This is obviously the name of the county town that was changed later. In addition, the county magistrate’s surname is Zhao, so its origin is obvious.

After the Song Dynasty royal family was destroyed by foreign races in the Sixth Heaven, if Zhu Yuanzhang had not risen strongly later, the Dragon Kingdom would have been cut off in the Sixth Heaven.

Andrew: “Mr. Jiang Chen, I am very happy to meet you. The door of my “Free Will” is always open to you, and you are welcome to visit the Lighthouse Country!”

Free Will – one of the largest lord groups in the Lighthouse Country, it is said to control the territory shares of the lords of the Lighthouse Country.

Toyotomi Hideichi: “Jiang Chen Jun, although we are enemies, you are a respectable opponent. I am eager to have a fair duel with you. There is no hero, no army, just a duel between lords. I hope you will not let me down.”

Looking at the name, it should be the descendant of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the top daimyo of the Sixth Heaven.

Inviting yourself to duel, this is to kill yourself!

Damn, whether you are disappointed or not has nothing to do with me?

Li Zhenai: “Mr. Jiang Chen, after our careful research, we found that your ancestors moved from South Korea to Longguo. South Korea welcomes you to return to your roots!”

Jiang Chen is too lazy to complain!


Am I already so famous?

Whether enemies or friends, courtesy is still required.

Jiang Chen greeted: “Hello everyone, I am Jiang Chen, the county magistrate of Longyuan County. County Magistrate Lingshan, you are welcome to visit Longyuan County when you have time.”

As he spoke, Jiang Chen used the authority of the county magistrate to change the name of Qingyang County to “Longyuan County”.

There are still many things to deal with in Longyuan County, so he did not spend too much energy in the state capital channel.

Jiang Chen opened the county channel and used the authority of the county magistrate to issue a county announcement:

“I declare that from now on Qingyang County is the territory of Longguo. All Sakura Lords must leave Qingyang County within half an hour, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!”

For a moment.

The lords of Longguo burst into thunderous cheers.

The lords of the Sakura Kingdom cried out in grief.

“Woo, woo, woo, I have a field flying troop building! I don’t want to leave!”

“I didn’t expect the Empire to lose, so I didn’t prepare a city relocation order at all!”

“We have more than ten times the number of Dragon Kingdom people. We will immediately support any town that Jiang Chen attacks!”

“But what if Jiang Chen uses the space sealing scroll?”

“Baga, where are there so many space sealing scrolls?”

“That’s right! If you want to seal a town, you must have an epic scroll or several excellent scrolls!”

As Jiang Chen expected, among the millions of Sakura lords.

Some fled in panic, some advocated a fight to the death, and some even expressed their willingness to join the Dragon Kingdom.

Jiang Chen ignored all of this and left half an hour, which was already Jiang Chen’s consideration of the impact of public opinion.


Jiang Chen opened the authority of the county magistrate.

There are 4 authorities that Jiang Chen cares about.

[1]: The authority of the Anywhere Door is expanded to the entire county and can be shared with other town mayors.

[2]: Household registration management.

[3]: 10% bonus to hero and military attributes.

[4]: All territories in the county can be relocated, but the consent of the other party must be obtained.

Jiang Chen glanced at other authorities such as county naming, construction speed, collection speed, and official appointment and removal.

He opened the terrain map that came with the Anywhere Door.

He found that the locations of all towns were marked on it.

With the “Household Registration Management” authority, the number of lords in each town, their names, and status can be seen.

After thinking for a while.

Jiang Chen temporarily shared the Anywhere Door authority with several mayors of the Dragon Alliance.

In this way, they can kill whoever they want and save whoever they want.

The 10% bonus to hero and military attributes is needless to say.

The “Territory Fixed-point Migration” is more interesting.

As the county magistrate, he can not only migrate his own territory, but also the territory of others, of course, he must obtain the consent of the other party.

It is equivalent to a high-level city relocation order without consumption in the county.

With this authority, the lord of Longguo can occupy uninhabited towns, such as Muto Town.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen said in the Longyuan Town channel:

“Brothers, because the town space has expanded again, I want to redistribute the location of everyone’s territory.”

Then, Jiang Chen opened the town map and started the operation.

[You apply to relocate Lord Wei Ming to (789, 1235), waiting for the other party to confirm! ]

[Lord Wei Ming accepts your migration plan. ]

[You apply to relocate Lord Shen Yue to…]

The entire Longyuan Town was conquered by Jiang Chen, so naturally no one objected.


With his own territory as the center, Jiang Chen cleared an uninhabited area with a diameter of 300 kilometers.

After many expansions, the diameter of Longyuan Town has reached more than 700 kilometers, which is alsoThat is to say, Jiang Chen will monopolize 20% of the land and resources of Longyuan Town from now on.

Now if he recruits a few thousand Tianyin disciples, he will have a place to kill monsters on a daily basis.

Occupying resources and territory is the only way for every powerful lord.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Jiang Chen opened the household registration of Qingyang County and found that there were still 520,000 lords in Qingyang County.

There were only tens of thousands of lords in Longguo.

In other words, there were still more than 400,000 cherry blossom lords who had not left, and Jiang Chen was no longer polite.

He immediately called a video conference with the Dragon Alliance.

“I will share the location and number of all towns with everyone, and then you can hunt cherry blossom lords freely!”

Mu Qingshuang hesitated and said, “Doing this… will it make things worse and cause negative public opinion?”

After all, she is in the military, so she has more things to consider.

Ying Yinman shouted, “What are you afraid of? We have already declared war normally! When such a terrible incident happened in District 632, the Blue Star United Council didn’t say a word, and it ended in nothing!”

Hearing District 632, Mu Qingshuang’s eyes became firm, and she said to Jiang Chen, “Boss, you arrange the tactics! Which town should we block first?”

“Tactics?” Jiang Chen smiled, “That’s something only the weak need to consider!”

“Domineering!” Ying Yinman enviously said, “1 million spirit stones, let me say this in the future!”

Two minutes later.

Five thousand kilometers away.

Jiang Chen looked at the Sakura Town in front of him and sent a message in the county channel.

“Listen, lords of the Sakura Country, didn’t you say that you would support the town I attack?

“I’m outside Suzuki Town now! Come and support me!”

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