
Jiang Chen was amused and rubbed the little fox’s head:

“Yueyue, don’t be so serious, I can’t adapt!”

The little fox tried to break free from Jiang Chen’s clutches: “Brother Jiang Chen, Yueyue is now the ambassador of the Sky Fox Clan, can you show some respect?”

“Okay, okay!” Jiang Chen didn’t care about the identity of the Sky Fox Clan ambassador at all, and said with a forced smile, “Your Excellency Ambassador, what can I do for you?”

Suddenly, a prompt came from the exchange.

[Prompt: Tushan Yueyue will mail you 1 billion spirit stones through the exchange. ]

The little fox said generously: “Give me 50 Tianyin branch drawings.”

This time Jiang Chen was really surprised: “Where did you get so much money?”

Jiang Chen probably knew the little fox’s wealth.

At the beginning, tens of thousands of spirit stones had to be carefully calculated.

Even if he kept following him to drink soup in the later period, his wealth was only in the tens of millions.

Could it be funding from the Sky Fox Clan?

Seeing Jiang Chen’s surprised expression, the little fox smiled brightly like a child whose vanity was satisfied.

But he couldn’t pretend anymore, and he held Jiang Chen’s arm and boasted:

“Under my strong suggestion, the brothers and sisters bet on you to become the Lord of the Mansion, and they made a lot of money.”

“But these unscrupulous people actually said that I was a spy and had colluded with you a long time ago.”

“Fortunately, Sister Ying found her conscience in the end and gave me 1 billion dividends.”

Jiang Chen felt the touch of his arm, tried to suppress the restlessness in his heart, and asked curiously:

“So many drawings, are they prepared for your sisters?”

The little fox nodded and said embarrassedly: “The teleportation array of the state capital has been opened. I want to go back to Nanlizhou to see my sisters, but I am embarrassed to go back empty-handed.”

Jiang Chen’s mind immediately emerged with the scene he saw in the video: a group of Sky Fox girls shaking their tails in unison…

The little fox is rich now, and wants to help his own race.

It’s thoughtful.

Seeing Jiang Chen lost in thought, the little fox shook Jiang Chen’s arm: “Brother Jiang Chen, can you sell it to me? I don’t need the complete version, as long as there is no castrated version of [Valley God] and [Space Sword].”

She is very sensible.

Knowing the power of the two skills of Space Sword and Valley God.

Jiang Chen was a little overwhelmed and immediately said:

“Stop, stop shaking!”

The more Tianyin branches there are, the better it will be for him.

He now has 5.6 million sect luck, and it will take less than a month to upgrade the Empress’s Piaomiao Jue to a small perfection.

Moreover, the little fox’s business opened up Jiang Chen’s mind.

The Sky Fox Clan has always been a weak race, and it can’t even get on the Ten Thousand Clan List. The little fox branch has been attached to the Dragon Kingdom for hundreds of years.

Perhaps this branch of the Sky Fox Clan can be cultivated as a trump card.

Anyway, the Tianyin branch must be controlled by the headquarters, which is a hundred benefits for him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen said:

“Yueyue, since you represent the Sky Fox Clan, let’s do business impartially.”

Seeing the little fox’s vigilant look, Jiang Chen smiled and said:

“I can sell you the complete version of the Tianyin branch, and even upgrade the branch heroes to epic quality, but…”

As Jiang Chen spoke out various overlord terms, the little fox’s face showed a relieved expression.

“Oh, that’s it? I thought Brother Jiang Chen was going to take advantage of one of my sisters…”

Jiang Chen’s forehead was immediately black.

In the end, Jiang Chen signed many unequal treaties with the little fox, including “The Sky Fox Lord who builds the Tianyin branch must hand over 51% of the territory shares”, and then took out fifty Tianyin branch drawings.

The little fox was also very satisfied with such terms.

In her opinion, the deeper the bond with Jiang Chen, the greater the benefits to the sisters.

So she patted her chest and sold all the sisters.

Anyway, this road is completely widened!

“Thank you, Brother Jiang Chen!”


The little fox stood on tiptoe and kissed Jiang Chen gently on the face.

Then left happily.

Jiang Chen touched the place where he was kissed and was shocked:

“So amazing, Yueyue only has three tails now!”

“No wonder the only mythical nine-tailed fox of the Sky Fox Clan can bewitch the Lord of the Second Heaven Business Domain.”

“You know, that is the mythical great lord who dared to tell dirty jokes to the saint of the First Heaven…”

After 12 books, the Lord’s Mansion has become a seven-story luxurious building.

The area is thousands of square meters.

At night.

Outside Jiang Chen’s luxurious bedroom on the top floor of the Lord’s Mansion, several sneaky figures are standing outside the door with their ears erect.

And in the bedroom, there are bursts of strange sounds.





Li Hanyi looked curious: “Sister Empress, why do I feel… a little different from you?”

Except for Aurora who just came, the other women have already become familiar with each other.

After becoming familiar with each other, this woman is much more open than men when it comes to private topics.

The kind that will be censored if you are not careful.


Before the Empress answered, Jaina, who was wearing a silk nightgown, was already laughing:

“It seems that the Lord has really ‘mentioned’ the iron plate this time.”

After a long time, it returned to calm.


The door opened.

Yan was refreshed and walked out with her head held high.

The gauze on her body could not hide her perfect figure at all.

Glancing at a few sisters who were not in tune, Yan strode towards her bedroom like a warrior returning from a triumph.

The empress said admiringly: “Take every battle seriously, Yan is a real warrior!”

Li Hanyi asked curiously: “Is Sister Yan injured? Why does she feel that her walking posture is a little strange?”


Yan stepped on the floor and left a deep footprint.

Early the next morning.


The empress knocked on the door a few times, but there was no response from Jiang Chen.

“Where is the master?”

Aurora, who was used to getting up early, said lightly: “I saw the lord enter the martial arts space early in the morning, and it seems that he went to practice.”

The empress was stunned.

Then she laughed happily.

Another day passed.

In the map of the capital, it was still calm.

Now not only Toyotomi Hideichi and others were extremely anxious.

Even the members of the hunting team specially formed by Longguo for this purpose had an absurd idea in their hearts.

Finally, it was the outspoken Ying Yinman who spoke out what everyone was thinking:

“Those three big demons, couldn’t they…have been secretly killed by Jiang Chen?”

“Ahem!” An Chuxia, the director of the Warfare Bureau, coughed lightly, attracting everyone’s attention, and then said embarrassedly, “I just remembered that I solved one this morning…”

The little fox immediately responded, “And me, I will solve one later… No, I mean, I have already solved one.”

After that, everyone looked at Ying Yinman, who was the strongest, and the meaning in their eyes couldn’t be more obvious.

“You…” Ying Yinman said angrily, “This is a fraud!”

Seeing that Ying Yinman didn’t want to cooperate, Wei Ming hesitated and said, “My strength is too weak! But if no one claims the remaining one, then I can solve it!”

Zhu Yeqing sighed, “Let me do it…”


The news that the three big demons were solved by An Chuxia, Tushan Yueyue, and Zhu Yeqing, the three big guys, spread.

The Dragon Country Lords were in a frenzy.

In addition to Lord Asan, the South Korean Lords, the Lighthouse Lords, and even some Sakura Lords also began to migrate.

The Dragon Country’s strong men were really too scary. They could even deal with the big demon who mastered the will of space, and it was not just Jiang Chen who was scary.

This made Toyotomi Shuichi, Koizumi Shinken and others angry, anxious, and helpless.

During this period.

In addition to the endless flow of medium and high-level monsters at the Gate of the Abyss, two legendary fire demons appeared again.

Unfortunately, they were easily killed by Paris who was always squatting as soon as they left.

Jiang Chen just chuckled at everyone’s small actions, but didn’t pay much attention to them.

Because he finally reached the 13th level.

[Tip: You have already reached the 13th level of the Lord’s Mansion. Please choose the territory direction: city/fortress? ]

[City direction: You will get a larger territory area. ]

[Fortress direction: You will get a more powerful territory defense system. 】

【Once selected, it cannot be changed, please choose carefully. 】

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