord, and slowly walked towards the connection.

In fact, Mi Yufeng lied. She knew that she just didn't want to leave Su Bai.

Now is not a very good time to speak, she has full confidence in her own appearance.

Su Bai turned to the room that Hu Gan had arranged for him, quietly waiting for the time to pass.

On the other side, Mayor Lu also set off, taking the 10,000 troops sent by Zulong to him. In fact, Shangtiangong didn't take Jushi Town very seriously. Even if he knew that there was a heavy army from Blue Star at the connection, the chief commander only deployed 20,000 troops in Jushi Town, plus the 10,000 sent by Zulong, a total of 30,000.

One of the reasons for doing this is also because Phoenix City is very close to Jushi Town, which is only more than 60 kilometers. According to the usual speed, it only takes more than two hours to drive from Phoenix City.

……ask for flowers…

Even if Blue Star wanted to attack Boulder Town, it would be able to hold on for a little longer, until the reinforcements from Phoenix City arrived.

Three days passed quickly, and Su Bai was also called to the command room.

"Su Bai, you have to go to the front line this time, but your task this time is not so heavy. You just need to call out the Shaking Cannon and bombard Dianbu Town."

Su Bai nodded to indicate that he had already figured out Hu Gan's arrangements for him on the way. After all, once the Shaking Mountain Cannon was fired, he didn't know if the defenders in Jushi Town could withstand a wave of shelling.

"As for the rest, just leave it to us, I will send a hundred lords to protect your safety.

Then Su Bai was in a daze at the side, not wanting to continue listening, and what Hu Gan said next was nothing more than arranging when the personnel would attack and when to do what.

"Okay, that's all for now. Arrange your troops to the designated location immediately. It's four o'clock in the afternoon, and the attack will be launched on time at five o'clock! Are there any other problems?"

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