The demon lord was stunned for a moment.

Then he burst into laughter, even bending over with laughter.


“What a cute fox. If it weren’t for the battlefield of glory, I couldn’t take other creatures back with me. I really want to take you back to the abyss world as a pet!”

Tushan Honghong also looked anxious, and whispered quickly in the little fox’s ear:

“Yueyue, don’t say anything more. Use illusion to escape quickly, and give up the hero class! As long as you get out of the battle lock, you can exit the battlefield of glory!”

Hearing this, the little fox patted his chest that was completely disproportionate to his petite body, and said with the power of a fox:

“Don’t worry, Honghong, the only use of this demon is to give me points!”

Tushan Honghong was speechless.

This also angered the demon noble in front of him, and a trace of bloodthirstiness appeared in his scarlet eyes:

“Such a stupid fox, I’m really afraid that I will become stupid after eating it!”

He stopped talking nonsense and ordered his hero troops:

“Except for the fox with a tricky mouth, kill everyone else!”

“Yes, Lord!”

A hero’s body was full of space ripples, and his figure slowly disappeared on the spot!

And the other demon troops also turned into black shadows and approached the battle formation of the Sky Fox Clan.

“Ah! Space shuttle!”

Tushan Honghong screamed:

“His hero is also a demon who comprehends the power of space! Everyone, form a formation to defend!”

She has decided that if the battle formation collapses, she can only let the sisters cast illusions and escape separately, and whoever can escape is one.

The demon lord sneered: “It’s useless. In the face of absolute strength, any tactics are futile!”

He has sent people to follow the Sky Fox Clan team in front of him for a long time, and naturally understands the strength of the target.

The reason why he took action now was that he found that the Sky Fox tribe in front of him was summoning other Sky Fox lords.

And the longer the time was pushed, the more points this group of Sky Fox tribe would get.

Now there were dozens of lords, just the right number.

“These dozens of lords can at least contribute 100,000 glory points to me, haha…”


A familiar voice came.

He remembered that when he was practicing space shuttle and hit the space barrier, he would hear this sound.

He looked at it intently and was stunned:

“How is it possible?”

I saw that the most powerful demon hero under his command was covering his head and stopped in front of the Sky Fox battle formation with a confused look on his face.

A defensive sword formation emerged from the void, protecting the Sky Fox tribe firmly in the center.

At some point, 30 Tianyin disciples had occupied all directions.

The demon lord was well-informed:

“What a powerful sword formation! It’s a space defense sword formation! Could it be the unique skill of a certain immortal sect of the human race?”

The description of the Great Xumi Sword Style is “When practiced to the ultimate state, one sword can become a domain”, so it’s no problem to block the half-baked space shuttle.

And Tushan Honghong felt her whole head buzzing:

“Yueyue… Is this, is this an epic troop?”

[Space Shuttle] is an A-level skill, but it was blocked just like that?

Where did Yueyue get such a powerful troop?

Could it be that she hooked up with a rich man after not seeing him for two months?


She quickly remembered the harmless appearance of the little fox before, and said angrily:

“You are so good, Yueyue, are you kidding me just now?”

The other sky fox girls also reacted from their shock and burst into cheers.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

“Yueyue is so strong!”

“We are saved!”

“Long live Yueyue!”

Looking at the reactions of the crowd, the little fox felt as if he had drunk ice soda in the dog days of summer. How could he describe how refreshing it was?

No wonder Brother Jiang Chen likes to act cool so much.

However, every time Brother Jiang Chen acted cool, he always had a calm expression, as if he had done something insignificant.

The little fox recalled Jiang Chen’s performance every time he won the top spot, tried to suppress the upturned corners of his mouth, and said lightly:

“It’s just a small epic demon, sisters don’t need to make a fuss!”

Tushan Honghong went around the little fox, grabbed the little fox’s tail that was already up to the sky, and nodded: “It’s really nothing to be surprised about! But what’s the matter with this tail?”

The demon lord on the side found that he seemed to be ignored, and shouted:

“Foxes, don’t get carried away. Do you think I can’t do anything to you just because you hide in the defensive sword formation?”

“Break this turtle shell for me! Kill, kill, kill! Don’t leave any alive!”

A fierce battle broke out instantly.

This demon lord is indeed proud of the capital. All the heroes and arms under his command are of epic quality.


The flames of hell… the demon sickle… keep bombarding the great Xumi sword formation!

Let the great Xumi sword formation ripple, it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

Tushan Honghong shouted:

“All charms, weaknesses, controls, and ranged, focus on one big demon!”

Just as a big demon was about to rise, it was instantly hit by dozens of debuffs, and its speed was greatly reduced. Then it was overwhelmed by hundreds of arrows and magic, and it couldn’t die any more!

No matter how strong the epic troops are, they can’t withstand the concentrated fire of hundreds of rare troops and excellent troops!

The little fox also saw the opportunity and shouted:

“Tianyin Jiusha!”

In addition to the 30 Tianyin disciples who maintained the sword formation, the remaining Tianyin disciples plus a leader of the Excellent Hero Branch instantly burst out, and hundreds of sharp sword qi instantly covered the space dozens of meters ahead.

Tianyin Jiusha mainly attacks and kills, which is the main business of Tianyin disciples. Most of them are at the proficient level, and the full-strength burst power is still above the ordinary B-level skills.

An unlucky epic hero was instantly crushed to pieces.

If the fight continues like this, the outcome is really unpredictable.

“My hero!”

An epic hero was lost in an instant, and the demon lord could not sit still:

“If I cannot gain the reputation this time, you cannot redeem your sins even if you die ten thousand times!”

It was proved that the demon lord was not bragging.

His figure disappeared out of thin air.

When he appeared again, he was already above the sword formation.


The demon’s scimitar chopped down heavily, and then did not give the enemy a chance to lock, and his figure escaped into the void again.

After one strike, he fled thousands of miles away. This is the difficulty of the demon who controls the power of space.

And the sword formation collapsed inch by inch where the demon lord attacked.

It was not until the leader of the Tianyin branch drew a sword that the gap was filled.

She said loudly:

“Lord, if this kind of attack comes a few more times, the sword formation will collapse!”

The voice of the demon lord came:

“Hahaha, weak ants, tremble! Be afraid!”

Tushan Honghong suggested loudly: “Yueyue, if you reduce the defense circle and give up heroes and soldiers, can you hold on for a while longer?”

“Yes, but…”

Looking at the panicked looks of the sisters, the little fox raised the [Blood Holy Grail] with a painful face.

“I was thinking of saving some for Brother Jiang Chen…”

“Summoning a level 45 blood prince requires 3,000 blood power!”

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