In order to ensure a good ranking on the Ten Thousand Races Business List, Jiang Chen even mixed 100,000 units of mythical spiritual objects in it. Of course, most of the mythical spiritual objects are auxiliary spiritual objects such as the Creation Onion and the Heaven and Earth Garlic.

Anyway, according to the business list points rules, only the quality is considered, not the efficacy.

Of course, Jiang Chen used the timed listing function, which completely disrupted the listing time, and to a certain extent, it can cover up the fact that these 1 billion units of spiritual objects were sold by the same person.

Moreover, Jiang Chen did not sell the Dragon Tooth Rice, which has almost been labeled by Jiang Chen and is relatively rare.

“The emergence of the Ten Thousand Races Business List really made the prices of spiritual objects at all levels fall through the floor!”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but sigh.

Take the Moon Soul Fruit as an example.

I remember that when the area was just opened, based on the principle that things are rare, his legendary Moon Soul Fruit could be sold at a sky-high price of 500,000 spirit stones.

Although the output has been increasing and the price has been falling over the past year and a half, it has also stabilized at more than 50,000 spirit stones per piece.

After the Ten Thousand Races Business Ranking appeared, the price instantly dropped to 30,000 Spirit Stones per fruit.

After precise calculations, Jiang Chen found that if he sold spiritual objects on a large scale, the price of Moon Soul Fruit would likely drop below 20,000 Spirit Stones…

“If it wasn’t a last resort, I really didn’t want to expose Shennong’s identity again!”

“But for the Ten Thousand Races Business Ranking, I have to go all out!”

“If the Blue Star Domain can take the first place… not to mention my personal massive attributes, legendary degree, luck gold talisman, title and other rewards, just talking about 50 points of human luck, it will far exceed the gains of the Ten Thousand Races Tianjiao Battle. After all, the Ten Thousand Races Tianjiao Battle is just barely in the top 100!”

“If I can win 50 points of luck for the human race by my own strength, maybe [Human King 】 title, can unlock new permissions again…”

Jiang Chen’s eyes sparkled:

“Six months later! The news that I am ‘Shennong’ and sell a large number of spiritual objects will no longer be covered up! The other races should have survived the invasion of foreign domains, and then started a melee among all races to compete for national destiny!”

“At that time, with a large number of spiritual objects, thousands of points of national destiny, and a terrifying concentration of spiritual energy, it will be difficult for the Blue Star Domain not to attract the covetousness of foreign races!”

“Oh, and I have to add the title of ‘Public Enemy of the Gods’. Compared with the Gods, the coalition of hundreds of races is simply a mob…”

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen felt a sense of urgency again.

Just at this moment.

In the Blue Star Domain channel, an announcement suddenly appeared.

[The Blue Star Domain successfully resisted the invasion of foreign domains, and the permissions of the rulers of the Blue Star Domain increased!]

Jiang Chen was refreshed and immediately opened the permissions of the rulers.

The most important thing is that the range of the arbitrary door has expanded to 2 million kilometers outside the Blue Star Domain.

Even the hundreds of foreign countries rarely set foot there. It is a wild land, and it is also a place where danger and opportunity coexist.

Of course, opening such a long arbitrary door consumes tens of thousands of spirit stones each time.

“One step closer to other domains!”

Jiang Chen whispered:

“I don’t know what races are adjacent to the Blue Star Domain?”

Thinking for a moment, Jiang Chen immediately ordered all the main combat arms to return to the territory, and then opened the management channel of the Kingdom of God:

“Most of the strong men in the foreign domains and foreign races have been eliminated, and the Heavenly Dao has also determined that the Blue Star Domain has won. The remaining hundreds of foreign races will be handed over to you. If you encounter strong men again, just find Xiao Man, Yue Yue, Chu Xia and others to solve them!”

The little fox nodded quickly and said, “With us here, you can go with confidence, Brother Jiang Chen!”

[Tip: Lord Ying Yin Man will mail you 20 trillion spirit stones through the exchange. 】

“It seems that you are planning to explore the wilderness!”

Ying Yinman smiled:

“These spirit stones are the income from the bulk goods that have been sold, and you have contributed so many precious props before. Brothers will count the money and ask me to pass it on to you!”

“Although the price of goods is not as high as before the war, it is expected that there will be 30 trillion spirit stones in the future.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes lit up.

Regarding the matter of “hoarding and profiting from goods”, he naturally invested 5 trillion spirit stones, but he did not have so many trustworthy business talents, so he entrusted Xian Qin to help operate it.

Now it is finally time to harvest.

It just so happened that the previous few battles consumed all the spirit stones in his hands.

This amount of spirit stones really solved the urgent need.

Before leaving, Jiang Chen worriedly instructed again:

“Please be careful not to interrupt the mining of the origin gold!”

Speaking of the origin gold, we have to mention the Supreme Army Lord Shen Mochen.

Half a month ago, just after the Linyuanzhou defense war ended, Shen Mochen visited Jiang Chen again.

Contrary to Jiang Chen’s expectations, Shen Mochen did not mention Jiang Chen’s agreement to join Jiuqing Taishangtian.

He only brought 20100,000 drops of legendary blood and the mining rights of another rich gold mine of origin.

Jiang Chen has always liked smart people, so he naturally liked Shen Mochen more and even took out a lot of local specialties.

With the increase in the production of gold of origin, it is natural to expand the construction of the Fountain of Life.

Everyone was also refreshed when they heard this.

“Don’t worry, boss, we have arranged the order! War lords first, and military lords later!”

Although it was a bit shocking that Jiang Chen suddenly took out more than a dozen drawings of the Fountain of Life, they reluctantly accepted it when they thought of Jiang Chen’s relationship with the Pandora elves. Little did they know that Pandora did not have a Fountain of Life now.

With the resurrection ability of the Fountain of Life, they can minimize the loss of casualties of the troops.

After all, after resurrection, the proficiency of the skills, skill proficiency, loyalty, etc. will remain unchanged. And the newly recruited troops need to be retrained.

The two are very different.

After Jiang Chen confirmed that there was nothing to explain, he opened a huge arbitrary door, and the four cloud-piercing ships turned into streams of light and disappeared into it.

Jiang Chen patted his butt and left.

But he knew what a commotion his 1 billion spiritual objects had caused.

Although he set up batches and timed them for sale, the appearance of tens of millions of spiritual objects in an hour still shocked all the interested lords in the nearby star fields.

Fei Leng Cui Star Field.

The condition for the human race to establish a country is to obtain a founding order, while the condition for the elves to establish a country is naturally the ancient tree of life.

A tens-meter-high ancient tree of life stood in the center of the territory, proving that the Fei Leng Cui Star Field had also established a country.

“In one hour, tens of millions of spiritual objects appeared in the Wanjie Mall!”

“There are even hundreds of mythical spiritual objects, but unfortunately most of them are [Creation Onion] [Qian Kun Garlic] and the like!”

Under the ancient tree of life, Liv, the leader of the Fei Ling Cui Army, was shocked.

“And these spiritual objects are all at the lowest handling fee, proving that the seller is still in the thousands of domains near our Florence!”

Beside Liv, the girl who looked 70% like her also opened her mouth and said:

“Is it the Shennong from the Blue Star Domain again?”

If Jiang Chen was here, he would find that the girl was the first opponent he met in the Ten Thousand Races Pride Battle, the Elf Lord Lina.

“Impossible!” Hearing Lina’s question, Liv immediately shook her head and said, “No matter how powerful the farming lord is, it is impossible for one person to produce so many spiritual objects! So, it must be a powerful race that is good at planting, such as the Qingmu Clan in the top 100 of the Ten Thousand Races List!”

“Hiss…” Lina took a breath, “The Qingmu Clan born with legends?”

Before Liv could say anything else, she suddenly received a message.

After she opened it and took a look, she immediately said with great joy:

“Although the origin of these legendary spiritual objects is unknown, these hundreds of mythical spiritual objects are indeed produced by Lord Shennong of the Blue Star Region. This has been personally acknowledged by Lord Shennong!”

Lina also said happily: “First there was the Enlightenment Tea, then there was the Qiankun Garlic. It seems that we have greatly underestimated Lord Xiussalo before. Then the Poison Temple…”

Hearing the words “Poison Temple”, Liv, the commander of the Florentine Army, also looked serious, with a gleam in her eyes.

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