Jiang Chen was somewhat amused and helpless about this.

“Okay, when you need money, just ask!”

With a net worth of 17 trillion, Jiang Chen had the confidence to say this.

Ying Yinman curled her lips: “It’s okay to know that you are a super rich man! But I don’t want to owe you money!”

“Okay!” Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Then you can continue to buy things later!”

Everyone was stunned, and then they were all speechless.

There are actually good things?

Jiang Chen did not keep them in suspense and waved his hand gently.

Countless golden swords appeared in front of everyone.

Some of these swords trembled slightly, making bursts of buzzing, and some even flew autonomously in the void, full of spirituality.

“Lingxi Sword! All of them are Lingxi Sword?” Ying Yinman grabbed a handful, “The attributes are even stronger than before!”

Lingxi Sword is a sword carefully selected by Jiang Chen. Whether it is skills or additional attributes, it is the best among legendary equipment.

The Lingxi Sword forged by Jiang Chen has five additional enhancements: enhanced forging, spirit attachment, magic enchantment, divine blessing, and sword soul.

Among them, “enhanced forging” is a characteristic of the sword tomb, which must be triggered, and the basic attribute is increased by 20%.

“Spirit attachment” is blessed by the Five Elements Temple, and “sword soul” is blessed by the sword tomb. They can be selectively superimposed, consuming spirit stones and sword souls respectively.

The “enchantment” effect of the sword tomb and the “divine blessing” effect of the dragon vein are completely dependent on the probability.

A month ago, Jiang Chen’s dragon vein advanced to the best quality, and the “divine blessing” effect was strengthened again!

So Jiang Chen opened the sword tomb space with dozens of times time acceleration and operated the sword tomb 24 hours a day, with the purpose of “brushing the best” – that is, the best Lingxi sword that triggers both “enchantment” and “divine blessing” effects at the same time.

Generally speaking, brushing dozens or hundreds of Lingxi swords can swipe out a best quality. If you add spirit attachment and three layers of sword soul, each one can be called a small artifact.

So, what Jiang Chen took out at this moment were all “defective products”.

But even without the enchantment and divine blessing effects, any Lingxi sword is the best of the best for other lords, far superior to ordinary legendary weapons.

And there are more than 100,000 Lingxi swords in front of him…

Zhu Yegong smiled bitterly and transferred the remaining 10 billion Lingshi in his hand to Jiang Chen:

“I thought I was here to make money today, but now I will soon go bankrupt!”

“Make money?” The little fox asked back, proudly saying, “No Lingshi can slip away under Brother Jiang Chen’s nose, ouch…”

As a result, before he finished speaking, he was hit by Jiang Chen.

“Am I that kind of person?”

Although they were already poor, everyone still raised money through their own channels and then willingly transferred it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s pocket once again had another trillion Lingshi.

With the best attributes of Lingxi Sword, this is still a friendly price.

“Although everyone has no money…”

Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief, but Jiang Chen continued to smile:

“But the next thing is really good stuff!”

Ying Yinman widened her eyes and said: “No way, it’s coming again?”

The others were speechless.

Jiang Chen waved his hand again.

Hundreds of flying boats appeared instantly, making everyone’s eyes light up.

“Is this… the flying boat of the Five Elements Realm?”

“There are actually hundreds of legendary ones! Boss, how many enemies did you kill when you went to chase them that day?”

This time, the flying boat of the Five Elements Realm left a deep impression on everyone.

Not only can it break through the air and fly at a very fast speed, but the protective array pattern can also automatically convert the five elements.

“What a good stuff!” Zhuge Lan praised, then smiled bitterly, “But I really have no money, and I have already borrowed everything I can!”

The original intention of exposing so many good things today was to enhance the overall strength of the Kingdom of God. Besides, Jiang Chen is not short of those little things now, so he generously distributed the flying boat to everyone.

After the inventory of the items harvested this time, the spiritual stones in Jiang Chen’s hand increased instead of decreasing, reaching a terrifying 18 trillion.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

The next step is the distribution of the benefits of Sakura Island.

“I want the [Golden Fishery], and the other marine resource points can be evenly distributed among you…”

“As for the 14 state capital maps of Sakura, my Shenzhou has the exclusive Shenwu and Tokugawa states, and each of you has one state…”

“As for the two legendary buildings in the wild…

Jiang Chen said the distribution plan that had been prepared.

“What do you think? ”

Everyone naturally agreed with them. Jiang Chen smiled and said:

“Everyone should collect the [Luck Betting Order] as soon as possible, and then start to gather luck.”

This made everyone’s eyes flash with a hint of fire.

Any state capital has gone through three county ranking competitions.

In other words, if the luck is gathered, each state capital can at least build 3 2000-point luck towns and 3 1000-point luck town.

This is the biggest treasure of a state capital, except for the pit position bonus of the capital map.

A 2000-point luck town, even if placed in a century-old district, can be sold at a sky-high price.

The harvest of this night far exceeded everyone’s expectations, except for the spirit stone.

After eating and drinking, everyone said goodbye and left with satisfaction.

“Yueyue, aren’t you leaving?”

Ying Yinman asked curiously when she saw that the little fox had no intention of getting up and leaving.

“Leave?” The little fox’s face flushed after drinking, “Brother Jiang Chen’s palace has a private room for me, a room that big!”

As she said, she drew a big circle with her hand.

This is what the little fox asked Jiang Chen for last time. Anyway, there are many empty rooms in the palace, and Jiang Chen doesn’t need this mouth.

Who knew that Ying Yinman heard this and said under the influence of alcohol: “No, I want one too!”

Jiang Chen was shocked.

One room doesn’t matter.

However, if I really leave Ying Yin Man at home overnight, will Old Ying come over right away?

I really want to try it!

“Okay!” Jiang Chen also said quickly under the influence of alcohol, “Stay tonight!”

Then he said to An Chuxia who was stunned on the side:

“Chuxia stays too!”

An Chuxia: “Ah! Ah?”

The next day.

Jiang Chen had just gotten up when Ying Yin Man sent a video.

“Does Jiang Chen have time? My dad is coming down, he wants to see you!”

Jiang Chen was shocked when he heard this, and subconsciously said:

“I didn’t do anything!”

In the video, Ying Yin Man blushed, and then rolled her eyes at Jiang Chen:

“He seems to have something else to do with you. I won’t get involved in the things between you men. I’m leaving… By the way, by the way, it’s worthy of being a royal palace, it’s quite comfortable to live in!”

After that, she hung up the video directly.

Half an hour later

Ying Zheng actually brought Zhao Gao to Jiang Chen’s territory. Although his expression was calm, his eyes flashed with various emotions when he looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen naturally remained calm and pressed Ying Zheng on the chair under Zhao Gao’s angry eyes.

“Welcome, welcome, uncle, please sit down and try the local specialties of my territory!”

Ying Zheng was a domain master after all, and he quickly calmed down.

And the first sentence he said startled Jiang Chen.

“Your territory should have spatial attributes!”

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