“Great Lord of Slaughter, your most loyal servant is willing to sacrifice the billions of flesh and blood in front of you and ask for your coming!”

A voice suddenly spread across the battlefield.

This voice came from nowhere.

The voice was not loud, but it seemed to have some strange frequency, shaking the void.

At this moment, the number of heroes and soldiers who fell on the battlefield has reached nearly 2 billion, and it can be said that blood is flowing and the thick bloody smell permeates the space within a radius of thousands of miles.

Under this strange voice, all the blood seemed to be pulled by a strange force and gradually gathered thousands of meters above the sky.

Not only the blood, with Jiang Chen’s powerful soul, he could vaguely sense that countless wills were screaming and pulled into the void and crushed into pieces.

These are souls who have just died and have not had time to step into the Styx or the Yellow Spring.

Soon, a blood-colored vortex with a diameter of tens of kilometers has been formed, which made all the lords of the Kingdom of God feel depressed, and the entire battlefield was also quiet.

The black dragon and the goddess warrior instantly guarded Jiang Chen’s head, and Long Jiu looked even more nervous, as if he would take Jiang Chen away immediately if he found something wrong.

Jiang Chen looked up at the sky.

He had confronted the will of the Lord of Gluttony at close range, so he was very familiar with this feeling.

“This breath… is indeed the will of the evil god, the Lord of Slaughter? It seems that there are direct descendants of the Xuanye family on the battlefield.”

Among the seven evil god families in Sakura Country, the Xuanye family who believes in the Lord of Slaughter has always been extremely mysterious.

They are not as active as the Aoi family of the Lord of Lust, who monopolizes 80% of the film industry in Sakura Country.

They are not as keen on holding competitive competitions such as the big eater like the Shendai family of the Lord of Gluttony.

Jiang Chen only knew that they built a small world called “Ganni City” to continuously collect the power of killing.

While thinking, a vertical eye with a diameter of one kilometer has condensed in the blood-colored vortex. There is no killing intent in this vertical eye, but it reveals a sense of tranquility and peace.

At the same time, a huge soul wave came out from the vortex.

“Yes, although the quality is not enough, it can be regarded as a quantity! What do you want?”

Behind the cherry blossom army, a cherry blossom boy wearing blood-colored armor flew into the air, then prostrated himself in the air, and said directly:

“Please ask the great Lord of Killing to kill the Lord of Shenzhou Jiang Chen!”



Without any signs, and without any nonsense.

A ray with a diameter of one kilometer suddenly shot out from the vertical eye, and the target was Jiang Chen, who was dozens of kilometers away.

Through the rapid communication between the gods and believers, He actually locked Jiang Chen directly.

“Not good! Jiang Chen, get out of the way!”

“Lord! Don’t!”

“Brother Jiang Chen…”

As everyone knows, the energy consumed by a god’s direct cross-border attack far exceeds the blessing-type divine arts.

If the Lord of Slaughter’s attack was used for blessing, at least a dozen mythical killing soldiers could be temporarily created.

But Sakura Country still regards Jiang Chen as its primary target.

It can be seen that Sakura Country is willing to pay any price to kill Jiang Chen.

This cross-border attack came too suddenly. From the appearance of the vertical eye to the attack, it only took a few seconds.

All the lords of Shenzhou were furious and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

The little fox subconsciously activated the innate skill [Phantom] unlocked after the six tails, and instantly appeared a thousand meters away, trying to block Jiang Chen.

Unfortunately, her position was more than ten kilometers away from Jiang Chen. Before she could activate [Phantom] for the second time, this terrifying attack had already fallen.

Completely opposite to the feeling of the Shenzhou lords, all the Sakura lords were excited, and many of them had stretched out their hands, as if waiting to applaud and celebrate after Jiang Chen was killed.

The people in the live broadcast room were also stunned by the sudden change, and their hearts were in their throats.

The three emperors of Yingzheng stood up directly and stared at this terrifying attack.

Everyone knew that with the importance of Jiang Chen, his life and death could almost determine the outcome of this war.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was prepared.

When the vertical eye appeared just now, Jiang Chen’s vigilance was raised to the highest level.

As soon as the Sakura boy opened his mouth, he had already taken action.

Long Jiu directly turned over like a black dragon and blocked Jiang Chen under him.

The other black dragons and goddess warriors also used their bodies as shields to block Jiang Chen.

Although the attack had not yet landed, Jiang Chen felt that his body was extremely heavy, as if this attack also had the effects of [locking] and [must hit].

“Blessing from the divine dragon, burn 200 billion spirit stones to improve physical and spiritual attributes! Lasts for 1 minute!”

“Seven stars point life, open the fourth star!”

“Flying in the clouds! Luck protects the body!”

“Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills, bless yourself” ”

The protection of the army alone is not enough.

When it comes to his own life, Jiang Chen dare not be careless at all, and directly burns 200 billion spirit stones.

Even compared with 100 billion spirit stones, 200 billion spirit stones only increase his attributes by 30%.

Just when Jiang Chen’s surging momentum was about to burst out, the beam of light had already fallen down.

It seemed to have life.

The original diameter of the ray was a thousand meters, but at the moment it was about to fall, it suddenly focused, and all the energy fell on Long Jiu without a single waste.



Long Jiu was miserable With a cry, the mythical body melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Xiao Jiu is going to die again…”

In just two seconds, the Black Dragon King, whose physical strength reached one million points, fell apart.

And this light only weakened by about 40%.

A moment later, all the black dragons and 12 goddess warriors followed Long Jiu’s footsteps.

The remaining 40% of the power of the ray condensed again and finally fell on Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Jiang Chen’s skyrocketing attributes also burst out with amazing momentum, and his whole body was covered with golden light.


Everyone present seemed to hear a roar in their ears.


The rays that were condensed to the extreme fell on Jiang Chen, but they could not destroy Jiang Chen’s body.

The two energies met in the sky, and the brilliance that burst out was like a bloody sun. The dazzling light forced everyone to close their eyes.

Although it was only a few seconds, it seemed like a century to everyone present.

After the light dissipated, everyone immediately looked up.

As a result, the entire battlefield was silent.

No, not only the entire battlefield, but the entire Blue Star Region fell into a dead silence, because this battle had attracted everyone. The gaze of the Lord of the Blue Star Domain.

And at this moment.

Jiang Chen stood proudly in the void, looking at his unscathed hands, and had to admit a fact.

“The attributes are seriously overflowing, and the two hundred billion spirit stones seem to have been wasted…”

This made Jiang Chen look gloomy.

However, Jiang Chen did not regret it. After all, burning 200 billion spirit stones to increase the chance of survival from 99% to 100% was still worth it.

And since it has been increased, don’t waste it.

He looked at the huge vertical pupil in the sky, and a rare flash of anger flashed in his eyes:

“Are you playing with space-based weapons with me? You caused me such a big loss, you can also take my punch and try…”

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