
The holy blow fell, and Avril easily killed the last nano warrior of the Lighthouse Gold Squad in front of her.

Then she looked at the hundreds of legendary soldiers in the sky with contempt.

That was the rescue team of the Lighthouse Country.

“Sisters, let’s go!”

The speed of the angels is not the fastest among the legendary soldiers, but it is definitely not slow, belonging to the above-average level.

Although the rescue team of the Lighthouse Country has soldiers such as [Wind Dragon] that focus on speed, they also have meat shields such as [Tyrant], and they dare not pursue rashly.

“Damn angels!”

The hero leading the team cursed, but could only watch the angel army go away.

There is only a thousand days of thieves, but there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

In addition, the Sky Breaker, Angel Yan, Paris and other strong men came to rescue from time to time, and the Lighthouse Country soon became exhausted and had to narrow the defense circle again.

Of course.

Occasionally, there are angel teams that fall into the trap of the Lighthouse Country.

For example, an ordinary monster-killing team suddenly took out hundreds of control skill scrolls and left one or several angels behind.

But for Jiang Chen, the death of a few angels was harmless.

After they were resurrected in the Fountain of Life, they could immediately reach the overseas ghost fleet through the teleportation array and return to the battlefield in just two days.

“Lord, just now, the activity range of the Lighthouse Country has shrunk to within 100 kilometers of the Ancient Gate!”

Listening to Jing Qi’s report, Jiang Chen nodded:

“It’s almost done, go and inform Yan, just keep the status quo…”

For the same legion, the smaller the defense range, the greater the strength.

In order to improve mobility, Jiang Chen only brought epic troops this time.

A large-scale conflict with the Lighthouse Country’s millions of troops is courting death.

When the two armies meet, they are always in a crisscross pattern. Once the Shenzhou Legion is bitten by the Lighthouse Country, it will either be a heroic sacrifice or suffer heavy casualties.

And so far.

The two sides have also reached a temporary balance.

Another eight days have passed.

Just when the ban was about to end and the Lighthouse Nation was full of expectations, they were horrified to find that the ban time had been reset again.

Now all the Lighthouse Nation lords were going to collapse.

These were two more precious ban scrolls!!!

There were already 6 of them!

Damn, millions of troops rushed into the ban area with high spirits, but in the end they could only shrink near the Ancient Gate.

If this continues, let alone taking the top ten, I’m afraid even the first place might be lost.

“No one knows how many times Jiang Chen can ban! It’s like Shenzhou suddenly had hundreds of high-speed legendary warships!”

Sherman said with an ugly face:

“The time for this state capital qualifying competition has passed halfway, and we can’t gamble anymore. In order to ensure the ranking in the qualifying competition, I’m afraid we can only use the human wave tactic!”

The expressions of the Lighthouse Nation’s senior leaders changed, but they could only nod silently.

Two months ago, they could never imagine that the foolproof state capital qualifying competition would come to this?

The human wave tactics means that many low- and medium-level troops will participate in the war.

The survivability of low-level troops is far inferior to that of high-level troops. A large number of them will die when encountering a powerful AOE skill.

Just like Jiang Chen’s Tianyin disciples, most lords have thousands or tens of thousands of low-level or low-level troops for daily energy brushing and guarding resource points in addition to hundreds of main combat troops.

Although these troops do not participate in external battles, they are indispensable to each territory.

Even if they die, they must be recruited again, upgraded again, and even re-cultivated for loyalty.

For example, if Jiang Chen’s 60,000 Tianyin True Transmissions are used up, they will definitely be seriously injured!

The tactics of the Lighthouse Country are simple and crude, that is, to gradually use troops to fill up Oahu bit by bit.

After Jiang Chen understood the tactics of the Lighthouse Country, he also looked up to the west, and his eyes seemed to penetrate hundreds of thousands of miles of the void.

“Human wave tactics? If so, let’s make the situation more chaotic… Paris, I have a mission for you!”

Soon after.

In an inconspicuous offshore area on the west coast of Wahu Island.


Hundreds of ghost battleships surfaced.

After the protective shield was removed, countless arms with a strong aura rose into the air.

Zhuge Lan, Zhang Anping, Su Zhan… Jiang Chen’s acquaintances also appeared on the deck.

Even Zhumulangma, the mysterious Mingyu boss, was low-key in the team.

The twelve states of Dragon Country also dispatched epic arms this time.

Although their legendary arms are not as good as those of Shenzhou, with the support of several upper realm masters, they have quite a few epic arms.

Zhuge Lan’s eyes flashed with excitement: “I thought there was no hope for this qualifying round, but I didn’t expect a sudden turn of events. Yiren, please convey our gratitude to Boss Jiang Chen!”

“Of course!” Ye Yiren smiled, then said seriously, “Oahu is currently under lockdown, so in the next period of time, I hope everyone will obey the unified dispatch of Shenzhou!”

Everyone patted their chests and promised.

“Everything is subject to the orders of Big Brother Shenzhou.”

At the same time.

The legendary Eno battleship departing from Hawaii also arrived at the outer waters of Sakura Country.

The Eno battleship is not only fast, but also has phase ability and space spear, and also has extremely strong detection ability, which is the nemesis of mirage.

In the Shenzhou naval battle, even the ghost fleet could not do anything with the epic Eno battleship, let alone Sakura Country.

And this legendary Eno battleship of the Lighthouse Country did not conceal its whereabouts at all, so it was soon discovered by Sakura Country.

Although they knew that the Lighthouse Country was probably just a deterrent, the Sakura lords still treated it as a formidable enemy. While strengthening their vigilance, their attitude also softened.

“We, the Sakura Country, have always been the closest ally of the Lighthouse Country. I hope the Lighthouse Country will calm down!”

“Although the compensation of one trillion spirit stones is a bit too much, we can talk about it.”

“This is all because of Oda Shingo’s self-willed decision. We are willing to hand over the culprit!”

This is in line with the Sakura Country’s character of bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

Unfortunately, they don’t know that Oda Shingo has long been dead, but because of the ban, the news of his death cannot be synchronized to the outside world.

The Lighthouse Country instantly became arrogant.

On the legendary Ino battleship.

“Humph! The Sakura Lord is an ungrateful wolf who dares to stab my Lighthouse Country in the back?”

A Lighthouse Country lieutenant colonel leisurely lying on a sun lounger, tasting red wine, and said disdainfully:

“Now you know you are afraid! What a bunch of cheap bones!”

Although he said so.

But he also knew that the superiors sent him here, most likely just to deter the Sakura Country, and would not really launch a peaceful strike.

Even the peace envoy was not on board.

Of course, the legendary Eno battleship was equipped with a teleportation array, and the peace envoy was available at any time.


“No airspace, no talking?”

The lieutenant colonel stood up suddenly and shouted:

“Who has banned this sea area?

“Immediately turn on the maximum detection power?”

“Start the phase space!”

Orders were issued one after another.

But with the powerful detection capability of the Eno-class battleship, no trace of the enemy was found.

“Are you looking for me?”

Accompanied by a crisp voice, Paris’s huge and elegant figure emerged.

“Fairy dragon? With such a large body, is it a fairy dragon with gigantism? “The lieutenant colonel murmured.

When Paris heard this, a flash of hostility appeared in her eyes.

A series of divine chains of order emerged in the void, instantly pulling the Eno warship out of the phase space.

They are all phase power, but Paris is mythical.

“Mythical… Fairy Dragon! ”

The lieutenant colonel also realized this, and his face instantly lost all color.


The chains of order were like countless giant pythons, wrapping the entire battleship tighter and tighter, making a tooth-grinding twisting sound.



Paris did not hold back, and a legendary Eno battleship turned into a ball of fire.

The lucky ones on the battleship who survived the explosion were also pierced by countless chains of order.

Paris stopped only after confirming that no one survived the entire battleship.

Soon after.

A similar Eno battleship appeared in the original position.

Peace envoy Gould stood on the deck with a cannon, his eyes firm.

“Although the lord treats everyone equally, the brothers have been eating and drinking for free in the territory for half a year after all!”

“This time, we must fire a good shot and not let the lord down…”

With Gould’s murmurs, the Eno battleship slowly disappeared and entered the phase space.

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