Humans can also be so crazy… This sentence speaks out the voice of all the sons of God.

Although humans are not on the diet of the Gods, they are also slaves and pets in the Gods’ inherent impression.

In fact, the Gods do like to raise humans, elves and other races, whether in the main world or in the battlefield of all races-because these races are in line with their aesthetics.

“Fight to the death, there is still a glimmer of hope!” Seeing that the battle formation was already riddled with holes, the goddess Pingting roared, and her figure rose tens of meters again, “Follow me to kill!”

This goddess Pingting is the top goddess who is only inferior to the son of Fanluo. Seeing this, the other Gods lords also became eager to fight, and pushed the posture of the gods to the extreme.


Jiang Chen was overjoyed when he saw this.

“Good, good! As long as you are willing to fight! This way the battle can be faster!”

If there were no dragon blood warriors, facing such crazy Gods, Jiang Chen could only temporarily avoid the edge.

But now, even if there are casualties, the casualties are the dragon blood warriors.

Puff puff puff——

Blood and blood!

Almost every second, thousands of legendary strongmen fall.


Ten seconds later, the goddess Pingting fell.

No matter how strong she is, at best she is just an ordinary dragon blood war god, even Long Lingwei can easily kill her.

1 minute later.

Under Jiang Chen’s special care, all the sons and daughters of gods have fallen.

3 minutes later.

Ninety percent of the gods’ lords were killed or wounded, and the dragon blood warriors also suffered nearly 500,000 casualties. 24 dragon blood war gods fell, and even Jiang Chen, who deliberately hid in the back, lost hundreds of soldiers.

The battle is basically over.

Due to the cooperation of the gods, most of the blood river formation is still intact.

The wailing sound from the periphery can be faintly heard.

“Ahhh! All the lords have been killed!”

“Revenge! Revenge!”

“Don’t be impulsive. The capital of Tianshazhou is 2,000 kilometers away. Why don’t we retreat to the capital first and wait for the support of the Son of Guilun to avoid unnecessary casualties!”

“We can’t retreat! Maybe Jiang Chen is already at the end of his strength!”

“But the enemy is not only Jiang Chen, but also billions of foreign troops, and 90% of our strong men have fallen!”

Jiang Chen felt that the pressure of the Blood River Array was much reduced.

Obviously, after the top leaders of the God Clan were wiped out by Jiang Chen, the remaining God Clan lords were also a little confused and even had disagreements.

This made Jiang Chen relieved.

With his current tactical position, no one could stop him from leaving, but the Dragon Blood Legion would inevitably suffer another heavy blow.


The God Clan Legion seemed to have finally reached a consensus and began to evacuate.

Although it was a retreat, it was still in order.

Jiang Chen was overjoyed when he saw this:

“All the high-ranking members of the Protoss have been killed, kill them!”

The more chaotic the scene was, the easier it would be for Jiang Chen to fish in troubled waters and harvest heads.

The billions of foreign troops led by the Crystal Clan all roared fanatically, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Jiang Chen also took advantage of the fact that the blessing of the dragon was still in effect and harvested crazily.

If he was alone, he would really have to be careful.

But now that he was mixed in the large army, many magic arms could release skills unscrupulously.

Even the fragile Flame Envoy was released by Jiang Chen, like a turret, releasing explosive fireballs at a rate of more than ten rounds per second.

The magic Crystal Maiden sent a crystal storm and killed more than ten thousand enemies.

The only goal of Jiang Chen’s venture into the Brahma Star Domain was to advance in battle name. So he only sought to kill the number of enemies, not the quality of the enemies.

Even the single-attack powerhouses such as the Goddess Warrior tried to kill the outstanding arms in a large area.

Because there were many excellent troops in the Protoss that slowed down the speed, it took two hours for the Protoss Army to withdraw to the Tiansha Prefecture.


The surviving Protoss breathed a sigh of relief:

“Although the losses were not small, fortunately most of them were excellent troops!”

For the Protoss lords, epic troops and above were considered precious troops. Because after the Protoss Territory reaches level 11, the building of the excellent troops [Templar] can be directly unlocked.

No matter how many excellent troops are lost, they can be replenished instantly.

It’s nothing more than consuming some energy.

The foreign coalition was also happy. They had planned to fight to the death, but they didn’t expect to win a big victory.

And the happiest person was Jiang Chen.

“63%!” Jiang Chen looked at the progress of the Battle Name Advanced Task, “One more time, and I can retire with success.”

Of course, Jiang Chen also knew that after this time, the Protoss would definitely be on guard. Whether it was the Dragon Blood Army or him!

So it was difficult to have such an opportunity again.

At this time.

Crystal Clan Mythology came to Jiang Chen one kilometer away and said calmly:

“Mr. Jiang Chen, thank you again.Thank you for your support. Should we continue the attack? ”

Jiang Chen smiled and said:

“Fanxing Territory is our common enemy. However, the Gods have entered the capital, so the next step is to destroy the Gods’ town.”

“The Gods’ reinforcements are in the south, so I suggest sweeping north! ”

In Jiang Chen’s opinion, this battle is doomed to fail.

Even if they win, the Brahma Star Protoss will certainly ask for help from the Protoss Upper Domain.

So, the current situation is to weaken the Protoss’ power as much as possible, rather than attacking the Protoss’ positions and die.

The Crystal King readily adopted Jiang Chen’s tactics and led his army to the north.

Jiang Chen also took out tens of thousands of legendary space sealing scrolls in one breath and sent most of the Crystal Maidens out.

His goal is to seal the entire Brahma Star Domain and make the Brahma Star Protoss completely lose the ability to teleport.

Then Jiang Chen himself led his army to start a crazy massacre.

The distance between the towns is mostly hundreds of kilometers away.

Before the luck reaches 10,000 points, the town cannot be relocated, and the Protoss cannot gather 3 billion territories together.

For a while, one Protoss town after another was destroyed and slaughtered by Jiang Chen.


The Holy King of Education is an eternal lord of the Gods. Although he is not as powerful as the Holy King of the Ancestor, he is in charge of the science, education, culture and health of the Gods and has a great reputation.

This Holy King of Education also condensed the Godhead, and used the Godhead as a communication relay to build an information transmission mode based on the faith channel.

In layman’s terms, his believers can pass messages to the Godhead through the faith channel, and the Godhead will then forward the information in real time according to the believer number of the other believer.

Therefore, the “faith channel” is also referred to as the “channel”.

As long as you know the believer number of the other party, you can transmit messages across domains or even across boundaries.

And with the support of eternal-level strongmen, as long as you are willing to consume divine power, this kind of information transmission can ignore the blockade of legendary and even mythical forbidden scrolls.

So the news that Jiang Chen appeared in the Brahma Star Domain soon spread to the ears of all the strong men of the Brahma Star Gods.

“Dozens of gods and goddesses died in battle! This is a blood feud, and Jiang Chen must pay for it with blood!”

“How to take revenge? Nearly one million kilometers of space in the east has been sealed, and the scope of the ban is still expanding! ”

“Where did Jiang Chen get so many legendary sealed scrolls?”

Fan Luo said gloomily: “If Jiang Chen really sealed the entire Fan Star Region, it would take our army a month to travel.”

The Son of God Guilun, who is supporting the Eastern War Zone, has more say. He said gloomily:

“The foreign army of the Crystal Clan is not a concern. I will join forces with the old subordinates of the Goddess Pingting and wipe it out within half a month.”

“But the Dragon Blood Army led by Jiang Chen this time are all legendary soldiers. They are too mobile and cannot be contained at all.”

“If it is a small-scale army, it will be a suicide mission, unless a legendary army of tens of millions can be assembled. ”

The gods and goddesses looked at each other in bewilderment.

They suddenly realized that under Jiang Chen’s sealing tactics, the huge Brahma Star Region was helpless against Jiang Chen’s army of only one million.

And at this moment, they all had their own enemies.

Ever since Emperor Jia advanced to the God King, he rarely got angry, but at this moment, his eyes were flashing with rage.

But even if he was angry, he could only say:

“The legendary sealed scroll only lasts for 15 days. You should annihilate the foreign army as soon as possible and encircle Jiang Chen after 15 days.

Although the gods were frustrated, they had no other choice.

After 15 days.

“How is it possible? The time of the sealed area has begun to reset! Is Jiang Chen going to seal it again?!”

The gods were going crazy.

In the two years since the opening of the area, the legendary space sealed scrolls accumulated in the entire Brahma Star Region totaled less than a thousand.

But Jiang Chen threw out nearly ten thousand in a short period of time.

“Jiang Chen is respected by all human beings. Does he have the support of the entire human race?!”

This is the most reasonable explanation.

But then, another question arises.

“Jiang Chen spent tens of thousands of precious legendary space forbidden scrolls. Did he just destroy some small towns in our Brahma Star Region?”

Time flies, and another month has passed.

[Hint: You have completed the opportunity mission, and your battle name “Slaying God” has been upgraded to platinum. ]

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