Hojo Mai is reporting to Jiang Chen.

“Master, according to your instructions, I have distributed the votes from Sakura Country. If there are any changes, I will report to you in real time!”

Jiang Chen nodded.

He is not a person who does his own thing and has no friends, so he still plans to give the second place to Lao Qin Town.

After all, there is no luck betting order, so the luck reward should naturally be given to his own people.


Hojo Mai paused for a moment, then frowned and said:

“After all, there are too many votes from Sakura Country. In order not to arouse their suspicion, the top 20 lords of the votes will still have the majority from Sakura Country!”

“No problem!” Jiang Chen was more concerned about another question, “Have you figured out the family backgrounds of those Sakura lords?”

“Find out!” Hojo Mai immediately sent a ledger, “This is the family background of all Sakura lords who are interested in competing for the town ranking competition. I have made a record! Please take a look!”

Jiang Chen glanced at the ledger.

There are 34 Sakura mayors in the table. The one with the most wealth is a man named Sakurai Shuichi, who has a huge sum of 28 million spiritual stones. The least wealthy lords also have several million.

They are naturally incomparable to Zhu Yeqing, Shen Bayouyi and others in the first echelon.

But they are almost the only wealthy families left among the Sakura lords.

“You did a good job!” Jiang Chen praised generously, “Report the latest developments at any time!”

Hojo Mai nodded respectfully, hesitated for a moment and said:

“Master, do you really not need your subordinates to secretly operate for Longyuan Town? Although I will be exposed, it is not difficult to strive for the top ten for Longyuan Town!”

The operation is very simple.

Before the settlement, just order the Sakura lords under your command to vote for Longyuan Town, and at most add a sentence “confidential”.

“No need!”

Jiang Chen said lightly:

“Just manipulate the votes of Sakura Country!”

It’s not because I’m afraid of Hojo Mai being exposed.

Because according to Jiang Chen’s plan, the three sisters of Hojo will definitely be exposed after the election of the county magistrate tomorrow.

Jiang Chen refused simply because it was unnecessary, because his votes had already exceeded seven figures.

After hanging up the video.

Jiang Chen asked the chief disciple Li Yan to get a pen and paper.

Then he slowly wrote a few lines.

①: Longyuan Town: 1 million votes+

②: Laoqin Town: 500,000 votes+

When he wrote the third place, Jiang Chen thought about it and continued to write.

③: Yanming Town…


The top 20 rankings were listed on the paper by Jiang Chen one by one.

He stood up and walked to the side of the ship, flicking the paper in his hand.

“This is the ranking of tomorrow’s Tiandao!”

“No wonder so many people like power! The feeling of controlling everything is really cool!”

Jiang Chen let go.

This thin piece of paper that determines the future fate of Qingyang County fell with the wind.

Donghai City.

An Luoxi welcomed a distinguished guest.

“General Xia, you have condescended to me, but is it for the election of the mayor of Qingyang County?”

Xia Jie is one of the bigwigs in the Jiangnan Military Region.

He is tall, and although he has a head full of silver hair, he is energetic and his voice is like a bell:

“We all know that the mayor can expand the authority of the arbitrary door to the entire county map! He is simply invincible!”

“If Longguo cannot win the throne of the mayor, then all the efforts of these children in Qingyang County will be in vain!”

“Not only me, but also the old guys in the military region are paying attention to tomorrow’s results. After all, this is a county!”

An Luoxi understood and said solemnly: “Don’t worry, old general, I have mobilized the power of Donghai City to provide naval arms and warships for the new lord of Qingyang County! You know, my only daughter is also in Qingyang County.”

Speaking of this,

She said with some emotion:

“Moreover, my Jiangnan Province lord has decided to give up the reward of the town ranking competition and fully support the girl who won the Longzhou to become the county magistrate!”

Xia Jie also sighed:

“I heard about this too!”

“These kids are very sensible, especially Jiang Chen, who is from a commoner family. He has such a big picture view, which makes us old guys feel inferior!”

Changing the subject, Xia Jie continued:

“There is one more thing!”

“Just now, a county town called Deshan County has elected a county magistrate. Sakura Country won because of its numerical advantage!”

An Luoxi was shocked and immediately asked: “What about the Dragon Country lords in the county town?”

Xia Jie said: “Fortunately, before Sakura Country used the space ban, most of the Dragon Country lords used the city relocation order to leave.”

An Chuxia was relieved.

All the old districts, and even the fresh blood in the upper world, come from the new districts year after year.

So, these new lords are the future flowers of Dragon Country.

Then, AnluoXi’s heart moved:

“You told me this, could it be that… Deshan County and Qingyang County are in the same prefecture?”

“Yes!” Xia Jie said, “This is the news that a lord of the military zone went to the prefecture at the risk of his life to find out!”

An Luoxi asked hurriedly: “What is the state called?”

This is first-hand information. The sooner she knows it, the sooner her precious daughter can prepare.

“Diao’ao State!”

Xia Jie said heavily:

“It can also be called…Diao’ao Island!”

An Chuxia suddenly initiated a video conference of the management of Longyuan Town.

Although Jiang Chen was a little surprised, he immediately joined.

After everyone was there, An Chuxia smiled and said:

“Does everyone have a warship for ticket swiping? I brought back three unactivated warships this time!”

After a simple warm-up, An Chuxia began to share the information she had just learned.

“Diao’ao Island?”

Jiang Chen repeated the name softly.

“What’s wrong, Jiang Chen?” An Chuxia on the other side of the video asked doubtfully, “Have you heard of this name?”

Jiang Chen came back to his senses and smiled, “No, Chuxia, keep talking!”

He just felt that it was somewhat similar to the name of an island in his previous life.

An Chuxia nodded and continued:

“According to the currently known information, Diao’aozhou, where Qingyang County is located, is a giant island in the middle of the Dragon Country District and the Sakura District!”

“There are 32 counties in Diao’aozhou. In addition to the lord of the Sakura Country, there are at least lords from the Lighthouse Country, South Korea, and Asan Country! But the specific proportion is unknown!”

Every year after the new district begins.

The major forces will work hard to collect intelligence so that they can draw a map of the new district as soon as possible.

Speaking of it.

They can get this information in the first place, and they also have to rely on An Chuxia’s light.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that Qingyang County is not only located by the sea, but also on a giant island.

For newcomers, this environment has advantages and disadvantages.

If there are high-quality warships and arms that are good at naval warfare, the development speed of the marine environment will be much faster than that of the inland environment, and vice versa.

And Jiang Chen is naturally the former.

An Chuxia continued:

“I believe that it won’t be long before this news will be known to everyone. Everyone should take this opportunity to stock up more naval arms, warships, and props! The price will definitely increase after a while!”

“If Sister Ying can win the position of county magistrate this time, we can form a fleet to explore the vast sea!”

An Chuxia’s eyes were full of longing.

The little fox said: “But what if Sister Ying fails in the election?”

An Chuxia sighed and said: “Then we can only give up Qingyang County.”

The little fox said a little aggrievedly: “If you ask me, Brother Jiang Chen should be the spokesperson of Longguo! It’s a pity that Brother Jiang Chen is selfless and gave it to Sister Ying.”

Wei Ming and Huang Xuan also echoed.

A few days ago, Jiang Chen pushed the sect skill [Wings of the Wind God] to two Tianyin branches.

After Wei Ming, Jiang Chen also handed the epic military talisman that the epic Hydra monster dropped to Huang Xuan.

The few people were already iron-clad confidants, so they naturally spoke up for Jiang Chen.

“Jiang Chen is in the spirit of ‘sacrificing the self’!”

An Chuxia glanced at Jiang Chen and sighed:

“It is said that the Jiangnan Military Region has just established Jiang Chen as an honorary model of patriotic education and has begun to promote it in a small range. If the effect is good, it will be written into the textbooks!”

Jiang Chen was very depressed and quickly retorted:

“Don’t! I don’t have such high morals, you can’t kidnap me!”

“Let the military region promote Zhu Yeqing!”


This is simply flattery.

After noon tomorrow, I don’t know if I will be cyberbullied?

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