A flash of light.

Jiang Chen appeared on the ninth floor with his army.

As the elf warrior had said, under the erosion of the dense poisonous fog, the speed of consumption of the protective aura and detoxification medicine increased tenfold instantly.

However, for the warriors under Jiang Chen, it was harmless.

After flying a distance and avoiding the Fei Leng Cui army, they each took out a handful of spiritual fruits and ganoderma lucidum. If Xiu Sisala was here, he would definitely stare out of his eyes.

Because these spiritual objects are all mythical quality.

But now they are stuffed into everyone’s mouths like swallowing a whole date.

Fei Leng Cui was eager to succeed, which led to the failure of the action; and Jiang Chen was too well prepared, with more than 100,000 units of each spiritual object of mythical quality, so that he could not finish it!

After taking the mythical detoxification spiritual objects, everyone felt comfortable all over.

The empress said happily:

“The consumption of the protective aura can be basically ignored, and the consumption of the medicine is enough to last for a day!”

Jiang Chen also nodded with satisfaction, and then waved gently:

“Let’s go!”

Outside the Toxic Temple.

In the map of thousands of kilometers, there are constant flashes of teleportation.

After any lord chooses to exit the poison, all his units will be randomly teleported to the map around the temple.

Fortunately, the map where the Toxic Temple is located is a map of the state capital, and the monster level is not high. With the strength of everyone, there will be no danger.

After leaving the temple, the communication was finally restored.

Many elf lords immediately summoned their subordinates to gather after exiting the temple.

One by one, arbitrary doors quickly opened.

Half an hour later, Liv also exited the temple, and then immediately released the news through the Florence channel.

“Immediately search for the whereabouts of Lords Jiang Chen and Xiussalo, and report immediately after finding them!”

This time, not only did Xiussalo, who they had high hopes for, not let down, but Jiang Chen’s performance was beyond everyone’s expectations.

The next time they want to take down the Poison Temple, they may still need these two.

However, Jiang Chen and Xiussalo are not the Lords of Florence, and they are not on the same channel as them. If they do not use communication props, they can only find them through this stupid method.

Not long after, Xiussalo’s traces were found in a swamp, and then returned to the Poison Temple through the arbitrary door.

Liv immediately said enthusiastically: “Lord Xiussalo, why don’t you stay for two more days. After all, tomorrow is the day when the Ten Thousand Races Business List is announced. If you return to the Blue Star Region now, you will definitely miss this moment that all races are paying attention to.”

This reason is reasonable, and Xiussalo immediately went with the flow.

“In that case, then excuse me!”

Xiussalo was eager to return to the Blue Star Region a few days later.

In this way, even if the Blue Star Domain is not on the list, he is far away in Florence, 4 million kilometers away, and the negative emotions that the relic is polluted by will be much less.

After all, the power transmitted by the faith channel is also affected by the distance.

After a while, the lords of the Blue Star Domain are tired of scolding him, and he will return to the Blue Star Domain to show his farming ability in public to save his image, re-establish his majesty, and collect faith.

This is also the limitation of the ancient Buddha’s godhood (relic).

So even if the ancient Buddha clan is unscrupulous and thieves and prostitutes behind the scenes, they still have to be compassionate on the surface, at least in front of all living beings.

Liv was also very satisfied and had a good chat with Xius Sara.

One hour later, Liv asked in the Florence channel:

“Haven’t you found Mr. Jiang Chen yet?”

The answer is naturally no.

This made Liv frown.

Lina said: “Mr. Jiang Chen’s troops are so strong, it’s normal for him to hold on for a while longer! And it’s a good thing to come out later, so that we can collect more information!”

“That being said, it’s been nearly two hours!”

Liv frowned and said:

“Even if a mythical strongman can hold on for so long, Jiang Chen has many legendary troops under his command. Could it be that Mr. Jiang Chen has left without saying goodbye, or…”

Liv suddenly thought of a possibility and shouted:

“Or is his goal the temple center…”

But this guess was rejected by herself as soon as it emerged.

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible! He doesn’t have so many detoxifying spiritual objects!”

“Not only detoxifying spiritual objects!” Lina added, “No matter how strong Mr. Jiang Chen is, he can’t defeat the ultimate guardian of the temple alone.”

“Maybe I’m really overthinking!” Liv couldn’t wait here all the time, so she turned her head and smiled at Xiussaluo, “Since Mr. Jiang Chen left on his own, Mr. Xiussaluo will follow me back to the palace first!”

However, the Toxic Temple was of great concern, so she immediately sent an order, whether inside or outside the domain, once Jiang Chen’s trace was found, report immediately.

The next morning.

ToxicThe ninth floor of the temple.

A “mini” temple hundreds of meters high stands in the center of the map.

A thousand-meter-long shalaman snake wrapped around the temple in the center, with a mountain-sized head spitting out a hundred-meter-long tongue, staring coldly at the invader in front of him.

After more than ten hours of searching, Jiang Chen finally found the center of the temple. As long as he mastered the center of the temple, he could control the entire temple!

But as Lina said, as the ultimate guardian of the temple, the combat power is simply outrageous.

Not only is there a 150-level mythical lord-level shalaman snake, but there are also more than a dozen 145-level mythical heroes and arms, and other monsters are over 100 million, and at least 135 levels.

Compared with the eighth floor, the high-end combat power has doubled!

The most unfavorable factor for Jiang Chen is that perhaps in a special space, the difficulty of pulling the long river of blood has increased tenfold, so that 560 blood emperors can only fight in hand-to-hand combat.

“Don’t blame Florence, even I underestimated the enemy…” Jiang Chen was a little annoyed, “I should have brought Xiao Man, plus 500 golden behemoths, the battle would have been much easier!”

At this moment, Jiang Chen had already fought at full strength.

The blessing of the dragon alone consumed 10 trillion spirit stones.

On the battlefield below.

200 dragon blood war gods roared and transformed into blood giants 100 meters high, holding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, standing at the outermost edge.

Puff puff puff——

One by one, the poisonous creatures were killed by the 100-meter-long blood sword.

Although the blood emperors could not pull the blood river formation, their single combat power was still terrifying. They did not need to use the ultimate move [Blood Shadow Thousand Illusions] at all. They only needed to weave a thousand-meter-long blood net to easily cut all the poisonous creatures in the net into pieces.

The Sun Fire of the Tianyin Army seemed to have a special restraining effect on poisonous creatures. Just throwing out a Sun Fire could burn dozens or hundreds of poisonous creatures to death.

The Angel Army condensed a 10,000-meter-long Heavenly Blade, and each time it swept out, it could kill tens of thousands of poisonous creatures.

So much so that within less than a minute of the battle, Jiang Chen had killed monsters below a million epics.

And eight Seraphim, six Crystal Princesses, six Goddess Warriors, hundreds of Blood Emperors and other strong men barely restrained the enemy’s ten myths.

But Jiang Chen was not happy at all.

“This kind of fighting method consumes the spiritual power of the troops too quickly. Even if I bring all the water of life in the Blue Star Domain this time, I’m afraid I can’t last long!”

“And the poisonous fog here is too dense, and the speed at which monsters condense in the void is also very fast! Thousands of monsters are born every second!”

Just a few minutes after the battle began, Jiang Chen instantly concluded: If it continues like this, the best result is that both sides will suffer losses.

Even the Dragon Blood God of War, who serves as a meat shield, has begun to suffer casualties.

“Even if the Feilengcui Legion is here, this battle will inevitably result in heavy losses.”

“Does Hanyi need to use the sword-cultivation technique again?”

Because this operation is short and difficult, Jiang Chen has sent out all his forces, even Li Hanyi who cultivates swords and Boss Bai who is engaged in scientific research.

Li Hanyi’s sword-cultivation technique is Jiang Chen’s greatest confidence.

But Jiang Chen intends to leave this sword energy that has been cultivated for a year to the God Clan…

Just as Jiang Chen was struggling, Boss Bai’s voice came.

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