[Your unit Giselle killed the Golden Behemoth (Legend ☆☆☆☆), and obtained Energy*14 million, Military Talisman (Golden Behemoth)*1. ]

“Military Talisman?!!”

Killing the enemy lord’s unit will have a high probability of dropping an equipment, and a very low probability of dropping the skill it possesses.

This is the first time Jiang Chen has heard of a military talisman that can be directly dropped.

He immediately opened other battle reports of killing Golden Behemoth.

Unfortunately, there is only this one military talisman.

It was originally a pleasant surprise, and Jiang Chen did not get discouraged, but searched for the keyword “military talisman”.

Today’s hundreds of thousands of kill records were instantly reduced to only a few hundred.

“Sword Saint, Beast King, Scourge Knight…”

Jiang Chen smiled.

In addition to the Golden Behemoth, there are actually three other legendary military talismans.

And there are 28 epic military talismans.

“The bonus of the dragon vein is so terrifying!”


I have never heard of a lord who luxuriously upgraded [Green Water and Green Mountains] to Class A… Maybe some people have tried it, but they must have chosen to make a fortune in silence like Jiang Chen.

“The last gathering of luck is about to be completed. By then, the luck of the town will exceed 3,000 points, and the bonus of the dragon vein will be further improved!”

Three county ranking competitions have brought the total luck points of Longyuan County to more than 6,000 points. Jiang Chen unceremoniously occupied half of them.

“One military talisman can recruit 12 soldiers. If the explosion rate really reaches a certain extreme, can I just find someone to recruit this team of golden behemoths, and then kill them and explode two more military talismans…”

Jiang Chen was thinking about the possibility of infinite nesting dolls in his heart, and then Ying Yinman’s regretful voice came from his side:

“What a pity, if I have a legendary seal scroll, I can first beat this team of golden behemoths half-crippled, and then try to seal them.”

Although she has been sweeping the Wanjie Mall with her money ability these days, and has also promoted more than a dozen Hundred Battle Armored Soldiers to legendary quality, she is still greedy to death after seeing the extreme soldiers.


Ying Yinman saw a golden light flying towards her, and subconsciously reached out to grab it.

As a result, one second later.

Ying Yinman’s voice full of surprise and disbelief came from mid-air.

“Oh my god!!!”

Meng Tian looked up and felt a headache.

Jiang Chen is good in everything, except that since the little prince followed him, he has been getting further and further away from being a lady.

But 10 seconds later, when Ying Yinman took out the golden Behemoth’s military token like offering a treasure…


Meng Tian couldn’t help but swear, which made Bai Cong on the side look sideways.

But Meng Tian didn’t care about these things. She immediately pulled Ying Yinman aside and said nervously:

“Your Highness, tell me honestly, did Jiang Chen make any unreasonable demands on you?”

This is an extreme military force. Even if Jiang Chen has an angel army, he shouldn’t give it away casually!

Could it be a betrothal gift?

Meng Tian’s mind raced!

“No!” Ying Yinman was stunned, “I guess he thinks Behemoth is too ugly, but he just doesn’t admit it.”

Too ugly?

Meng Tian just felt dizzy.

“Super rich!”

Looking at Ying Yinman and the other person whispering below, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but sigh.

Whether it was the early preparations, or the 300 war zone masters who were suspected to be secretly sent down by the will of the Immortal Qin, or the 5 billion spirit stones that Ying Yinman just spent.

The value is more than an extreme military talisman.

After all, he is the Lord of Shenzhou!

Even so, in response to this golden behemoth military talisman, the excited Ying Yinman still forced 2 billion spirit stones to him.

He couldn’t refuse it.

Even though Jiang Chen is now spending hundreds of billions, spirit stones are always hard currency.

Even a strong man like An Chuxia can hardly come up with 10 million spirit stones now.

Although the golden behemoth is good, it has no place in the battle system of Jiang Chen’s territory, and Jiang Chen has no beastman heroes to rule.

Even without mentioning the Fairy Dragon, whose cost-effectiveness is still higher than that of the Golden Behemoth, the Crystal Maiden and the Goddess Warrior are both physical-oriented troops, and are no less powerful than the Golden Behemoth.

Isn’t the more pleasing Crystal Maiden more attractive?

From this perspective, what Ying Yinman said is not wrong.

Moreover, only when Diaoaozhou becomes stronger as a whole can Jiang Chen avoid exposing more cards.

On the battlefield.

The fall of the Golden Behemoth completely liberated the Goddess Warrior.

They fought at full strength and were invincible.

In addition, the Sakura high-level officials had begun to be passive and lazy, and even the slow-witted Sakura Lord discovered something was wrong, secretly ordering his troops to slow down the pace of attack, and even began to retreat.

One person… ten people… a hundred people… a thousand people… the rout is contagious!

When the Sakura army finally retreated like a tide…Bailifudu, cheers shook the sky!

“Hahaha, the devils are retreating!”

“We won!”

“We Shenzhou has created a miracle again!”

“Long live Boss Jiang Chen! Long live Shenzhou, long live Dragon Country!”

“Wulian Tianzun! God bless Shenzhou! It’s worth our trip from Longhuzhou!”

Even in the Beixiong National Defense Zone, there were bursts of “Ula” sounds.

“Angel Legion, Tianyin Legion, follow me out of the city to kill the enemy! No one will be left alive!”

Jiang Chen would naturally not let it go, and the rumbling sound spread throughout the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, another punch of the Origin Divine Fist blasted down.

Although the two sides fought fiercely for nearly an hour, the casualties of the lords were minimal, and Jiang Chen would naturally not let these Sakura lords hiding in the back leave.

By the way, he could also harvest some more energy.

Under Jiang Chen’s leadership, the momentum of the Shenzhou defense circle reached its peak.

“Lord Xianqin, follow me out of the city to kill the enemy!”

“Brothers from Huaixi, follow me out of the city to kill the enemy!”

“Sisters from Tianhu, follow me out of the city to kill the enemy!”

“Hahaha, fellow Taoists from Longhuzhou, our two states are adjacent, why don’t we travel together?”

“Ulla! We can’t let our allies see everything in the Northern Bear Country!”

The Sakura Country naturally has many lords with strong fighting will. Seeing that the Dragon Country has actually left the defense system, they want to organize a counterattack.

But it’s not that easy to be defeated.

And the first bird to come out will be shot!

These Sakura lords who showed up were instantly killed by the Angel Corps.

The other Sakura lords were so scared that they dared not show up again, hiding in the rout.

Ying Yinman suddenly pointed to ten kilometers away and shouted.

“Toyotomi Hideichi! I saw Toyotomi Hideichi, right there!”

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and several teams of Angel Corps killed instantly.

Toyotomi Hideichi was indeed very smart. He actually caught the last ray of hope at this time.

He immediately opened a live broadcast aimed at himself, and shouted wildly:

“I am the pride of Blue Star! I will fight for Blue Star against all races! Jiang Chen wants to kill me, Jiang Chen wants to be the enemy of the entire Blue Star!”

Other Sakura lords who were awarded the title of “Pride of Blue Star” also suddenly realized it, followed suit, and opened the live broadcast one by one, howling like ghosts and wolves.

“Jiang Chen, quickly let your people stop!”

“We admit defeat and are willing to pay the ransom. Please don’t openly violate the Yuewaiwa Convention from the Dragon Kingdom!”

“Even if we win this battle, we will not harm your lord. Now ask for surrender.”

In the live broadcast room.

Naturally, someone spoke up to help.

Shenwu Naizi (Shenwu Prefecture): “The Blue Star Pride War is about to begin. Lord Jiang Chen has won. Please do not kill them all, lest you make mistakes!”

Tokugawa Masashige (Tokugawa Prefecture): “The Ten Thousand Races Pride War not only has individual battles, but also team competitions. Without dozens of Pride participants, the power of Blue Star will be weakened by one point!”

Even some neutral lords came forward.

Adolf (Norman Prefecture): “This… Although it is wrong for Sakura Country to provoke a war, for the benefit of the entire Blue Star, I hope that Dragon Country can put the overall situation first.”

The Blue Star United Council, which has received money, can finally come forward with dignity.

David (Gongjizhou): “Ahem, Mr. Jiang Chen, there is an old saying in Dragon Country that says you should show mercy when you can! Since Sakura Country has been defeated, I hope Dragon Country can abide by the Yuewaiwa Convention and treat prisoners of war well.”

The little fox flew to Jiang Chen’s side and said angrily: “Brother Jiang Chen, what should we do?”

Ying Yinman licked her lips: “What else can we do? While the Ten Thousand Races Pride War has not started yet, we will naturally kill without mercy!”

Although she is not afraid of anything, after she finished speaking, she still looked at Jiang Chen, looking forward to Jiang Chen’s decision.

Before Jiang Chen could speak.

There was a burst of exclamations from below.

“Look at the Blue Star Domain Channel! The Ten Thousand Races Pride War has started!”

“It actually started at this critical moment?

“Is it possible that the Heavenly Dao is saving these devils?”

Jiang Chen immediately opened the Blue Star Domain Channel.

Sure enough, he found that more than a dozen golden announcements had been pinned.

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