[Announcement: During the third Prefecture Rank Competition, the Lord of Blue Star Domain led and participated in destroying the Bloodthirsty King Court of the indigenous country. Shenzhou made the greatest contribution in this battle, and was awarded the Shenzhou Prefecture Lord Jiang Chen the Founding Order*1. ]

“Founding Order!!!”

“With less than a week left before the third Prefecture Rank Competition, I finally got the Founding Order!”

Looking at the announcement, Jiang Chen smiled from the bottom of his heart, and then showed a thoughtful look.

“From what the announcement means, as long as you participate in destroying the indigenous country, you will have the opportunity to get the Founding Order!”

“However, this is reasonable, otherwise it would be too difficult for the Lord of Blue Star Domain to get the Founding Order with his current strength!”

After a moment of silence, the Blue Star Domain channel instantly erupted into a thunderous noise.

The Lords of the Thirteen States of Dragon Country were naturally excited.

“The founding order! Shenzhou really got the founding order!”

“Hahaha, Jiang Chen is so awesome. He actually played a leading role in the battle to eliminate the bloodthirsty royal court!”

“I don’t know if Jiang Chen has reached 18 books! If he has reached 18 books, the national fortunes of the thirteen states of Longguo will be added together, and he can immediately establish a country!”

Zhuge Lan suddenly said: “Wolongzhou brings 13 points of national fortune to support Shenzhou’s founding!”

With Wolongzhou taking the lead, other states followed suit!

Zhang Fengxue: “Longhuzhou brings 12 points of national fortune to support Shenzhou’s founding!”

Zhu Yegong: “Huaixizhou brings 14 points of national fortune to support Shenzhou’s founding!”

Tushan Honghong; “Nanlizhou brings 13 points of national soul to support Shenzhou’s founding!”

Su Zhan: “Linyuanzhou brings 12 points of national fortune…”

For a time, the thirteen states of Longguo responded one after another, with great momentum.

“Hahaha…” Zhu Yeqing said excitedly, “If we can establish a country, we can cross the ocean and wipe out the cherry blossoms soon!”

The appeal of this slogan is too strong!

Because the Dragon Country has been suppressed by the Sakura Country in the battlefield of all races for a hundred years, if we can destroy the Sakura Country in District 666, it will be an unprecedented feat!

Suddenly, the lords of the thirteen states of the Dragon Country shouted slogans.

“Cross the ocean and destroy the cherry blossoms!”

“Cross the ocean and destroy the cherry blossoms!”

“Everyone calm down!” Ye Hela Kesu hurriedly shouted, “The Sakura Country is our Dragon Country’s closest friend, everyone must not be deceived by these traitors!”

This has stirred up a hornet’s nest!

“Best friend? Have you asked the hundreds of thousands of Dragon Country wronged souls in Qingqiu County this question?”

The Lord of Xiangzhou is named “Zeng Yuan”, and he suddenly shouted angrily:

“I have tolerated you for a long time, and you Qingyu should not drag the entire Dragon Country down with you!”

It is obvious that Zeng Yuan is very prestigious in Qingyu, and Yehela Kesu’s face turned pale instantly.

“Zeng Yuan, are you crazy? Don’t forget your identity! Be careful not to bring trouble to your family!”

Zeng Yuan sneered and said, “I will announce my separation from the Zeng family now! Brothers in Xiangzhou, if you are willing to fight the devils with me, please make a sound!”

For a while.

Xiangzhou’s followers gathered.

The Zeng family is the most loyal supporter of Qingyu, and Zeng Yuan’s betrayal is a big blow to Qingyu’s reputation.

Many lords in the 43 prefectures controlled by Qingyu have spoken out. Although none of them announced their separation from Qingyu’s rule as Xiangzhou did, they were also very powerful!

It’s true that the order to establish a country has attracted followers!

Seeing this, Jiang Chen showed a meaningful smile.

“Zeng family? Is this not putting all your eggs in one basket?”

Of course, Jiang Chen is now surrounded by enemies and needs to unite all the forces that can be united.

So for these lords who “abandon the dark and join the light”, they will naturally be accepted.

“Welcome the brothers from Xiangzhou to Pandora Forest to kill monsters!”

Zeng Yuan’s eyes lit up and he laughed: “Thank you, Boss Jiang Chen! I will organize people right away!”

With less than a week left before the settlement, Xiangzhou can now kill monsters without worry. It is impossible to enter the top ten, but it is not difficult to get into the top 100.

After all, the top 100 prefectures also have 4 points of national fortune rewards.

What Zeng Yuan can think of, other prefecture lords can naturally think of, and they can’t sit still.

Adolf of Normandy said: “Sir Jiang Chen, the Thirteen States of Dragon Country have firmly sat in the top ten! In this case, can I, the Lord of Normandy, also be allowed to swipe monsters on Pandora? Sir Jiang Chen will always be a friend of Normandy!”

Jiang Chen was about to refuse, but suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

This is a good opportunity to make money!

“No problem!” Jiang Chen smiled, “In the remaining 7 days, each lord will get a ticket for 100,000 spirit stones!”

Just as Adolf said.

The Thirteen States of Dragon Country have been working hard for several months and have firmly sat in the top ten, so these 7 days are not a big deal.

It is better to make some money in the remaining time.

After all, he consumed 400 billion spirit stones in the battle of the Bloodthirsty Palace.

Adolf’s mouth twitched: “Can it be cheaper?? ”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “If you want to kill monsters safely in the outer domain, there is only one store, the Beppu branch, with good quality and low prices, and no deception!”

Finally, Adolf compromised: “Give me 10 billion spirit stones first!”

10 billion spirit stones means 100,000 lords.

In a stable environment, 100,000 lords kill monsters for a week and have a great chance of entering the top 100.

“Good! Your Excellency Adolf is happy!” Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Friendly reminder, for the sustainable development of Pandora, we can only accept 3 million lords at most! The quickest hand will get you, the slowest hand will get you!”

Now, the other lords can’t sit still.

“Give me 10 billion spirit stones!”

“My Qiandaozhou is poor, give me 5 billion spirit stones first! ”

Jiang Chen was in a good mood as he watched the spiritual stones coming in!

“Ahhh…” Seeing Jiang Chen making money again, Ying Yinman’s eyes turned red with envy, “Jiang Chen, you are such a genius at making money! My dad must like you even more! You don’t know, he has been spending a lot on military expenses recently and is about to go bankrupt!”

Zhu Yeqing also said: “What a coincidence, our ancestor seems to be very poor recently, and he actually asked us younger generations to donate money! ”

Faced with everyone’s praise, Jiang Chen just said modestly:

“I’m not a genius, I’m just afraid of being poor, so I’m forced to…”

The Dragon Lord cheered, and Jiang Chen’s enemies looked as ugly as they could be!

Especially the Sakura Lord.

It is obvious that the Dragon Lord’s slogan just now was not just empty talk.

The Sakura Kingdom is only tens of thousands of kilometers away from Shenzhou by sea, and only more than 200,000 kilometers away from the Dragon Kingdom.

If you want to kill the Sakura mainland, with the current fleet speed, it will take at most half a month by sea.

“What should we do? Jiang Chen actually got the order to establish a country!”

Shenwu Naizi looked flustered.

“The Shenzhou strongmen will soon be able to get official bonuses!”

“And we don’t know how long it will take for our Great Sakura Empire to establish a country? Three months! Or half a year? ”

“With the strength of those strong men in Shenzhou, if we get the bonus of official positions, unless the strong men from the old area come in large numbers, we will definitely not survive these few months!”

Sherman immediately comforted: “This is the darkest moment before dawn, please hold on, gentlemen of Sakura Country! If necessary, our Lighthouse Country can provide human and material support to Sakura Country!”

“That’s right!” Philip also said, “The strongest people in Shenzhou are only a dozen people, and the others are not to be feared! Sakura Country will definitely survive this difficult time!”

The top leaders of Lighthouse Country encouraged one after another.

The reason why they are so active is naturally because once Sakura Country is defeated, then Shenzhou’s next target is likely to be their Lighthouse Country.

Sakura Country is their first line of defense!

“Having said that…” The always elegant Aoi Matsu also frowned, “But now the momentum of our Sakura Lords has dropped to the freezing point, we must inspire the fighting spirit of the Sakura Lords! ”

At this time, a tall and fat Sakura Lord next to Aoi Matsu, who looked like a meat mountain, shouted: “In less than half a month, I can create my own outstanding soldier [Ghoul]!”

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