[Cloud Piercing Ship] itself is legendary and cannot be enhanced.

But he has seen the speed of the Cloud Piercing Ship, which is faster than ordinary mythical soldiers! It deserves the name of “Cloud Piercing”.

[Xin Yin Secret Book]: Xin Yin School’s supreme swordsmanship, including the four major sword moves of Moon Copy, Moon Attack, Moon Nothingness, and Moon Shame.

Xin Yin School is one of the most powerful swordsmanship schools in Sakura Country.

Although it has the ability to enhance, Jiang Chen has no shortage of powerful skill books, but the strongest swordsmanship of Sakura Country, used in conjunction with the little golden man, may have an unexpected effect…

There is no doubt that this sword book belongs to Li Hanyi.


Ying Yinman suddenly laughed, attracting Jiang Chen’s attention.

I saw this tiger girl holding a battleship model and showing off everywhere.

“Look, I exploded a legendary battleship!”

It seems that she is afraid that others don’t know.

Jiang Chen smiled:

“What a guy who loves to show off!”

The Seven Nations Alliance had only a few legendary warships.

Ying Yinman chased one and finally destroyed it.

With the blessing of Jiang Chen’s dragon vein, he was lucky enough to explode an unactivated warship.

Others were surprised and congratulated.

A legendary warship is very important, because from the experience of this battle, as long as Shenzhou can defend the sea route, the threat from the enemy will be mostly gone.

Ying Yinman thought about it, and suddenly said to An Chuxia:

“Chuxia, this warship is for you!”

An Chuxia was happy for Ying Yinman, and was shocked when she heard the words, and quickly refused:

“No, no!”

Ying Yinman said generously: “Why are you being polite to me?”

Jiang Chen looked at this warm scene, and a rare softness flashed in his eyes.

I work so hard not only for the illusory longevity, but also for the beauty in front of me!

But then, Ying Yinman continued:

“You have accepted Jiang Chen’s things, why don’t you accept my things?”


I overestimated her!

It turns out that it is for comparison again!

Seeing this, Jiang Chen smiled and said:

“With a legendary battleship, it will be safer to explore the outer sea in the future. Chuxia, you should accept it… By the way, I will also sponsor you an epic figurehead!”

An Chuxia looked at the epic figurehead handed over by Jiang Chen, and then looked at Ying Yinman. She moved her lips but didn’t say anything to thank her. She just said solemnly:

“Next time the enemy attacks, I will be the vanguard!!”

The third heaven.

“Haha, Xiaojiu actually revealed a legendary battleship…”

Ying Zheng laughed as he watched the broadcast.

But then, his laughter stopped abruptly.

“Uh, gave it away?”

A legendary warship is insignificant to him.

But this is in the new area!

Even he paid a great price to get a legendary warship for Ying Yinman in the new area.

Now his daughter has a legendary warship, but he gave it away directly. It’s really a waste of money.

“Forget it!”

But soon, Ying Zheng’s face regained a smile:

“The little girl of the An family is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and seems to have a special physique. It’s good for Xiaojiu to have such a friendship!”

Zhao Gao flattered at the right time:

“This time, the little prince led Shenzhou to repel the powerful enemy. Is he really as good as your majesty in the past?”

Ying Zheng’s mouth curled up. Although he knew that Zhao Gao was flattering, he couldn’t help but feel happy.

“Jiang Chen has an invincible fleet, several legendary nine-star heroes, and his hiding place is also very deep…”

But in the end, he didn’t have the nerve to deny Jiang Chen’s achievements.

“How is the first provincial capital ranking competition in the new district going?”

Zhao Gao was shocked and said loudly:

“Your Majesty, according to the plan, we will make every effort to build Qiyun Prefecture this time to compete for the first place in the provincial capital ranking competition.”

“In the two months after the Ten Thousand Races Pride War, there were tens of thousands of wild buildings discovered in Qiyun Prefecture alone, dozens of epic buildings, and hundreds of excellent buildings!”

“And the thousands of epic buildings and hundreds of excellent buildings issued by our Xian Qin are expected to be completed before the provincial capital ranking competition is settled.”

This result satisfied Ying Zheng and he couldn’t help but sigh again.

“It’s only been less than half a year since the district was opened! The reward for the first place in the legion battle is really terrible!”

In the history of Blue Star, the best result of the Ten Thousand Races Pride War Legion Battle was only the top 100.

So with the continuous exploration of resources in the thirteen states of Dragon Country, the amount of resources is far beyond everyone’s expectations.

The fact that Qiyun Prefecture built 100,000 buildings of excellent quality or above was not just for the building index of this provincial capital ranking competition…

These 100,000 buildings include military buildings, mysterious shops, blessing altars, resource buildings, blacksmith shops, restaurants, pharmacies, etc., which will definitely make Qiyun Prefecture develop faster!

Zhao Gao held LanHuazhi echoed:

“That’s right! Even if other state lords get a blueprint of an excellent building, they have to ‘buy’ resources everywhere to build it, and as for epic buildings, don’t even think about it.”

“And the excellent resources of our thirteen states of Longguo are simply inexhaustible!”

“This time in the ‘Architecture Index’ ranking competition, our Qiyun State can definitely take the first place.”

Of course.

Seeing that Ying Zheng was in a good mood, Zhao Gao did not mention the fact that Free Will spent a lot of money to build 2,000 points of town luck.

2,000 points of town luck is enough to produce epic resources.

Ying Zheng said lightly:

“Don’t take it lightly, Sheng Tang and Mingyu also spent a lot of resources this time!”

Ying Zheng, Tang Huang and Ming Huang, the three of them, are secretly competing for the first place.

At this time.

Zhao Gao pointed to a broadcast screen and stuttered:

“Your Majesty, Jiang Chen issued an announcement…”

In the new area Blue Star Domain channel, Jiang Chen’s announcement caused an uproar.

[Hello everyone, I am Jiang Chen, the Lord of Shenzhou. Now on behalf of Shenzhou, I announce: From now on, with Shenzhou as the center, the 200,000 kilometers are all the territorial waters of our Dragon Kingdom. The lords of other countries are not allowed to enter, otherwise they will be killed without mercy! ]

Ying Zheng was stunned, and then laughed:

“Sakura’s Chongsuo Island is only 140,000 kilometers away from Shenzhou, hahaha, this is to include the mainland of Sakura into the territorial waters of Dragon Kingdom! Jiang Chen is really unreasonable.”

Jiang Chen’s statement instantly angered all the lords of Sakura Country.

“Baga, Jiang Chen, are you crazy? You actually want to make our Sakura homeland the territory of Dragon Country?!”

“Why doesn’t he make the entire Blue Star Region the territory of Dragon Country?”

“Hmph, you are so arrogant after winning a victory! I just want to go out to sea and see what Jiang Chen dares to do to me?”

As a temporary ally of Sakura Country, Lighthouse Country also jumped out at this moment.

“We support Sakura Country and strongly condemn Shenzhou’s maritime bullying!”

“Please don’t be stubborn in Shenzhou!”

The thirteen state lords of Dragon Country were unhappy.

“Fuck, don’t you feel guilty for saying that? Who just attacked our Shenzhou Inland Sea? If we didn’t have a trump card, you can imagine the outcome!”

The Lighthouse Country Lord immediately argued:

“How can this be the same? You Shenzhou are the traitors of Dragon Country, and Jiang Chen is even more of a disaster. This time we are invited by Dragon Country to destroy Shenzhou, so that the Blue Star Region can be clear and peaceful! It’s a pity that the thieves are too powerful!”

However, all the Sakura high-level officials kept silent.

Because they knew that judging from the fighting spirit of the Shenzhou Ghost Fleet, it was really capable of blocking the Sakura Country at the port.

They racked their brains, but they couldn’t think of any good countermeasures for the Ghost Fleet.

Jiang Chen ignored the rude remarks of the Sakura Lords and even stopped the little fox and others who wanted to come out for a verbal battle.

“No need to be half-hearted with them! Now they are shouting happily, and they will come to us to beg us in a few days!”

Ying Yinman asked excitedly:

“Jiang Chen, are you going to the inner sea of ​​Sakura to beg for money?”

Jiang Chen looked towards the direction of Sakura.

“After the Qingyu, our Dragon Country has been blocked at the door by Sakura and the Western countries for a hundred years. It’s time to fight back and vent our anger!”

Ying Yinman immediately said: “I’ll go too!”

Jiang Chen’s mouth curled up.

He felt like a big kid, and Ying Yinman was just a little follower.

But he didn’t refuse.


With the mirage and the legendary warship, the safety of Ying Yinman’s fleet can at least be guaranteed.

Of course.

Jiang Chen’s purpose is not just as simple as venting his anger.

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