Soon, Jiang Chen stood up and said goodbye.

After watching Jiang Chen soar into the sky, Zhao Gao immediately whispered:

“Your Majesty, this Jiang Chen is really ungrateful! We Xian Qin still have 300 old district strongmen in Shenzhou. I think it is better to take Shenzhou directly while Jiang Chen is weak. After all, after this legion battle, the reputation of the little prince is no less than Jiang Chen.”

Ying Yin Man also heard it and said angrily: “You dare! Ahem…”

She hated Zhao Gao very much, just like the Meng brothers and sisters hated Zhao Gao.

Ying Zheng hurriedly said:

“Girl, don’t worry, we won’t do anything to Jiang Chen, after all, he is your best friend! Come on, drink the life essence first, hey, girl is so good!”

After Ying Zheng fed his daughter the life essence, he glared at Zhao Gao fiercely.

But it was just a glare.

Although he knew that Zhao Gao was seeking revenge for his personal grudge, this thought did flash through Ying Zheng’s mind just now after Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid.

After all, Jiang Chen’s angel army had been completely destroyed in the battle of the Ten Thousand Races’ Pride, and this was a great opportunity.

However, this thought flashed through his mind.

After all, their common enemy was Qingyu.

In Ying Zheng’s heart, he was also secretly looking forward to Jiang Chen creating another miracle.

After comforting Ying Yinman, Ying Zheng smiled.

“Although Shenzhou is out of the provincial ranking competition, our other provincial prefectures can compete for the first place!”

Zhao Gao also smiled and said:

“Your Majesty is wise. Although there are less than half of the lords of these provincial prefectures, six times the resources are enough to make their development speed several times faster!”

Ying Zheng nodded: “Pass my order and immediately mobilize a batch of architectural drawings above excellence from the inner treasury and distribute them.”

Zhao Gao was shocked and knew that His Majesty had spent a lot of money to compete for the first place.

And Ying Zheng then said to Ying Yinman:

“The first place will not only have 10 points of national fortune, but also 1,000 gold luck charms.”

“If we can get the first place, we may be able to build a town comparable to Longyuan Town…”

“When the time comes, you can go there to be the mayor, so you don’t have to work for Jiang Chen!”


Jiang Chen’s decision spread throughout Shenzhou.

Although the lords of Shenzhou felt regretful, they also understood.

“Brother Jiang Chen’s decision was right. We can’t let the resources of Shenzhou fall into the hands of those dogs in the west!”

The little fox naturally supported it without thinking.

Wei Ming was a beat slower: “Yueyue is right! At worst, we can give up this provincial ranking competition! Anyway, we already have 10 points of national fortune.”

“Listen to me, everyone!” An Chuxia suddenly said, “I just calculated according to the rules. If everyone focuses on developing the territory next, and enters the 15th book within three months, there may be hope to enter the top 100.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was refreshed.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

100th place is better than no ranking!

Ye Yiren added:

“Half a day after the end of the legion battle, there have been continuous wild buildings discovered, and even indigenous territories. After these are occupied, they can be counted as building indexes.”

“And there are countless resources of excellent quality. Even our lords don’t have so many troops to occupy them, so they can only be abandoned!”

Everyone was moved when they heard this.

In ordinary prefectures, a high-quality resource in the wild may even cause a conflict between two towns.

But now Shenzhou is vast and sparsely populated, and the high-quality resources are actually abandoned…

Ying Yinman said confidently: “Everyone work harder, with less than a million lords, enter the top 100 and blind those guys!”

At this time, Jiang Chen, who had been peeking at the screen, thought about it and posted an announcement on the Shenzhou channel.

“In this prefecture ranking competition, everyone should do their best and don’t affect the development of combat power, especially the war lords. Because next, Shenzhou may not be very peaceful!”

After 13 books, most war lords will choose the fortress direction.

If you recruit farmers to mine resources with all your strength, or even heavily garrison resource points, it will inevitably lead to stagnation of combat power.

After all, the population limit of the territory is so much!

At this time.

Ye Yiren suddenly chatted with Jiang Chen privately.

“Boss, there is a problem!”

“Tell me!”

“Lighthouse, Golden Lion, South Korea, Asan and many other forces have come to me, hoping to enter our Shenzhou to mine resources, and are willing to pay a certain amount of compensation for this.”

“Compensation?” Jiang Chen was stunned, “What standard?”

Ye Yiren gave a standard, and Jiang Chen sneered: “Tell them, 20 times, otherwise no deal.”

The result was soon.

Malicious slander against Shenzhou appeared in the Blue Star Domain Channel one after another.

“Alas, Shenzhou’s precious resources are the resources of the entire Blue Star. If they are shared,To enhance the strength of the entire Blue Star!”

“Yes, if I were Jiang Chen, I would definitely share it without hesitation!”

“I have calculated that with the number of lords in Shenzhou, it is impossible to mine so many resources. My God, they would rather waste these resources than use them to enhance the strength of Blue Star. Do they believe in Satan?”

The little fox is quite venomous.

“Forget God! Because of God, your Blue Star Second Army was almost wiped out…”

This sentence made many lords who believed in God and Heaven Mountain almost spit out blood.

“Is this… creating public opinion for attacking the Thirteen States of Dragon Country? ”

Jiang Chen thought of something deeper.

“Shenzhou is isolated overseas, so if you want to attack Shenzhou, you must go by sea…”

“During this period, my maritime power has stagnated a bit. The Ghost Dock is only level 7, and I don’t know what new features it can produce after level 12…”

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen began to strengthen the resources to upgrade the Dark Dock.

Time flies, and ten days pass quickly.

The space ban is finally over.

Aurora raised 10 billion spirit stones from her old Pandora subordinates, allowing Jiang Chen’s assets to exceed 20 billion.

Two important pieces of news came from Xian Qin’s channel.

First, the Western Alliance and Sakura Country returned several counties that they had previously occupied from Qingyu.

Qingyu made a big fuss about this, saying that the Western Alliance and Sakura Country were friends of Longguo, and took this opportunity to officially declare the thirteen states of Longguo as traitors of Longguo.

But everyone knows.

For hundreds of years, the maps that Qingyu ceded to these countries were a hundred times more than what they had just returned.

In short, it looked like a storm was coming.

The second one was interesting.

“What? Free Will spent a lot of money to build a town with 2,000 points of luck.”

Jiang Chen asked curiously:

“How much does it cost?”

Under the conditioning of the life source, Ying Yinman’s face was white and rosy, revealing a healthy breath.

She bit a mouthful of dragon tooth rice and put two fingers in it:

“At least two trillion spirit stones, or even more! ”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

“Really rich!”

More than he expected.

“Mainly relocation compensation!”

After Ying Yinman’s injury healed, her appetite was amazing.

She swallowed a few bites of dragon tooth rice cut into several kilograms, then picked up another piece and explained:

“Those who can get the first place in the county ranking competition are basically full towns, that is, million lords.”

“And the price of a household registration in a town with 2 points of luck has been hyped up to more than one million, which is a base of one trillion!”

“Plus, the nail households in the Lighthouse Country are terrible, asking for resource compensation, mental damage compensation… all kinds of messes, two trillion should not be able to stop it! ”

Jiang Chen nodded.

No wonder Free Will wanted to seize Longyuan County.


Free Will is really rich!

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but sigh again.


Ying Yin Man burped, then squinted comfortably, and then said:

“There is another piece of news, I have to tell you first.”

Looking at Ying Yin Man’s serious expression, Jiang Chen thought for a while and said:

“Are our enemies going to take action?”

Ying Yin Man nodded: “In half a month at the fastest and a month at the slowest, the coalition forces of several countries such as Sakura will probably arrive at the sea off Shenzhou! And the other twelve states will also face different enemies!”

Speaking, Ying Yin Man took out two epic seals.

“Can you sell me two of the battleships that can dive last time?”

Jiang Chen laughed.

After laying the groundwork for a long time, it turned out that they were waiting for him here.

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