“Alas, still no…”

“Sure enough, are we expecting too much from them!”

One minute later, all the lords of the thirteen states sighed in disappointment.

The civil servant of Shenzhou cheered loudly:

“Only two thousand are announced now!”

“Perhaps the geniuses of our thirteen states are so vigorous that it is very likely that they will be among the top eight thousand!”

As soon as these words came out.

The lords of the thirteen states were shocked.

“That’s right! We must believe in our geniuses!”

“Geniuses are always good at creating miracles, not to mention Jiang Chen, the first genius of Blue Star!”

Although the hostile lords of the Western Alliance and Sakura had some complaints about the title of “the first genius of Blue Star”, they were silent at this moment and waited and watched.

Because they were also afraid that they would be slapped in the face if they mocked him at this time.

After all, Jiang Chen’s previous “record” was too terrifying.

Anyway, it won’t be long before the results will be revealed.

In less than half an hour.

All the names after five thousand have been announced.

The lords of the thirteen states of Longguo went from hope at the beginning to disappointment, and then to near despair now.

Even the most optimistic lords found it hard to believe that the First Legion could advance to within 5,000 with the strength of a thousand people.

Only the Shenzhou civil servants did not give up.

“Don’t be discouraged, brothers! This is only 5,000!”

“As we all know, the gap between legion battles will be smaller as time goes on, and it also depends on luck! Maybe if the big guys work hard, the construction completion rate will increase by a few percentage points, and they will advance to within 5,000!”

The Shenzhou civil servants selected by Ye Yiren are all lords who have followed Jiang Chen all the way to today since the opening of the area.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that they sacrificed their lives for Jiang Chen, but they are definitely die-hard fans.

But this time, there were very few lords of Longguo who responded to the Shenzhou civil servants.

And some impatient lords of countries such as Sakura and Lighthouse finally couldn’t hold back.

“Haha, the Dragon people are really ridiculous. They are still deceiving themselves at this time!”

“Do you still believe that Jiang Chen can create miracles?!”

“Don’t bring us Qingyu with you. We Qingyu are not so naive!”

“Haha!” Shenzhou civil servants also sneered and said bluntly, “Just take care of yourselves! I heard that the idiot commander of your Second Corps angered Tiantangshan and played a good hand badly! Maybe you can’t even get into the thousandth place!”

After saying this.

These cowards were silent immediately.

The Second Corps is almost full. If it can’t even get into the thousandth place, it will be more embarrassing than the First Corps.

Another half an hour passed.

[No. 1001-2000 is…

[Rewards: The state capital map where the participating lord is located is expanded by 36%, the resource index is increased by 36%, the spiritual energy concentration is increased by 36%, the wild biological resources are increased by 36%, and the probability of spawning wild buildings is increased by 36%. 】

After confirming that there was no name of the Blue Star Domain, the Western Alliance, Sakura, South Korea, India, and even the state lords controlled by Qingyu all breathed a sigh of relief and cheered.

“Hahaha, we are in the top 1,000! We are in the top 1,000!”

“This morning, there were a lot of Blue Star prodigies withdrawing from the legion battle, which really scared me.”

“It’s hard for our prodigies. Who would have thought that they would encounter such a strong enemy as Heaven Mountain!”

A Sakura lord sighed:

“Thanks to the brave warriors of our Great Sakura Empire, the temple was saved!”

The lord of the Lighthouse Country was not to be outdone: “And our Lighthouse Country’s nano warriors, this time we were able to defend the temple, our Lighthouse Country should at least have half the credit!”

“Lighthouse Country? David, that idiot, is from your Lighthouse Country!”


Finally someone remembered the Thirteen States of the Dragon Country.

“Who just said that our Second Corps can’t enter the 1,000th place?”

“Just a bunch of clowns, there’s no need to get angry, Takeda-kun!”

“Haha, people from the thirteen states of Dragon Country, don’t you really think you can enter the 1,000th place!”

Now, they can ridicule without any worries.

Because everyone knows that it’s impossible to be slapped in the face again!

And even the civil servants of Shenzhou were silent.

Even if he had confidence in Jiang Chen, he didn’t dare to say such a big talk that the First Corps could enter the 1,000th place.

The third heaven.

Three phantoms sat opposite each other.

On a virtual image, the ranking of the legion battle was being broadcast.

After a long silence, Emperor Ming said:

“Damn it, these little bastards didn’t even make it to the 10,000th place. With the thirteen states joining forces, I thought there was some hope.”

Ying Zheng was worried about his daughter’s injury and was annoyed.

Hearing the words “little bastards”, he immediately said unhappily:

“Your Majesty, those guys in your Ming Dynasty are little bastards, but we in Xian Qin are not.”

The Emperor was stunned.As an elder, can’t I just scold these little bastards?

He didn’t know how he had offended Ying Zheng, and he felt a little depressed.

But Ying Zheng was the elder brother after all, so he could only bear it and said with a smile:

“Okay, okay, we in the Ming Dynasty are all bastards, and you in the Xian Qin are all good guys!”

Ying Zheng was angry, and he had no way to deal with this gangster.

At this time.

The Emperor of Tang stood up and said: “Your Majesty, since the results of the legion battle have been announced, I will leave first!”

With the experience of the three emperors, they naturally knew that although these little guys had trump cards, no matter how strong the trump cards were, they would be restricted by the number of people.

It was absolutely impossible to enter the top 1,000.

Ying Zheng hurriedly said, “There are also the results of the Second Army. Emperor Tang might as well watch them before leaving. After all, this is a live broadcast!”

“No!” Emperor Tang shook his head and said, “The Second Army encountered Heaven Mountain yesterday. Even if they saved the temple, they may only be able to defend their shortcomings and it is impossible to enter the top 100!”

After speaking, Emperor Tang bowed his hands and his incarnation dissipated.

“Then, let’s withdraw too…”

Seeing this, Emperor Ming also stood up and said goodbye.

After the two emperors disappeared, Ying Zheng finally showed a trace of doubt on his face:

“Xiao Jiujiu did not hesitate to activate the blood of the ancestral dragon and break the void to ask for help, but he didn’t even make it into the top 10, which is a bit unreasonable.”

“Even if Xiao Jiujiu is young and energetic, Meng Tian and Bai Cong will not watch Xiao Jiujiu fooling around…”

Emperor Tang’s guess was correct.

The Second Army of Blue Star did not enter the top 100, and it was far behind.

[582nd: Second Army of Blue Star Domain (Human Race). 】

【Rewards: The state map where the participating lord is located will be expanded by 60%, the resource index will be increased by 60%, the spiritual energy concentration will be increased by 60%, the wild biological resources will be increased by 60%, and the probability of spawning wild buildings will be increased by 60%. 】

At the same time.

All the lords in the entire Blue Star Region seemed to hear a roar in their ears.

Then, the 365 state capitals except the thirteen states of Dragon Country all changed their appearance.

“Hahaha, the spiritual energy concentration has increased by 60%. I feel refreshed every time I take a breath in the wild map.”

“I actually encountered an indigenous territory!”

“Excellent resources, two excellent resources!”

Although it was far from what was expected, the lords of these state capitals were still jubilant.

A lord of the Sakura Country teased: “Let’s not talk about Shenzhou for now. I want to ask the lords of the other twelve states of Dragon Country, do you regret it?”

Some lords of Dragon Country did regret it in their hearts, while some were determined.

We can talk about deeds instead of intentions.

No matter what the lords who are still in the thirteen states think, they are all united against the enemy at this moment.

“Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west! The battle of the geniuses of all races is just the beginning!”

“That’s right, these blessings can’t increase combat power! Let’s see the outcome on the battlefield outside the domain!”

A lord of the Lighthouse Country suddenly sneered:

“You are really stubborn. Don’t forget that the first state capital ranking competition in the Blue Star Domain is the building index!”

“Let alone, the resource index alone is 60% different. I wonder what you can use to compare with us in the next state capital ranking competition?”

“One step behind, step by step behind. If you ask me, you might as well enter the new area tomorrow. Maybe you can still make a name for yourself, hahaha…”

Listening to these teasing words.

Although the lords of the thirteen states were angry, they had nothing to say and remained silent.

Who made this the fact!

Five Elements Heaven.

Various ambiguous voices were heard in the Second Army of Blue Star.

Because this result can only be regarded as unsatisfactory.

“The thousandth and the hundredth are both huge watersheds. Our lords have been the strongest in Blue Star for decades, but I didn’t expect that we still couldn’t enter the hundredth!”

“Damn Heaven Mountain, if it weren’t for their attack, we still had hope of being in the top hundred!”

“Tian Tianran? Haha, Heaven Mountain is our competitor, and it’s understandable to attack us! But if it weren’t for the Blue Star United Parliament’s temporary split, if it weren’t for David, the idiot, who angered the military leader Eric, how could there be so many moths?”

As soon as these words came out, they resonated strongly again.

Hearing that David was brought out to be whipped again, Shenwu Naizi immediately came forward to smooth things over for this pig ally.

“Listen to me, everyone. The main culprits who caused the division of Blue Star are the evil forces of the thirteen states of Dragon Country, led by Shenzhou. They ignored the overall situation first!”

“The Dragon Country official has already issued an announcement on this point, so I hope that some people with ulterior motives will stop confusing right and wrong!”

“Moreover, even if the first legion has 13 more states joining, we can’t enter the top 100. It’s really too far away.Too many!”

Although he was trying to excuse David and avoid the main point, everyone’s attention was still attracted by the four words “First Legion”.

“Alas, the First Legion really failed to enter the top ten thousand…”

Some people sighed, some gloated, and some celebrated.

When Shenwu Naizi said this, he couldn’t help it after all, and released a message as a winner among the Tianjiao of all races.

“Hehe, everyone in the First Legion, seeing the excellent ranking of our Second Legion, I wonder if you have any regrets in your heart at this moment?”

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