[Announcement of the current candidate occupation progress.]

[1]: Toyotomi Hideichi, 18%

[2]: An Chuxia, 17%

Longyuan County is already the first county of Longguo in Diaoaozhou, and this time, nearly 10,000 lords have qualified for the finals.

Therefore, it is no surprise that An Chuxia, the acting county magistrate, has become the common candidate of Longguo.

As they watched the data released by Tiandao, the chat channel was silent for a while.

Then, the lords of Longguo burst into thunderous cheers.

“Equally matched! Evenly matched!”

“Hahaha, you guys are so strong!”

“There is hope for victory! Brothers, work harder!”

The occupation progress is calculated based on the occupation time of each candidate’s supporters and the outcome of the battle.

Whoever reaches 100% first will be the lord of Diaoaozhou.

Seeing that An Chuxia was only one percentage point behind Toyotomi Hideichi, most of the lords of Longguo cheered and their confidence increased.

But the people of the Dragon Alliance were not so optimistic.

In front of a combat pit.

[Your enemy, Lord Claire, has forcibly withdrawn. Do you want to relocate the territory to the current location? ]

Ying Yinman looked at the gradually fading Lighthouse Country territory in front of her, and her face looked a little unhappy.

“Running away again, damn the will to fight! Damn the forced retreat rule!”

Meng Tian was also helpless: “Your Highness, if we fight at full strength, we may be able to break the enemy’s lord’s mansion before the forced retreat countdown ends. But in that case, our losses and consumption will also be great.”

Ying Yinman nodded:

“I know, but if we can’t kill the enemy, we will be exhausted sooner or later if we continue like this.”

She glanced at the occupation progress just announced, and then said in the Dragon Alliance channel: “In these three hours, I have conquered 53 enemy lords, but only killed one of them, and this is after exchanging for [Space Lock]. My current losses have reached 10%, and my will to fight has been consumed by less than half.”

[Space Lock]: Block the current territory, making it impossible to exit the mansion (including forced exit). Price: Will to fight * 1000.

Zhu Yeqing sighed:

“Sister Ying has won 51 games in a row, including Austin, the tough guy. She is already very strong.”

“But there are too many devils, and the white flag time is only one hour. The devil’s war lords can use the city defense to consume our troops and potions and other resources.”

Speaking of potions, the little fox looked worried: “My legendary knights have no casualties, but there are not many potions to restore spiritual power…”

Zhu Yeqing hit the point.

The strongest lord of Sakura Country, Toyotomi Hideichi and others, are not the opponents of several strong men in Longyuan Town. Even Austin, who has a team of legendary troops, was defeated by Ying Yinman.

But Sakura Country has a base of nearly 20 million lords, and there are too many powerful war lords.

With the city defense, they can completely release all their killer moves in an instant, choose to retreat, and then rest for a few hours, and fight again after recovering.

In fact, except for Matsushita Nohe who was killed by An Chuxia at the beginning, few lords of Sakura and Dragon Country have died.

An Chuxia said: “Only by breaking through the lord’s mansion within the countdown of the forced retreat can we deter the Sakura strongmen…but this is too difficult.”

The little fox said: “If Brother Jiang Chen was here, he would definitely be able to do it.”

“Jiang Chen is indeed very strong!” Ying Yinman shook her head, “I’m not pouring cold water on you, even if he can break through one lord’s mansion, can he break through a hundred?”

Although everyone discovered their disadvantages, there was no good solution at all.

In the group of Sakura County Magistrates.

“No wonder Mr. Matsushita was killed. I didn’t expect these Dragon Country warriors to be so powerful.”

“Dragon Country is indeed a land of outstanding people. Even without the official support of Qingyu, it can still be so vigorous.”

“The most hateful thing is that the three women of Hojo Mai dared to openly participate in the war and pointed their spearheads at us. They really deserve to die!”

Toyotomi Hideichi smiled and said confidently: “The situation is very good now, what are we afraid of?”

“Your Excellency is right!” County Magistrate Tsukahara said, “When Jiang Chen won the Golden Battle Name, I said there was nothing to be afraid of. No matter how strong he is, what can he do? We will fight in turns. Even if we can’t kill him, we can delay him.”

Fukukawa County Magistrate Ono Jiro said:

“Haha, even if Jiang Chen appears now, I can just hide in the lord’s mansion and don’t come out. I don’t believe he can break through my lord’s mansion.”

Ono Jiro inherited the position of county magistrate from Muto Kiku who was killed by Jiang Chen.

Toyotomi Hideichi immediately kindly reminded him: “Ono-kun, your territory is still on the Fudu map, so it’s best not to set up random flags.”

Ono Jiro is very extravagant.

Other county governors are afraid of the strong men in Longyuan County, simply stopped moving the territory into the capital map, and only took action to clean up the relatively weak Dragon Kingdom lords.

But Ono Jiro kept jumping around.

“Haha, what are you afraid of?” Ono Jiro said with a smug look on his face, “If Jiang Chen really shows up, I will mobilize all the war lords in Fukugawa County to defend me.”

Toyotomi Hidetoshi was speechless.

[Assistance]: Lords who support the same candidate can assist each other. Consumption: 1 point of fighting spirit for each type of soldier, with a minimum consumption of 100 points of fighting spirit.

Soon, the two sides once again engaged in a fierce competition.

The disadvantage of the Dragon Kingdom’s small population finally emerged.

In order to avoid dividing troops to guard the territory, strong men such as Ying Yinman have not moved the territory into the capital.

Instead, they occupied one pit after another and then let the Dragon Kingdom lord move in.

Even the pits they chose were “fortress pits” and “combat power pits” that are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The purpose is to let the lord of Longyuan County who occupies the pit defend for a longer period of time and expand the strategic advantage.

But as time goes by.

The consumption of many strong men in Longyuan County is getting bigger and bigger, and even the casualties of the main combat troops have generally reached more than 30%, and finally revealed the decline.

The little fox cleared a pit again with difficulty, and then immediately said in the Longyuan County channel: “Pit 7782 is a combat pit, who will come?”

But after a few seconds, someone spoke.

“Boss Yueyue, my white flag state has 3 minutes left.”

“I just white flag!”

“I can, but I only have one-third of my troops left, I’m afraid I can’t hold it even if I occupy it.”

The little fox’s face was bitter:

“Now that the pit is taken, there is no lord to defend it?”

The priority passed quickly in ten seconds.

A few seconds later.

A territory fell.

It was a lord of the Lighthouse Country.

The little fox shouted angrily: “This is my pit. Get out of here before I make a move?”

The lighthouse lord was startled when he saw the little fox.

He quickly shouted: “Exit the capital map!”

A golden light flashed.

The lord moved away directly, and the pit returned to its original state.

The decisive battle had been going on for five or six hours, and the three legendary troops of the little fox had already made a name for themselves.

Anyway, Keling County was just a show, and the lord was not going to risk his life.

“Move in!”

The little fox had no choice but to move his territory in.

Then he asked in the Dragon Alliance: “What should we do now?”

Just then.

Just three hours had passed, and Tiandao also updated the occupation progress.

[Announcement of the occupation progress of the candidates at this stage. ]

[1]: Toyotomi Hideichi, 44%

[2]: An Chuxia, 32%


The hearts of the people in the Dragon Alliance sank.

The ordinary Dragon Country lords were also in an icy cave.

In addition, the situation that the little fox had just laid a pit but no one took over, the momentum plummeted instantly.

The Sakura lords were naturally excited and shouted wildly in the state capital channel.

Ono Jiro laughed and said, “Where are the Chinese? I have entered the capital map again, come and kill me. Hahaha, after such a long battle, your troops and combat resources have been almost consumed!”

Ying Yinman was so angry that she gritted her teeth and said, “I really want to kill this guy!”

An Chuxia hurriedly said, “Sister Ying, don’t be impulsive. Now his territory shows that there is a defense! And I don’t know how many troops there are!”

Ying Yinman instigated, “Anyway, there is no hope in the battle for the Lord of the Palace. I can still exchange for a [Legion Order], and you can exchange for a [Space Lock], and then call Yueyue, and the three of us sisters will join forces to destroy him.”

[Legion Order]: You can unite up to 3 lords to attack a territory together. Price: 800 fighting spirit.

An Chuxia said helplessly: “But he can also exchange for [Free Battle Card]! I guess the purpose of this devil jumping back and forth is to provoke me to waste fighting spirit.”

The final battle for the Lord of Diaoaozhou Prefecture, when Longguo fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Jianxin Town.

“Within two hours, all units will return to the territory and prepare for territory migration…”

Jiang Chen gave an order in the territory channel.

Soon, the Tianyin Corps, which was spawning monsters near the territory, returned to the territory under the leadership of the empress.

“Finally going home!” The empress sighed, “Although Jianxin Town is not bad, home is still good!”

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